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Messages - markyboo

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Daytime dramas are notorious for putting veteran members of their casts on the sidelines or out to pasture. I am a daily viewer of AS THE WORLD TURNS & I am saddened at how Helen Wagner, Eileen Fulton, & other longtime performers rarely make apperances now or their characters are referred to only  in passing. Part of the problem is that networks & producers think viewers are only interested in young, sexy characters & while I hesitate to describe Barnabas & Julia that way, those two, along with Quentin & a few others  elbowed Elizabeth, Roger, etc. aside.  The "powers-that-be" in television always think they know best for the viewers at home. During DS, they didn't realize (or didn't care) how much actors like Joan Bennett & Louis Edmonds added to the "flavor" of the series. Elizabeth practically became a damsel in distress - how I would have loved to have seen a scene where she stood up to Quentin's ghost & blasted him for terrorizing children. Don't you wish there had been more Roger-Cassandra scenes? I was all excited when Spoiler:
Barnabas "drafted" Roger to help battle the Levithans but then poor Roger promptly got bitten on the neck by Megan Todd & was under her power. Roger Collins was absent from Collinwood in the weeks leading up to the 1840 storyline. I would have loved to have seen Roger challenge Gerard's ghost or protect Maggie from the mystery vampire.
Heck, I would have settled for a bitchy remark about Sebastian Shaw's wardrobe!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Depp Shadows~~Shoot It As An Epic!
« on: August 13, 2007, 08:29:31 PM »
I like how you boys think! I, too, want to see DS "break the bank" as far as production values & special effects go! I want to see sweeping, aerial shots of Collinwood & of the characters walking along the cliffs overlooking the ocean. Since the Collins family livelihood is connected with the ocean, I would like to see scenes of the fishing boats at sea & the docks at the Collinsport Cannery. SHOW the audience why the Collinses are wealthy & have been for several centuries! I want to see a Blue Whale packed with extras & scenes set on the streets of Collinsport. Viewers should almost be able to smell that saltwater! I hope they don't shoot the movie in some generic Beverly Hills mansion. I wish the interiors could be constructed on soundstages & they would somehow serve as a hommage to the original series' set design. I hope the characters wander through a dusty West Wing filled with cowebs & abandoned rooms filled with forgotten furniture & trunks. Don't you want to finally see Collinwood's library with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves filled with all the world's greatest books? I think the Old House cellar ought to be several levels with Barnabas' coffin at the very bottom & not standing right next to the staircase that comes down into the cellar! If there is a 1795 flashback in the movie - well, aim for Oscars for art direction & costume design. I also hope we'll see something awesome when Barnabas rises from his coffin or when he transforms into a bat! And of course there should be a really awesome thunderstorm with beacoup amounts of thunder, lightning, rain & wind - Barnabas should arrive at Collinwood in a thunderstorm! Let's see a movie that will out-Gothic all previous versions of DS!

In a world that celebrates & obsesses over nonentities like Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton, I find myself missing more & more an independent, professional, and eccentric individual like the glorious Grayson Hall! I'm sure Grayson is in some afterlife that is like a neverending cocktail party where she is throwing back drinks, puffing away & delivering bon mots to a delighted crowd. Grayson, I still miss you!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Plot of Depp's Dark Shadows Movie
« on: August 07, 2007, 08:25:12 PM »
 ;) I like some of your ideals, Ryan. People have always said the Kennedy family has had a curse on them, so for a cursed family like the Collinses to be involved in politics isn't too far-fetched. Maybe a Trask, from the opposing political party, could be financing an investigation to bring the Collins family's dirty linen public! I can see a Trask running on a family values platform while secretly keeping a mistress on the side!

One thing I would like to see in the movie  - if they follow tradition - is what happens directly after Barnabas is released from his coffin by Willie Loomis. I want to see the expression on Barnabas' face when he realizes he no longer exists in the 18th century. I would also love to see Barnabas' first reactions to things like automobiles & television or the way modern women dress & behave.

