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Messages - Heather

J: Why don't you come by the lab and see me sometime...{purrr} 

" I wont make a break for it!" Isn't that her main line. . promising not to run . . and "he wanted let out".. the cat (okay with my watch on his neck with HEL" scratched on the back. .but hey .. i always hate that this film doesn't show her being rescued!

I dislike that too, J99...    ;)

As to the water torture . .we have a film archivist and Grayson's biographer saying it is her . .so if there's gonna be further quibbling anymore..let's have some 'evidence' --

This doesn't prove anything, but I, casually in passing, was browsing through my mom and dad's LP's today...quite an eclectic and well rounded collection if I do say so myself (LOL), and I happened to find this... this is copyrighted 1964... I just wanted to know if this the album people are referring to? {I hope it's okay to post this - scanned it at home; that's why the cover is cut off a bit - ;)}

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Bette's Birthday!!! FRIDAY
« on: February 04, 2005, 01:21:09 PM »
 [occasion15]  [occasion1]  [occasion15]

Happy Birthday, Bette!!

Wishing you a divine day...hope you have a good one.  :-*

 [occasion18]  [occasion18]

Nicholas: {tisk} My dearest Angelique, even THAT won't save you now....

Maggie: So I look good enough to eat, do I? Well, that and a dime will get ya a day old donut....

 [tongue7] [chrmy]

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Intriguing results...some I expected, some I didn't. Of the choices, I agree with the majority concerning the grey suit--divine. Kinda surprised that Julia's mottled tweed suit/gold chain ensemble slightly outnumbered the orange blouse/autumn scarf/hip belt combo...but, what the hey.  :D  One thing's for certain: no matter what Dr. Julia Hoffman wore on any given day (the good or the bad  ;)) she always pulled it off with her own unique style and grace. Many Thanks, again, to JC, J99 and MB.  :-*  And thanks to everyone who voted in this little poll!  :-*[/b]

BARNABAS: Switch from "Prell" to "Head And Shoulders", Willie. Meanwhile, let me dust off those unsightly flakes.
WILLIE: I tell ya, Barnabas, it ain't dandruff - it's spider dung from that crummy mausoleum!

LMAO, Sandor...  ;D

I can imagine Julia keeping a bar (or maybe 3 or 4) of Toblerone in a certain drawer of her desk at Wyndcliffe and indulging in same between gulps of espresso when things get too crazy at the old loony-hatch.

Absolutely! I could envision Julia doing that too, Steve...most definitely.  >:D   I mean, What girl doesn't have a nice long hard bar of chocolate at the ready for those stressful moments in life??

Hungry wench,


According to, Buena Vista Home Video will be releasing the original version of THAT DARN CAT!

Ohhh...Thanks for the heads-up, J-C!   ;D   :-*  Now if 'Iguana' would be released on DVD, I'd be in heaven...

Maggie: Jock itch? Let me see. .

J99, you evil minx you... LOL   ;D
