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Messages - Heather

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Montage
« on: February 01, 2005, 11:54:41 AM »
I just had to drop by and say that the current montage is just stunning! Fantastic... [clap]

I love the emotive captures of the 1897 characters, surrounding the striking tarot card of the prudent yet vulnerable Minerva Trask (interesting use of positive and negative space...I swear, for whatever reason I couldn't stop looking at it just now). Kudos to the artist and kudos to MB for the montage. Great job all!   :-*

Poor JC--I have trampled upon your most tender, maidenly feelings!  Where are the Simple Joys of Maidenhood??? I'll have to pop something Briscoelicious and brawny in the post to you ASAP to soothe your understandably jangled nerves!
For that reason alone, I love it when you two break up. Making up usually means the making of a new Briscoe-scrumpdillyicious collage. For now, I'll be content with these rare, outrageous shots of Grayson in "Magoo." Parlez-vous Francais maintenant, Heather ma cherie?

Well, I may have something Briscoe-related in the works for you boys... I just can't stand to see you suffer so. :-*

And Sandor, will you be my french teacher...darling?   ;D   :-*

I may sound stupid for asking this, but is the title something like, "Who You Are," or something to that effect? I haven't taken French for a good year, so I need to bone up on it again, especially because I have a placement test coming up for college soon. XD

No, you're in no way being stupid Ian (I feel for ya regarding french, and placement tests.) So Sorry for the confusion   :-[  The name of the movie is  "Qui ƒªtes-vous, Polly Maggoo?" It's also known as "Who are you, Polly Maggoo?" (the english translation.) I was just being silly and combined the movie title with Grayson Hall's character, Miss Maxwell.  ;)

Steve has already provided a wealth of info regarding this movie here on the board, but I forgot to mention before that some, who haven't already, may also want to check out the following informative and entertaining article (that was written by our own Steve, come to think of it - lol):

Thanks for the info, Gothick. Hmm...still looks like a monkey face to me (the "image" on her "t-shirt", people! ). Cool hair. But very dangerous with low-flying bats around ;D

I guess it does sorta look like a t-shirt from that viewpoint, but its definitely not.... (More caps from "Polly Maggoo" -- sorry again these aren't super-crisp quality  :()



Anyway, <sniff> I just wanted to say that I love these pics, not having seen POLLY MAGOO. Rumor has it that there will be a screening in Philadelphia this year.

This really does seem like the perfect movie for me: Grayson, Delphine (who also appeared in Truffaut's STOLEN KISSES), super model Peggy Moffitt, and lots of 1960s fashions.

Oh, I'm so glad you liked them Dom, J-C, and the rest of yunz guys (thanks for the additional info, Steve). :-*
It really wasn't the best source to get captures from (grumble), but I couldn't resist sharing some of that graysonliciousness... {Why yes, I just made that word up - lol. Sorry J99  ;)}   :-*

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to soak in a hot bath and try to wash off the taint of betrayal...

LOL...chuckle. Poor thing - and after all the trouble we were going through to get the perfect gown...come now, I'm sure you two can arrive at some sort of an arrangement--  >:D


Tired minx   [13]

Current Talk '05 I / Re: SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: January 31, 2005, 06:00:26 AM »
Hi Marsha......MARSHA?   :o   ((have you undergone some sort of change over the last few days that I should know about??)

I was wondering the same thing, sweetcakes...  >:D

Yeah - the place was so small that if they attempted to blow snow all over the "woods", a good portion of it would probably have ended up in the Old House basement.

And on top of Barnabas' coffin... the impudence! (mimicking ole Barn. there, kids)   ;D

PS  What's the sentiment behind these? ------------->>  [icecream]    [iroc]

[icecream] = 2 scoops is better than one. To quote the divine Julia Hoffman: "You can take that ANY way you like..." ;)
[iroc] = Nice ride...  >:D

I love the new smileys too. Muy delicioso, MB (that's spanish for very delicious, for the uninitiated... chortle)

Methinks I should start a topic about demystifying the language of 'Heather, that odd chick/grasonphile from W. PA'     ;D

and one with English subtitles (thank goddess for that.

