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Messages - JS

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We should pass Star Trek: The next Gen with about 300 votes more and then keep it up to pass on over to the next show which isn't that much farther away. [ghost_cheesy]

Come on everyone, we are so close to passing Star Trek: the next generation. [ghost_tongue2]

I am not sure where I saw it, maybe I just dreamed it. But I could have sworn that I had seen a photo of Johnny Depp as Barnabas with our old Barnabas' hair style. Has anyone else come across this photo? [ghost_undecided]

I'm still on it every hour.  [ghost_smiley]

I think the next one to go under DS is Star Trek: The Next Generation. I'm enjoying this I can't believe a lot of the shows that have so many votes that I've never seen. [ghost_embarrassed]

The new DS movie should be a block buster because even people that have never heard of the greatest television show in American history  will flock to see this movie because of Johnny Depp who is a huge box office draw. [ghost_tongue2]

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: June 12, 2008, 03:51:47 AM »
I'm enjoying all this speculating on casting. I would just like to have just a hint of that  a Quentin character will be in the new movie. That would totally reassure us that this isn't going to be just a remake of House of Dark Shadows. [ghost_tongue2]

I couldn't agree more. B & W was great for horror movies in my day, that's why the classic Night of the Living Dead was purposely filmed in B & W and so was Young Frankenstein and even a few other non horror films for that special effect. This new generation wouldn't be turned on by B & W. They want glorious High Def color with all the computerized special effects that can be squeezed into a two hour film.

I too wish Johnny Depp A very Happy Birthday! Bring on the new Barnabas! [band] [blob7] [blob7] [9251] [bouncer] [bouncer] [cheers] [cheerleader] [cheer] [flmthrw]

Sounds terrific, that would give me a great excuse to pick up dishnetwork again. I dropped it once because they won't provide my local channels and probably never will, so that would be an excuse for me to go back to them.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: 1970 Parallel Time....not so bad after all.
« on: June 09, 2008, 12:49:05 AM »
I'm glad that I wasn't alone in the Leviathan era.I didn't much care for it but I do look forward to it again to see if my opinion has changed. My tastes have changed a lot since I was a kid. I hated Mission Impossible as a kid but now I think that it was the coolest show ever. So bring on the Leviathans even though I have a long way to go I'm only on the first collection I have the whole series to look forward too.

Current Talk '08 I / Re: something sam said
« on: June 09, 2008, 12:22:01 AM »
What a great thread subject. This fits in just fine to where I am now watching the Beginning Collection. I suppose that I am just biased do to my great love for Dark Shadows but I'm loving every minute of it. I suppose it may be different from my point of view because I know where we are going eventually. I am still trying to figure out Burke Devlin, what was his real motive in all that he did? I too totally disagree with the Sam Hall quote. There was nothing aimless about Dark Shadows. I'm falling in love with all the characters all over again and when I'm finished I might just start all over again, aimlessly! [ghost_cheesy]

P.S. Don't worry about me abusing the quote feature, I'm still trying to figure out how to use it, So I just cut and paste and use quotation marks.

Polls Archive / Re: Last day of DS
« on: June 08, 2008, 04:49:42 AM »
Yes, let's and you can be our pastor inside the wall. [ghost_grin]

Polls Archive / Re: Last day of DS
« on: June 08, 2008, 03:37:14 AM »
I even taped the show on my Panasonic cassette recorderwith the piano-style keys, although I didn't quite understand the storyline by then and was still missing the Barnabas-Julia-Prof.

I thought that I was the only one that did that. The entire last year of DS I had been keeping a daily diary on day to day happenings. The only difference is that I was in the 9th grade when this fantastic show ended.

It is so hard to believe all the similar stories that everyone tells. It's like all the DS fans were mesmerized by the same spirit.

Polls Archive / Re: Hitting the bottle
« on: June 08, 2008, 02:15:46 AM »
Aside from Willie, Quentin and Sam Evans, Roger Collins seems to dip into the Brandy quite a bit too. But I think that we are a bit off the mark from the original question. [ghost_embarrassed]

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