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Messages - Nelson Collins

Yes, Victoria!

And just true soap fashion, they never found her body and there is no grave...  [supergrin]
I do love the way Charles Delaware Troll dealt with that particular storyline.  [hall2_grin]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: 1840 Questions!
« on: October 20, 2006, 07:48:48 PM »
Or the Screaming Queen??  [hall2_grin]
How about the Raging Queen??!

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Date, Marry or Dump!
« on: October 19, 2006, 08:45:57 PM »
Women -
I'd date Julia - She'd make a great fag hag. Marry Carolyn - because she's such a flake, she'd want a divorce soon enough and I could get a tidy settlement (no prenups for me!). Dump Eve - she's evil and only has eyes for Peter Bradford.

Men -
Date Adam (assuming of course Dr. Lang gave him "an enormous swanstucker" fnar fnar), Marry the Jennings boys ([hall2_grin]), both of them! Dump Wilie #1 (pretty but CREEPY)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: DS DVD Volume 26 Listed as Best Seller
« on: October 03, 2006, 08:45:07 PM »
Couldn't agree more dsbf.

My late cat Megan use to sit staring at a small mouse hole in the garage patiently and calmly waiting, waiting - sometimes for hours at a time.  She got what she was waiting for about 99.9% of the time.  I learned a lot from that cat. [cat]
Hear hear!  The price at DDD are actually pretty tempting, and Ebay is my best friend when it comes to DS, whether it be a new or gently used set that I can get for sometimes $10-20.  I may not collect them in order, but I will have the whole set one day.

I considered joining MPI's DVD club, but I just don't see the value in it for me, even though I would dearly love to get my hands on the Pre Barn eps ASAP!  Patience is indeed a virtue :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: James Hall (the 1st Willie Loomis)
« on: September 27, 2006, 06:24:04 PM »
Does anyone know anything about Hall's life and/or career?  IMDB lists nothing past 1989.  His IMDB entry lists Dark Shadows as his first Job, the nothing til the Edge of Night in 1970.  He seems to have worked a bit through the 70s, then pretty much didn't, working only 2 things in 1985 and 1989.

BTW, possible silly question, but any possible relation to Sam and/or Grayson?

Current Talk '06 II / Re: James Hall (the 1st Willie Loomis)
« on: September 27, 2006, 06:17:49 PM »
it's been quite a few years since I saw James Hall's Willie (snicker), but I have to agree.  My feelings were that Hall had made Willie so creepy and dangerous and really unlikeable, that there would be no way the character could recover from that impression on the public.  I squirmed every time he was on the screen, he really weirded me out.  ISTR a couple of times, had he not been stopped, he would have raped, any of the women he was alone with (didn't Carolyn pull a gun on him).  Karlen take on the character eventually made him not only sympathetic, but pityable and actually somewhat likeable.

Iluvbarnabas, do a google search for Charles Delaware Troll.  He's done a wonderfully meticulous "final months" fan fiction that carries on the various plots of DS after it went off the air.  It makes wonderful reading and brings the series to a close with most strings tied and happy.  Even Vicki. :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Which catfights should have been on Dark Shadows?
« on: September 25, 2006, 06:02:26 PM »
Okay, this isn't really my scene, but I am imagining Carolyn and Vicki duking it out (over Burke)  in the rain on the estate, getting soaked and their clothes wet and glistening with mud.....

I better stop there


Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1058
« on: August 31, 2006, 08:36:17 PM »
Barnabas: GOOSE!

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0786
« on: August 31, 2006, 08:31:54 PM »
Magda:  Well, let me tell you sometink, Meester.......... Line?

(singing) I gotta be meeeee!  IIIII gotta be meee!

"Good grief, Vicki!  I told you to take some Beano!"

Caption This! - 1970 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1050
« on: August 31, 2006, 07:56:35 PM »
Julia: I wonder if they'd deflate if I poked them with a scalpel?

Joe:  Not in the face! Not in the face!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: I know what anniversary it is!
« on: August 25, 2006, 06:54:17 PM »
Forget the Bobble heads!!  MPI, please make "the Pen" as your newest piece of merchandise!!

Does anyone have one? Or know if it's a common style a la The Cane?