(yummy-yum-yums...S.W.A.K.). ;)

I won't mention any names, but someone might want to think about adding a few subtitles of her own.  ;)  Her frequent inside references and abbreviations are killing those of us who have absoluterly no idea what she's talking about. And I know that's not her intent because I'm sure she actually wants everyone to be able to understand what she's trying to say.  [wink2]

Well, it's obvious whom you're addressing.  :-[  I just meant that I love SIHH to death...she rocks in that. But I think I may have taken more captures of Polly Maggoo than SIHH, oddly enough.

Besides that, how was I confusing you dear?? If there's some kind of a major problem that I'm not aware of, *someone* PM me....

 :'(  ???  :'(

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Carolyn's Job
« on: January 30, 2005, 05:31:15 AM »
If you think about it, even the characters who had jobs really didn't work very hard.  Maggie poured a few cups of coffee, handed out a few doughnuts, and then started calling out sick all the time.

Well, there was also refilling the sugar jars, and changing the menu prices, making impromtu roast beef sandwiches and whatnot... ;) And she was practically the babysitter for her poor dad for a time...she even framed his art, sold his paintings now and then...what a deal!   ;D

When David came in for a sundae, she very slyly convinced him that it would be more fun if he made it himself.
Oh yeah -- And when she actually made him a sundae, it took Davey all of 30 seconds to eat it, cuz it was a pathetic excuse for a sundae...1/2 a scoop of ice cream and about a cup of melty airated whipped cream, a scant drizzling of chocolate and 1 tiny cherry...oh, and a sprinkle of nuts as a consolation prize. What the hell was that??! Oh Waitress...  ::)  ;D  LOL

And Roger's main function seemed to be sipping brandy.

LOL That and extended business trips, often when the house was in an uproar - lol.

Carolyn's stint in the antique shop reminded me of the spoiled rich kids I knew in college, who took low-paying jobs because they thought it might be fun to go slumming for a while.
I think that Bob the Bartender was probably the hardest working man in Collinsport.

Chortle... I'll drink to that!   [beer] [angel4]



I just love her facial expressions!  Yummy...  ;D


Nice biceps. I wonder what Barnabas would've said if Julia came strolling in the Old House wearing that, or that other outfit. Chortle...  :D


10 points for creativity on the hair...'do.  ;)

P: And beep beep to you, darlings. {cackling} Really, where do you thing I got this lovely hat from, hmm?

Sigh - sorry, she was pinching my ass to say something...  >:D

And believe it or not, that was only a generous sampling of the pics {gulp}. I need help.  LOL

Hugs from the chilly NE,

Heather  [banana]



  My absolute favorite line of the entire movie was when she proclaims: "Divine...DEEVINE!"    ;D

Sorry J-C...Miss M. gave the proposed wedding frock a big thumbs down...sigh... back to the drawing board!    >:D  ;)  LOL






Nice bun.   ;)  Gotta love the Harem pants kids - chortle - that was a fun scene.  ;D


Friends, countryfolk, fellow Graysonphiles...lend me your ears--

I feel like such a whore...such a dirty little whore. Or as someone I know likes to say, whooo-orrrr.  lol   ;D

Sigh...I spent the last of my money on a second-rate digital version of the divine one's 1966 film, "Qui ƒªtes-vous, Polly Magoo?", and I didn't even realize what I'd done until it came in the mail - UGH!   >:(

I need a brownie. Extra baking cocoa and chocolate morsels, please.  [Muffin_Love]

*However*, despite the less-than-pristine format, I was very, very pleased to finally SEE this...unusual flick (whew). And, a kind of blessing in disguise - to ease the sting a bit, the DVD had two versions of the film - the original version, all en franƒ§ais, and one with English subtitles (thank goddess for say my French speaking abilities are a tad lacking is an understatement!  I would't have known what the HELL was going on otherwise! LOL)

Anyhoo, I *still* ended up taking a million captures or so...even though Grayson's not in this movie nearly as much as in the beloved SIHH (yummy-yum-yums...S.W.A.K.). ;)

I must say, whatever one thinks of the movie, *Grayson's scenes* were quite fun in this very arty french satire:






And that spanking smiley (the spankee, as it were) seems to be having quite a...moment...there

YOU would notice that, wouldn't you? [b003]

Its a dirty job, but somebody had to do it...

Jeff: It's the colors man, the colors...ha-haaaaaaaaaaaa {mumbling incoherently}


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