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Messages - Daphne

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AAAAAWWWWW!!!! Poor Carolyn!!!!  :'( That's so sad -- and yet, so good! ^______^ "But for God's sake, don't touch her!" LOL and *le cry* at the same time. Poor Carolyn! That's so creepy. Sounds like that movie where you pass on the possession of Satan by touching people ... wasn't that a movie? Yeah, anyway, sounds like that. EEEEEEEEE WRITE MORE!!!  ;D [thumb] [rollr] [nuts] ... O, and [madan] GRRRR SHAME ON KARSWELL FOR LETTING THE XIANGES OUT!!!! He reminds me of: [crazd] LOL [scrm] Shame on him!! Tsk tsk tsk!

Anyway, SOOO GOOD!!!!!!!! WRITE MORE!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [liteye] [greed]!! [crazy] Did I thank you for writing this much at all?? [hello] THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! [hello]

now write more!!!!!

[smokn] [angl2]

~Daphneeeeeeee, who waits happily ^____^

That's sooo kewl!!!! Thanks for the link MsCriseyde!! I think working with John Karlen would have been impossible, even just READING stuff he says cracks me up, I doubt I would have been able to perform without laughing hysterically  :D  ;D

Current Talk '02 II / Re: What a difference a year makes!!
« on: July 16, 2002, 05:01:04 AM »
Is this the same bunch of characters?!!

Are we still watching the same SHOW?!!!!!


rotflmao! Hard to believe. They've all changed soo much. Look at Carolyn! LOL .... I miss when she was an evil rebel child ... *le sigh*

HEHEH ..... *evil laugh* quuuueeennntiiinnn ... *evil grin* *goes off laughing to herself*

Yes, it gets better ^________^

*more evil laughter*

~Daphne [crazy] [nuts]

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Variety is the spLice of li(ves)
« on: July 16, 2002, 04:50:48 AM »
I was wondering the same thing in Adam's case - why is it necessary to build the guy from various pieces? Was the purpose of Lang's experiment to give life to a lifeless creature, or was it equally the purpose to create that creature? Aside from the obvious Frankenstein rip-off the only thing I can think of is that the body must be created from "scratch" in order to give it its own, unique identity - otherwise they'd be bringing a dead body back to life rather than creating an entirely new person and giving it new life.

?!? ?!?

WOW, that's the first explanation that makes sense 2 me. I've been trying 2 figure out why on earth they needed 2 dig up dif body parts. But then again, their soul has already passed on, so the body would become alive as a new person ..... if you believe in that sort of thing anyway  :-/

and Tripwire >> ROTFLMAO!! That would be soo funnie! Too bad it never happened. Of course, are the scars because they stitched together like 5 different pieces of someone's face [different someone's, that is] or ... because that face was in some sort accident? LOL DS is so weird sometimes ^_~

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Adam Storyline - your thoughts?
« on: July 16, 2002, 04:41:47 AM »
I think this TL is interesting, but then again I'm viewing it for the first time. I loove the aspect of Carolyn/Adam relationship, but then again, I think Carolyn and anyone are completely adorable  ;D  ::) Angie was never one of my fav chars  :P but now seeing her with Nicholas, whom I adooore, I think they're absolutely hysterical! I love them! But earlier ... omg with Lang and that EVIL TAPE RECORDER FROM HELL!!! ... *bolts, screaming, out of room* THAT was painful!!! * physically winces* What the TL is developing into right now I like very much, but the early days of Adam were .... erhm .. not my favorite. But I think Robert Rodan is a really great actor, and that sux he was never used again. I guess those scars on his face stayed permanant [i.e., he was typecast as a villian], but then again, I have no idea who Skye Rumsin is. Sounds like a kewl name, though! But, same as with Jane Draper [SUUUKIII!!] I wish he'd been used again. *le sigh*  :-/

lol oh yeah, Welcome Perankh! [hello]

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Favorite/Lease Favorite Names on DS?
« on: July 14, 2002, 04:31:24 AM »
Ah....a kindred spirit.  I always thought both those names were stupid. French names always sound stupid unless they are pronounced with a French accent and I don't recall anyone ever doing a French accent on the show....did they?

AHHHH YES!!!! Vicki pronounced "josette" the french way allllllll the freaking time!!!! OMGGGGGG It was soooo so so so so so annoying! Drove me up a wall! OMG I've written e-mail rants on that! "SHOZETTE" AHHHHH!!! NOOOOOO *covers ears* Bad memory! BAD BAD!!!!! Eeeeeeeevil!!! LOL I think French names are soooo pretty tho. Vicki pronouncing is "properly" was just really annoying, tho!! GRRRRR [vryangy]

Tripwire ascribed:
ooops, no offense meant daph ;D  hey, i kid you not, there is a sign down the road for a real estate agent, and her name is Dorcas Head! mom must have be angry.. as a matter of fact, there is a bunch of heads that live down the road, and i know the postman that delivers all the mail around here..

