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Messages - Nelson Collins

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 08, 2007, 08:27:15 PM »
I agree too.  Now, if he'd had a SON instead...
....that certainly would have added an interesting twist to the story.

Let's see.... Joel Crothers as Josef DuPre perhaps....  ;D

Current Talk '06 II / Re: What if...a Dark Shadows Holiday fantasy
« on: December 17, 2006, 11:44:15 PM »
Oh and Roger Davis and Alexandra Moltke as Young Scrooge and Belle...

Current Talk '06 II / Re: What if...a Dark Shadows Holiday fantasy
« on: December 17, 2006, 11:41:11 PM »
Sorry, but IMO the only person for the Ghost of Christmas Present would be Thayer David.

How about Grayson as Christmas past, and Lara as Yet to Come?  And Anthony George as Marley.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: New Collinsport Gift Shop
« on: December 06, 2006, 11:50:12 PM »
Oh, I could GIVE him some of did VERY well in the garden this year...... [santa_wink]
But you'd be cutting into Chris' sales! [santa_sad]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: History of Collinwood
« on: December 06, 2006, 11:46:34 PM »
Thirdly you have the need for TONS AND TONS of SERVANTS.  Especially with a houseful of guests, the guests would be bringing along THEIR servants, as we see with Josette and Angelique.  NOt to mention that in those days food preparation, housework and the other functions of running the house were done with people power not labor saving devices.
Gosford Park is a very good example of this: A Huge house just crawling with servants, not only the Master's staff but all the servants brought by the guests.  The downstairs kitchens and laundry etc. is a virtual rabbit warren.

While living in that style may have been Joshua's intent when having Collinwood built, sadly, the events of 1795 certainly cast a pall on those dreams, by the end of storyline [spoiler]the only truly "living" Collinses were Joshua, Millicent (mad), and her brother (?) Daniel, IIRC.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: New Collinsport Gift Shop
« on: December 06, 2006, 10:54:22 PM »
Is there a nursery section?  Perhaps Willie or whoever tends the grounds at Collinwood could buy some Monkshood, aka Wolf's Bane for the gardens.....  [santa_cheesy]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Most shocking recast....
« on: November 13, 2006, 10:57:23 PM »
I voted for the Gerringer/Turgeon recast mainly because that is the one I am most familiar with. I have seen very little of the first Burke and haven't seen Betsy at all yet.

Mainly, though, I loved Woodard and it jars so much to suddenly have this person I didn't know suddenly in the role, especially at the end of the character's arc.

[spoiler]It really greatly lessened the impact of his murder.  There was just something in my head that could not reconcile the Woodard that Barn forced Julia to murder and the Woodard chatting with his old friend in the study at Collinwood, saying he knew why she was lingering there (because of her feelings for Barnabas).[/spoiler]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Moments that made you go "WHAT?!!!!"
« on: November 12, 2006, 06:21:56 PM »
But even in that case, wouldn't the more obvious assumption be that Vicki was insane rather than that Vicki was a witch?  Wouldn't a reasonable, skeptical judge be more likely write out an order committing her to Windcliff or Rushmore Sanitarium or whatever version of Bedlam existed in 1795?  The very idea of trying somebody for witchcraft in 18th Century America is what seems so absurd.
I'm not sure even a tame version of an 18th century insane asylum would be considered soap opera viewing material.  The way the insane were treated (or not treated) in times past was pretty horrific.

If Vicki had been a member of the family, they would have just locked her up in the tower room or something! :)  Protect the family name, you know.

I guess another WHAT??? moment from that same time period is how little sense it seemed to make to single out Vicki.  True, she was the strange stranger, but absolutely NONE of the tragedies that befell the Collinses benefited her in any way.  It just seems odd that in spite of the furor over Vicki the witch, even after she was in jail, that no one looked around and said, "Hey, Angelique seems to have gotten a lot out of this this whole witch thing, at the least I would have thought people might suspect they were in league.

one of the biggest misconceptions about the show is that barnabas was somehow invloved in burke's plane crash.

he wasn't.
Oh, I know he wasn't involved with Burke's death. I just thought it was so oddly random that Barnabas wants Burke out of the way and then voila!

