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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Polls Archive / Re: How many times have you watched the entire run of DS?
« on: January 23, 2006, 06:08:17 AM »
As much of a Dark Shadows fan as I am - and I watch at least one episode every day - I've never actually seen the entire run of the show all the way thru once.  I saw the show occasionally during the original run when I was a kid, but only remember seeing Leviathan, PT1970 and 1840's episodes.

Rediscovered the show during one of SciFi's airings about mid 1999 - they were on the Chris Jennings/Haunting of Quentin eps, and I watched it to the end.  Was SO thrilled when they started over from episode one - I'd never seen the pre-Barnabas stuff before.  Can't tell you how disappointed I was when the bastards ended the run just before the actual end of the series.

Am pretty much sure I'll eventually own the whole thing on DVD.  It may take me the rest of my life... ^-^

Current Talk '05 II / Re: the "language" of d.s.
« on: September 28, 2005, 05:13:40 PM »
I've so enjoyed reading through all of these - the only one I can think of that hasn't been mentioned is how characters were always threatening to "destroy" each other.  Mr. CassandraBlair and I giggle in jest about "destroying" each other all the time now!

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Jeremiah Collins
« on: August 29, 2005, 08:54:51 PM »
Does Miss Winthrop know when it was that Robert Gerringer was being considered for the Jeremiah role?  Maybe it was before it was established that Burke bore a resemblance to Barnabas's uncle.  :-

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Leviathans *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*
« on: June 24, 2005, 05:03:50 PM »
AndreDuPres, I'm so with you on this.  The first time I saw the Leviathan storyline, I couldn't wait for it to be over.  But the second time around, I gained so much more appreciation for it.  In fact, there are parts of it that rank up there as some of my favorite DS moments, including:

[spoiler]  * Barnabas Collins return to evil, at the behest of the the Leviathan elders, with Dr. Julia   Hoffman back as his adversary, trying to figure out what he's up to.
* Leviathanized Liz's cold hearted treatment of Paul Stoddard
* Carolyn and Jeb's romance - these two just had real chemistry
* The return of Angelique, and her discovery that her husband's real boss is her old boss - Nicholas Blair.[/spoiler]

Although there are still aspects of this storyline that get on my nerves, I find that even now, when I watch it on my tapes, there is much to enjoy about Leviathan era Dark Shadows

In a word: Fan-f**king-tastic!!!

[clap] [hello] [cheers] [clap]

Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '05 / Re: Hide-n-Seek -- Episodes 83 & 84
« on: June 01, 2005, 05:46:06 PM »
Had a great time reliving these episodes while reading your wonderful recap, Luciaphil!  As I recall, this was early Dark Shadows at it's gothic best.

You really feel for Vicki when David traps her in that room, a real sense of claustrophobia is invoked.  And it's hard to square this deeply disturbed David with the more conventional little lad we see in the later episodes.

The core Collins family just seems so much more unsavory early in the series, don't they?

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Re: The ShadowGram Survey
« on: May 23, 2005, 04:22:38 PM »
I replied to the survey, but count me among those who are deeply skeptical that any new version of Dark Shadows will ever see light of day.

Guess I really feel like we DS fans got burnt by the whole fiasco with the WB.  And look what happened.  Both the dramas that the net picked up instead of DS - "The Mountain" and "Jack and Bobby" were unceremoniously dumped.  Things that make you go hmmm.

I can't see something like it getting on pay cable, for some reason. Something about it doesn't add up.  But given Dan Curtis's continued visibility, and the supposed interest of John Wells, it is tempting to think that maybe at least there is a sitdown with network suits in the offing.

Until then, I'll have to content myself with my precious dvds.  No matter what new version of the show happens (or doesn't happen), the original series will always reign supreme at my house.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Desperate Housewives Is Like DS?
« on: May 13, 2005, 05:18:24 PM »
It's more like a comedic, sarcastic ordinary soap opera to me.

Word.  And I'm also in agreement with the cousin who thought the only thing that might bring the cachet of DS to DH is the narration by the dead character Mary Alice.  Otherwise, it doesn't seem similar at all.

DS was gothic and creepy, and always had this deep sense of isolation and foreboding - like something awful was always getting ready to happen.  And at least for most of the run of the show, that 'something' was liable to be supernatural.

DH on the other hand is sunny and optomistic, although the characters get to do awful things, nothing supernatural's going on, and there's always a feeling that everything's really being played for laughs and will probably come out right in the end.  With DS, all was dead serious (pun intended) and you were never sure that anything would ever be right again.

While I can see Dark Shadows fans getting into Desperate Housewives because of the over the top characters and crazy situations, the two shows, other than both being serial in nature, don't really compare, IMO.

Cool MB - that was an interesting read!

