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Messages - Brandon Collins

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #164
« on: February 06, 2007, 05:11:14 AM »
Oh, I didn't realize that the fan involved with the KLS incident was mentally disabled. I searched through the past posts that I missed under this topic and didn't see it explained (maybe I missed it). If I had known that, my response to the issue would've been much different.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Will We Ever See A New DS? Or would you want to?
« on: February 05, 2007, 06:26:58 PM »
Dom-- I was thinking that maybe you only got a partial screening, and Buzz confirmed that thought for me. Thanks Buzz!

Re: The 04 Ending...

If they had've cut out the last, oh, I don't know, 20 seconds of screaming, it would've been just fine.  ;)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Willie's Diet
« on: February 05, 2007, 06:20:09 PM »
You raise a good point, Alondra.

But I'm thinking that when Willie went shopping that if anyone DID see him and actually questioned it, they probably just figured that he was buying those items for his personal comsumption, and that Barnabas didn't eat it. Or that possibly Barnabas didn't really eat too much at home because he was always out of town on business. And we know that he liked takeout anyway. *wink*

But, Willie's diet seemed to get better over the course of the series. When we first see him he's skinny, or thin would probably be a better description, and he probably did each canned foods much of the time given the arrangements of the kitchen, like Alondra pointed out. But as we move further along, Willie starts to plump out. You have to realize--he stayed a Windcliffe where I'm sure he recieved sufficient portions and basically did nothing (well, not the strenuous type of work that he did under Barnabas' care), and later moved out of town to be on his own, where no doubtedly he ate numerous different things, not just canned goods.

In related news: Last night I was watching some episodes, and I think it was episode 1069 or 1070 where we see Trask in the PT Collinwood's kitchen sharpening a knife and talking with Amy, then later in the same episode we see Elizabeth and Roger (I think) talking in the room. And the kitchen is also used to roll the credits.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: ShadowGram Update #164
« on: February 05, 2007, 06:12:34 PM »
What a lively discussion! And here I am coming into days later....

When I went to this past fest I didn't find anything offensive or uncivil about it. Granted, there were a thousand people there, so I might have missed incidents, had there actually been any, or I simply forgot about them because I didn't deem them important. Sure, there were a couple of different people who got on my nerves because they seemed to be hogging the "spotlight" or what have you, but you have to take into account that this might be their first and last fest all wrapped up in a nice package, so I let that slide.

The fact of the matter is that no matter where you are-- high school, public events, work etc-- there will always be a group of people whose sole purpose is to put others down. I'm sure there was a group at the fest this past year, even though I didn't actually see or speak with them, because there's at least ONE person like that. Someone will always be making a comment under their breath "Oh her hair looks awful!" or "Who let her out of the house?!" or whatever. I'm with Nancy--it's not something to let run your life.

Some of the incidents being described her sound, and possibly were, quite awful. I'm not sure how I'd handle myself in a situation like that. More than likely I wouldn't want to return to the fests either. But that wouldn't stop me if I wanted to go. There's a good chance that the offenders who were present at one fest, won't be there at the next one. And if they are, the likelihood of actually running into them in a sea of 1000 is slim.

Regarding the KLS yelling event: I'm surprised that fans didn't get involved. It doesn't take but a few people to restrain an individual or calm a person down until the actual security personnel arrives there, rather than letting the situation go on for too long. But, as someone else mentioned previously, people don't want to get involved for fear of escalation or personal attack. I suppose that comes with the job.

Until I witness something utterly horrendous at a fest, things like those which have been described here, you won't catch me decrying the festival or its workers for anything in that category. Now, if you want to talk autograph lines and events, that's another story.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Will We Ever See A New DS? Or would you want to?
« on: February 05, 2007, 06:02:08 AM »
Thank you, Midnite *bows ever-so-graciously* I knew you'd come through!

And to dom-- Saw the pilot at the 06 Fest. I'm sure they'll screen it at this years fest too. If I'm not mistaken they screened it at the 05 fest as well.

Polls Archive / Re: Long-suffering character?
« on: February 05, 2007, 04:34:29 AM »
I'm with Jackie on Barnabas. He's had over a century of suffering at the hands of Angelique and her meddlesome ways. Julia certainly did suffer with her love for Barnabas, and of course, because she never was recognized by the Dave Woodard Ghost Fund (DWGF) with the coveted "You Cured a Vampire Who Forced You To Kill Me Award". Damn, her name really would've looked AWESOME etched in gold.

And please, don't forget all the suffering that Maggie's 1970PT incarnation had to go through at the hands of Alexis/Angelique/Alexis.

Also, if we're talking in terms of which actor played the characters who suffered the most, I'd have to go with KLS-- 2 Maggies, Kitty, Rachel, Josette, am I forgetting anyone?

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Will We Ever See A New DS? Or would you want to?
« on: February 05, 2007, 04:27:04 AM »
Hi Taeylor. I too, extend my welcomes.