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Moments that made you go "WHAT?!!!!"
« on: November 09, 2006, 11:59:52 PM »
I think my WHAT?!?!?! moment was when we learned that Vicki in 1795 had told Daniel and Sarah about the zodiac charms on her charm bracelet, and had described one of them as a "devil" and had described things that would be invented in the future like air travel and horseless carriages.

Vicki Vicki Vicki, I love you but you can be really clueless sometimes.  You already have a religious zealot (Abigail) looking for the least thing to trip you up and you go talking about things that are sure to have you sent to the gallows for practicing witchcraft or at the very least locked up as insane (and mad houses in the 18th century were horrible places indeed.) tsk

Current Talk '06 II / Re: DS Names for Real
« on: November 09, 2006, 11:48:17 PM »
Hmmm, interesting theory.  But who's the WIFE!  ;)
Hahaha!  Well, they take turns. :o

Current Talk '06 II / Re: DS Names for Real
« on: November 09, 2006, 09:30:51 PM »
What I'm getting at is an engagement announcement in our newspaper today and the parents of the groom are Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Devlin!
Hmmm, maybe in PT - After Carolym dumped Buzz, he went on a bender at the Blue Whale and bumps into Burke, their eyes meet, one thing leads to another, and years later we find out that Buzz and Burke moved to vermont, adopted a baby and eventually got civilly united when the law was passed! [hall2_grin]

One character whose fate I would have changed would be Burke's.  First, I would have revealed that Barn had had a hand in Burke's plane going down, then in the tumult of vicki's return from the past and Jeff/Peter, a mysterious stranger would have come back to Collinsport, and Vicki would meet him and see Burke in this man's eyey, before finally revealing himself to BE Burke (recast), the only survivor of the crash, and how he looks different because the plastic surgeon that repaired his face didn't know what he really looked like.....

Current Talk '06 II / Re: carolyn and "miss hoffman"
« on: November 09, 2006, 08:52:16 PM »
the scenes between the two during this period,including a particular gem where carolyn rather snottily informs "miss hoffman" that the family dresses for dinner,are among my all-time favorites.

I keep wondering about that.  I find it tremendously difficult to imagine the residents of Collinwood sitting down together to dinner every night at a set time.  You see them wandering around the house between 7:00 and 9:00pm, which seems to cover the traditional hours for a dinner for which you'd dress.  Furthermore, I don't see any other sign of people having changed their clothes for dinner.  I can work my mind around continuity errors, bloopers, falling scenery, and just about anything else - but I draw the line at people dressing for dinner at Collinwood.
Weren't there some scenes in the pre-barn eps set in the kitchen, even showing Carolyn ironing at one point?  I, too would have to question dressing for dinner, especially if the family had to clean their own dress clothes!  [hall2_grin]

Polls Archive / Re: A New Dark Shadows?
« on: October 30, 2006, 07:12:14 PM »
I'd favor the TNG approach, even though Big Finish seems to be doing that.  I would like to see David as the master of Collinwood, behaving as Roger did (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, you know!).  David's kids and Carolyn's (did she remarry?) kids could be the "focus" the way Vicki, Carolyn, Maggie, et all. were for the original series.  However, the show would need a new hook.  Sadly, since Angelique, Barnabas and Quentin were all immortal, it would be difficult to have the original actors return.  Could they be recast?  Or perhaps find ways of introducing new Witches and vampires and werewolves to the fold.

Perhaps Sam Hall's article in TV Guide after the show went off the air could be a template for what happened and the show could start relatively fresh.

Say, Collinsport as a casino resort.  the Cannery and fleet are facing EPA troubles due to pollution and overfishing.  Environmental protesters picket the cannery and one of them with a secret, a young woman who learns that he is actually David's daughter from a hushed up indiscretion years before.  A series of disasters puts the Collines on the brink of financial ruin, bizarre things, like the sudden inexplicible rotting of the fleet's catch one day, the tide turning red with blood for no reason.  The illigitimate daughter is possessed by the spirit of Angelique returning for revenge.

Just a few things off the top of my head...