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Messages - Birdie

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: NAOMI NOTION
« on: April 25, 2002, 10:20:25 PM »
I don't know I think Naomi just had all she could take.  I finding Barnabas and learning that he could have done all those horrible things just might have been her last straw.  Never mind that her husband didn't confide in her about their son.  Everyone had good points, her problem with alcohol most likely added to this desperation.  
Raineypack said she could not see a mother giving up hope.  Sad to say but I can.  This comes from personal experience.  When my daughter was sick there was a time when I prayed if her life was going to be so awful that God take her or make her better.  Thank goodness she got better and is now l8 years old and in college.  
Now my sister in law has that same problem.  Our nephew has been in a coma for over a year.  The quality of life is just not there.  The chances of this changes are so very slim now.  That if he gets sick they just might let him go.  They spend everyday with him all day.  He was hurt at his college either by a hit or run or attacked.

Sorry I am rambling on and on.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Shadowed Sightings
« on: April 25, 2002, 03:45:33 PM »
Bob, thanks for the laughs.

Maybe I should have the "Sightings" crew here.  I see mysterious things floating around the corners of my living room.  I can see them now, hey lady those are dust bunnies, try cleaning.

Birdie--who now will get to the chores at hand.  Bring on the dust clothes.

Thanks Vam for the laughs.  I checked it out last night.  To be truthful I screamed than lmao.  My hubby was wondering what in the world was going on.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Change in Nathan and Funny Line
« on: April 25, 2002, 12:53:28 AM »
Why Nathan is acting so differently, my opinon is that it is one of those be careful what you wish for....Nathan wanted Millicent to go insane but now that she is what does that leave him a crazy wife without any money.  The other thing is he is sitting around drinking.  Boredom must have set in.  I think he is terrible frustrated.  Makes you wonder what would have happende if Millicent had not given her money to Daniel.  I think Nathan might have made her happy at least for awhile.  He was a rascal but I am sure he would have showed her a good time.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: "Thing That ..." - O.T.
« on: April 23, 2002, 06:28:48 AM »
Yes, I found out the secret staircase.  In fact I found out that the second party who bought the house,  You would think I would remember the name, didn't know it existed until they had a water problem and they hired a mason to do work on the chimmey.  Anyway it was Harthwornes cousin.  Belive it or not there is a lever in the fireplace upstairs to open it from the bedroom. Did you know that N. Harthorne was related to the Judge in the Salem witch trials?  I should have taken notes.  I know my spelling is off, it is late and I am having a moment.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: "Thing That ..." - O.T.
« on: April 23, 2002, 04:09:40 AM »
I understand your frustration.  Please if you should see "The House of the Seven Gables" is going to be on, I would love a heads up.  
Friday I took my daughter, her friend, and my son to Salem.  We took the tour of  the "House".  I had been before a few years back but my younger two didn't remember it.  I once again enjoyed it.  The day had started off over cast but clear in the afternoon.
We missed Trask Peter Bradford.hehe


Current Talk '02 I / Re: PRIMARY PROP
« on: April 18, 2002, 12:37:53 AM »
I would have to join in with the crowd and say the one I love best is Josette's music box.  Along with Jennifer I think I developed a love of these from watching DS.  In fact I have several music boxes.  No replica's though.  There is something so romantic about a music box.

Next I would pick the gramma phone.  I have a weekness also for antigues.  

Barn's ring and cane

I have a ring I bought as a child that was very much like the one Aristede wore in the l897 story line.  It is still in my box of treasures.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Squeaky Bats
« on: April 16, 2002, 12:31:50 AM »
When i was young, just a few years ago, hehe, one of my friends had an old barn in her back yard.  Being the nice kids we were we got a lot of fun out of throwing rocks at it and watching the bats fly out.  

About ten years ago at our last house my husband was painting the side of the house.  When he removed the shutters there sat a bat, at first he thought it was a mouse,  Well, it opened its wings, luckily my husband kept his cool and didn't fall three storeis down.