I'm just kidding, tripwire ^_^ I'm not offended. I think I'd get a legal name change if my name were Dorcus Head. Her mother must have been REEEEEEEEEALLY mad. Long labor or something ... lol  ;)  ;D


Current Talk '02 II / Re: First Post/And a bit about me
« on: July 14, 2002, 04:20:55 AM »
daphne, still up?

haha, as always ^_~

Joe and Maggie as cutest. Joe and Carolyn had a totally different vibe going for them.

AHH NOOOO!!!! Grrrr *plots revenge* LOLOL I mean, just based on looks alone. Or when Carolyn was having a good day. LMAO! Those didn't happen too often ... but still .... !! Noooo .... !!! LOL *goes and pouts in corner* *mumbles*

~Daphne, who is grumbling to herself right now ^_~  ;D  8) lol [nuts]

Current Talk '02 II / Re: That Fiercely Ruling T. Eliot Stokes!
« on: July 14, 2002, 04:17:13 AM »
Raineypark  ;)
(Ali Crowley?.....Ali?...!!!  [lghy] )

*perks up* HUH??  ;) Who's that?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Roger Rant
« on: July 14, 2002, 04:13:30 AM »
Roger cracks me up all the time. The way he'll hint at something with Cassandra, but he won't come out and say it. And then when he does, it's like "YAAAAAAY!" My fav part [from the pre-barn eps] was his and Carolyn's relationship. They were adorable. LOL you can see how the "commoners" thought there was incest going on up at Collinwood. HEHEHE *giggle* but they were cute. Too bad they became so distanced. Roger was kind of like her confidant, and theirs was like the *only* familial bond in the house. Now everyone is just pitted against one other. Well, you know what I mean -- they each have their own secrets, and no one tells, and they go on pretending to live this wonderful life, playing their parts for other people and pretending to know happiness .... hey wait, that's reality!!  ;)

Since I have contributed a significant amount of short fiction to various anthologies dealing with Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, I figured it would be fun to blend a little of it into DARK SHADOWS. As you probably know, the Leviathans were based (loosely and mostly unsatisfactorily) on the Cthulhu Mythos.

In the end, I just hope it ends up coming together so that ye author doesn't look like an airhead. Or if he does, a well-read airhead. ;D


You sound like Stokes! Very intelligent, well-read and qualified, i.e., you can start flipping over furniture now to test for foreign brands and handing out cheese ;)

I thought the Leviathans were based on the book, The Leviathan written by ... oy vey, what was his name? Locke, right? John Locke? Yeah, and he was in opposition to Thomas Hobbes. Or maybe Hobbes wrote it. YEAH Hobbes wrote it! LOL We only studied this three days ago, too. How sad. But back in the 1800s, Hobbes wrote The Leviathan and I was like "OMGGGG THAT'S SO KEWL!!!! DS CONNECTION!!!" LOL or is that a coincidence? LOL World History is actually interesting when it relates to DS!! But it [the book] was about anarchy and chaos taking rule over the country, and you see "chaos" and you automotically think DS ^_~  I had [and still have] no idea who Cthulhu Mythos is. LOL care to explain?  ?!?

Quoteth Dan Curtis:
Any last words?

Curtis: Dark Shadows will live forever.

LOL well, you have to say, he's a dedicated, loyal fan. Do you think he actually watches the series, or just adores it cuz it's "his"?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Mirror mirror...
« on: July 14, 2002, 03:38:25 AM »
LOL!!! Yeah, I wouldn't understand Vicki being the cutest one either  ;D  ;) But Nicholas is adorable!! LOL Except for the fact that he's .. erm ..... EVIL!!! But other than that, he's adorable. I love the way he can control Angie. Or thinks he can ...  bwahahaha

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Barn's bangs
« on: July 14, 2002, 03:35:30 AM »
I think Barnabus's bangs are so cute! That's one of the few things I like about him! LOL just kiddin' ;) His eyebrows, though .... OMG those need to go. PRONTO. But his bangs being spikey adds some sort of odd twist to his physical appearance, and we already know there's an emotional/spiritual twist about him [duh, that he's a vampire]. Makes him look much more interesting. If I had bangs, I'd style them like that too! HEHE

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Who has the best scream?
« on: July 14, 2002, 03:31:13 AM »
I would have to say Nancy Barrett had the best scream out of the women. Who could forget that loud long & terrifying scream she let out while playing the character of Millicent Collins as she's being bitten by Barnabas up in the tower room.

That's my favorite scream!! They use it on all like DS-promo type commercials and stuff, too. Or pictures about Barnabus being a vampire .... they use him biting Millicent ... I always thought she was some "dock girl" that he was biting, and then I saw the episode, and I was like "OMG That's Millicent!!" BWAHAHA that's so kewl! NB has such a loud, long scream!! She gets my vote, too ^_^

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