I recently viewed a number of clips of the 91 series on You Tube and was quite impressed by it. I've heard many negative reviews of it, and was discouraged from watching it. I'm planning on picking up a copy for viewing sometime in the near future.

I saw the 04 Pilot, and it DID have problems. It was interesting, but upon reading a little more into the 91 series, it seemed to be VERY similiar to the pilot of that series, so not much was missed I guess if you didn't see it. (BTW--I wrote up a complete synopsis of it in my 06 fest report, that's on this board-- I believe it's in the Calendar/Events 06 section. I'd link it myself but it wouldn't work because I have IE7 (blast!) and IE7 don't mesh. lol Maybe one of the Gods will help me out *wink*)

I liked the 04 pilot, except for the last scene, and agree that it was a HUGE HUGE HUGE waste of time and money to dump 6 mil. into it and never make anything of it. It came out rather well and I would've liked it to continue.

I agree with the others who have said that DS needs to be updated. The kids--David, Amy, Hallie, etc etc--need to grow up and be the adults. DS: The Next Gen, basically. I'm writing a pilot script myself for fun right now based on that very idea, and if I EVER get it done, I plan to post it online and hopefully people will read it and say whether they like it or not.

It's widely agreed upon that since DC is dead that DS has a better chance of coming back and being better than it was before. DC was terribly protective of his "baby" and wanted to rehash the same old story time and time again, which is why it became so dry after a while. So, now that's he gone and can watch over from above, it's more likely that a new production team and writers will be able to take bigger leaps with the overall story.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Hate to burst DC's bubble but
« on: February 05, 2007, 04:16:58 AM »
My thought's EXACTLY, dom, upon reading this title. Anywho...

Why was RD DC's favorite actor? Was there ever a reason given or is this all just gleaned from interviews conducted? Did DC say something specifically? It would certainly explain why RD appeared so much on the series and was used more often than many of the other actors, but I've never heard of it before this mentioning.

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: February 05, 2007, 04:08:52 AM »
I is for Idiosyncracies, of which there were many on Dark Shadows. Even DS itself was one.

I thought of "Barny-boo" at work today and about died laughing AGAIN. lol. I also love the part where he's at the Blue Whale and he's sitting on someone else's boat and he keeps saying "I better get off here before I get arrested."

Wow, tripwire. That is QUITE grusome. I'd hate to be the one in the barrel!

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Jonathan Frid at Seaview Terrace
« on: February 01, 2007, 05:52:42 AM »
So I was tooling around on You Tube again today and found 7 videos with JF walking around at Seaview Terrace, the Blue Whale, and the make-shift Widows Hill, as well as other great locations for DS.

These were just posted this month, a few days ago actually, so they're still rather new and I figured that maybe they hadn't been discussed, and that maybe not too many had viewed them. I suggest you do go and view them because they are a riot!

JF tells numerous stories, including the one Nancy mentioned some time ago about some teenagers happening by during the photo shoot at the Old House when JF was in full Barnabas garb.

And it's PRICELESS in the first vid when he's explaining about an earlier time when he came by Seaview for a look-see and how people were looking at him oddly, like a chain-gang member (his words) as he was peeking through the fence. I about DIED LAUGHING in the middle of the library when he says "No, it was just ol' Barny-boo taking a peek!" LOL!!!!!

They should really clean this up and release it on DVD or something. It's a riot!

Looking forward to seeing what others have to say....

Current Talk '07 I / Re: How do you feel about flubbed lines?
« on: January 30, 2007, 05:48:31 PM »

Barnabas: Go to Collinwood and tell them that you saw no one here.
Dirk: Oh, that's great! But what am I gonna tell 'em at Collinwood.

That gets me everytime. lol

Yeah and this time it wasn't JF who flubbed.

Yeah, he looks at Davis like, "That wasn't MY fault!" LOL!

I know! When this scene played out with Davis JF had this look on his face like "YOU IDIOT!" I mean, c'mon! He JUST told you where to go and what to say, and you still ask what you're supposed to say. At least he didn't say "Where am I to go and what am I gonna tell them when I get there?"--meaning he got HALF of the line.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0218
« on: January 30, 2007, 05:46:11 PM »
I agree with Alondra, I liked the no-spikey Barny. No doubtedly it was a pain in the royal behind to get those suckers looking good everyday, not to mention that sometimes they were hugely big and sometimes they were very small. A regular comb-to-the-side haircut suits him much better.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: You can't take it with you...or can you?
« on: January 30, 2007, 05:44:02 PM »
IIRC the first time he was buried in the original 1795 arc he did have his coat on, but subsequent revists to that time and later times when he was let out of the coffin he either had a different coat or no coat at all. One thing I was impressed with was that in 1897 when he was let out of his coffin he was wearing the clothes he was buried in in 1795, NOT 1897 garb, which I fully expected him to already be wearing giving the continuity issues of the show.