No Boston Marathon for me either Jennifer.  Running is not my thing.  I used to walk three miles a day but got out of the habit.  That is my goal to get back into walking.  Funny, we went into Boston today and noticed the lights on to Fenway.  Jen, how lucky were you to get to go to that game.  My hubby took me to see Guys and Dolls at the Colonial.  The play was wonderful.  The only down fall was I am having an alergic reaction to something and look like I have chicken pox.  :-[ Plus I might just go insane with the itching.  The last month I have been  falling a part piece by piece.  First the eye infection, than this horrid thing.  I swear it is because i swithced part-time jobs.  The kids had strep throat.  The roller coster never stops.
I am beginning to think I am suffering a curse.  Noticed the traffic in Boson was going to be a bit tough this weekend. Pasted on dinner in town.  Wasn't too thrilled about seeing people looking like I have the plague.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: they call me.......reverend TRASK!
« on: April 12, 2002, 05:49:59 AM »
Yes! He's back!

so glad to see you post!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: April 11th second Episode
« on: April 12, 2002, 05:44:13 AM »
The flubbed lines almost seemed natural.  Sometimes when you are so angry the words just won't come out. So even a bloobper can have the right effect.  
Jerry Lacy was fantastic today and both episodes.  The look of shear evil on his face to shear fear.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Professor Thayer David
« on: April 12, 2002, 05:41:14 AM »
Midnite, you did not sound like you were bashing the teachers profession.  In our house we have gone through the same thing.  My husband itches to correct some of the notes sent home from teachers.  He went to Catholic school, all the way through, even college.  I have to say he is so much better at grammar and spelling than i could ever dream to be.  I hate to say it I am better than my children are.  I think it is not the teachers fault it is what TPTB decide what and how to teach.  Sometimes we get so involved with all the "new" technology out there that we forget we have to know the basics.  

DS was not Shakespeare but the vocabulary is so much better than what is currently used in todays t.v. shows.

Birdie--guess I have blab enough

Current Talk '02 I / Re: 1795 Hobbies, etc.
« on: April 12, 2002, 05:26:38 AM »
Cheryl and Raineypark you would fit in quite nicely in my neighborhood.  There are several stay at home moms.  I work part-time and believe me that is enough.  Enjoy and never feel guilty, staying at home sometimes is a lot harder than going out to work.  The benifts are so many to be able to be there for your children growing up, so many can't now.  I feel very fortuate that I have been able to arrange my scedule so I never lost too much time with my gang.
O.K. back to the topic on hand, another hobby might have been therum painting.  Not too sure of the spelling.  It is painting on velvet with oils using stencils.  I use to do some of that.  Great fun.  Love to stencil.  My next project will be the kids bathroom.  Oh well, I think Abigail stitched samplers on the good book. Hanging in her room is one she stitched saying "Beware of the Paths of Evil".  
Well, back to my cross stitch.  Yet another sampler.  My daughter wants to know why we have some many with the alpabet hanging in our house.hehe

Birdie   xxx xxx xxx xxxx

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Happy B-Day to mfmdpt!
« on: April 10, 2002, 03:04:48 AM »
Happy Birthday Mike!

Enjoy! Celebrate!


Current Talk '02 I / Todays episodes  April 8th
« on: April 09, 2002, 05:28:47 AM »
I just have to comment on how very good both of todays episodes were.  David H.  back again and in great form.  I truly enjoyed his scenes with Abigail, Ben, Noami, and Trask.  Very natural.  The dialogue was very well written.  I loved the way he decribes Abigail to Trask " She seems to be always unhappy".  Only a child could pick up on some of the underlying truths of the older charactors.
Also loved the confortation bettween Abigail and Barnabas.  I roared when Baranabas said "Why do the think the devil always wants to touch you?"  I almost expected him to add or anyone else.  

Great episodes.

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