You'd just figure that a house that looks like the Carey Mansion would have to be haunted, and from what the article was saying, apparently it is.  Wakehurst is very haunted looking too, and would make a wonderful 'new' Collinwood, if they ever decided to do DS again.

Really want to visit Newport one of these days.  BTW, for those cousins who have made the pilgrimage, is there an odd disconnect visiting the Carey Mansion, given that the interiors don't mesh with what we fans have come to think of as Collinwood?

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Favorite Couples/Would-Be Couples
« on: April 22, 2005, 10:53:07 PM »
It was PT1970, I'm pretty sure.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Worst Episodes
« on: April 22, 2005, 05:06:37 PM »
Can't say that I ever totally hated an episode of DS, but I come the closest with some of the  PT1841 storyline, towards the end of the series.  I just never found myself emotionally invested in any of those characters.  Except Morgan Collins, whom I really did hate.

What really surprises me is the whole "Barnabas can't bite a man on the neck" thing imposed by the network's S&P office.  What do you suppose changed between 1967, when Barnabas had to restrict his biting of Willie to the wrist and 1969, when he bit Sandor on the neck (with great relish, I might add)?

Now, I think most of the violence towards women on Dark Shadows was in keeping with the characters and the stories, but how sad that S&P or the censors, or the Bible-thumpers or whoever seemed to have more of a problem with implied homosexuality or perceived Satanism than with violence towards women.  What does that say about the culture?

Okay, I'm down off the soapbox now.  ::)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Favorite Couples/Would-Be Couples
« on: March 25, 2005, 11:08:12 PM »
I liked 1897 Quentin with Beth.  But the 1840 version of Quentin had good chemistry with Daphne.

Agree with those who thought Magda and Sandor made a good couple.  Those two really seemed to have a shared history with each other; Grayson Hall and Thayer David played wonderfully off each other.

Whenever Nancy Barrett and John Karlen were paired, I though it really worked.  So I like PT William H. Loomis and Carolyn Stoddard Loomis.  You really felt that despite the bitterness and the booze, there was still a lot of love there.  Melanie Collins and Kendrick Young also made a good couple, as did Leticia Faye and Desmond Collins.

Joshua and Naomi were great, really believable as a couple.  So tragic that he doesn't really realize how much he loves her until it's too late.

As for would-be couples, I'm partial to Julia and Barnabas, but am unsure it ever would really have happened, had the show continued.  And if it had, would it have worked?

Barnabas was kind of strange with everyone they paired him with romantically.  Josette sort of worked, with Angelique there was a lot of heat, but utter madness too.  He did seem to care for Victoria, but I can't see them really together.  Forget about the Josette clones.  And  Barnabas with Roxanne?  Was just creepy.  Maybe he could have had something with Audrey the Leviathan vampire girl? >:D

Always get a bit of a charge out of Julia with vampire Tom, but of course, that wasn't a relationship with a lot of real potential, was it?

Call me weird, but I thought that Cassandra and Tony Peterson were pretty sexy together, in a twisted sort of way.  Would have been interesting if they'd gone further with that.  Of course, Tony was good with Carolyn too.

Current Talk '05 I / Re: most annoying d s character
« on: March 25, 2005, 07:44:39 PM »
Have so enjoyed reading everyone's responses.  Am sorta in agreement with Midnite on this one, because to some degree, most of the characters get on my nerves at one time or another.

For much of the series Barnabas exhibits the emotional development of an obsessed thirteen year old; Julia becomes too much of a pushover; Roger is often a smug snob; David's a little devil; and Angelique is...well, pretty much psychotic.  Even gorgeous Quentin annoys with his self-involved, womanizing ways.

But as for some of the major offenders -

Abigail Collins - I also mentioned her upthread...she's just such a judgmental self-righteous bitch!

Hallie/Carrie Stokes - number one most annoying female, IMHO.  Hearing that grating whiny voice for any length of time is liable to give me an apoplexy.

Post 1795 Vicki - "I don't understand" why the writers chose to ruin this character.

Leviathan Kiddies - a good argument for Leviathan birth control.

Ned Stuart - is it wrong to have fantasies of putting this character into his sister's wheelchair and pushing him down a really steep hill?!?

Jeff Clark - what is up with that overcaffeinated hair pulling?  Seems like he's continually just about ready to pop a gasket.

Bruno - ahem, what is up with that hair in general?

Charity Trask - kind of a ninny until she got Pansy Fayeified.

PT1970 Maggie - get a backbone!

PT1970 Quentin - nice guy.  Except not.

John Yaeger - totally makes me want to take a shower every time I watch this character.  Ugh.

That was fun!!


Current Talk '05 I / Re: most annoying d s character
« on: March 23, 2005, 11:12:49 PM »
FireRose, that's dead on!  I'd forgotten about how darned annoying Abigail was - she reminds me of my dear mother-in-law!  >:D

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