I hope the movie doesn't turn Barnabas into a bloodthirsty villain like he was in HODS or the 1991 revival series where Ben Cross lacked any warmth in his portrayal of Barnabas. Barnabas is a much more fascinating character when he stuggles with his curse & feels remorse & guilt. I would love to see the movie completely abandon the whole searching for a modern day Josette storyline. It would be much more interesting if Barnabas feels an immediate bond with his present day cousins & help defend them against some supernatural threat.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 06, 2007, 06:26:03 PM »
If you've never seen him in his first breakthrough role in the 1980s movie Parting glances, do try and track it down.  It's somewhat obscure but soooo stunningly good!

I have seen PARTING GLANCES! It is a superb film & one of the earliest films to have the courage to talk about AIDS. I think I still have a copy of the movie on videotape.

Judy Davis is a divine choice for Julia Hoffman!

How about Hugh Jackman as Quentin?

Current Talk '07 II / If Judd Apatow was Directing the Next DS Film...
« on: August 03, 2007, 09:36:59 PM »
 ;D ...this is who he would cast!

Barnabas Collins...STEVE CARELL
Elizabeth Collins Stoddard...CATHERINE O'HARA
Roger Collins...RAINN WILSON
Carolyn Stoddard...REESE WITHERSPOON
David Collins...MICHAEL CERA
Dr. Julia Hoffman...WANDA SYKES
Prof. Stokes...ANDY RICHTER
Willie Loomis...JASON LEE
Maggie Evans...JENNA FISCHER
and PARKER POSEY as Victoria Winters

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 03, 2007, 09:11:44 PM »
Paul Giamatti as Tony Peterson(present) and Revrend Trask (1795)

I thought about Paul Giamatti as Willie Loomis. And if you wanted a scuzzy, ratty Willie Loomis, I can't imagine anyone better than Steve Buscemi.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 02, 2007, 07:58:05 PM »
 :o're right...this is what happens when you don't get enough sleep & I am still recovering from a double feature last night: SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE & TOP CHEF...those shows make me very aggressive...

Anyway, maybe Vicki Winters could arrive from Baltimore instead of NYC & sing "Good Morning Baltimore" before she boards the train to Collinsport?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 02, 2007, 06:44:55 PM »
 ;) I now have decided that the director for the upcoming DS film should be - wait for it! - Adam Shankman, the director of HAIRSPRAY, currently playing at your local cinema complex. John Travolta - in drag once again! - could play Elizabeth Stoddard...Christopher Walken as Barnabas...Queen Latifah as Dr. Julia Hoffman...and that adorable Zac Efron as David Collins! Plus John Waters does a cameo as Diabolos, Prince of Darkness!

Why the DS film could even begin with "Welcome to the 60's", HAIRSPRAY's opening number! Can't you just picture the good people of Collinsport pouring out of the Blue Whale, the Collinsport Inn, the Todd Antique Shop and the Eagle Hill graveyard all singing and all dancing!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 02, 2007, 04:44:59 PM »
 ;D If Quentin Tarentino directs, do you think he'll recast the role of Barnabas & give it to Travolta instead? And cast Uma Thurman as Vicki Winters? And maybe have a scene at the Blue Whale where Barnabas & Vicki break into the Twist on the dance floor? Oh, I hope he'll have Carolyn call everyone "Honey Bunny" !

Seriously, Guillermo del Toro would be an excellent choice. PAN'S LABYRINTH is a wonderful film! I would also love to see Alfonso Cuaron direct. He has directed a steady stream of fine films, including the third & best (so far) of the Harry Potter movies & last year's very fine CHILDREN OF MEN.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: August 01, 2007, 03:13:30 PM »
For some reason, I've had a hard time coming up with an actor to play Prof. Stokes (a testament to how superb Thayer David was in the role?), but I'll throw a name in the ring. How about Richard Griffiths, a portly, British character actor? Most of you probably know him as the mean uncle, Vernon Dursley, in the Harry Potter films. He won a Tony award for his performance in THE HISTORY BOYS & recreated the role in the wonderful film version.

Also, two possibilities as Roger Collins -

1. Victor Garber

2. John Slattery - a character actor I've seen in the past on HOMEFRONT & JACK AND BOBBY. He can currently be seen on DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES (he's Gabby's new hubby) & on AMC's damn good new series, MADMEN.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: July 31, 2007, 04:53:14 PM »
Having caught Glenn Close on DAMAGES last week, I think she would make a good Elizabeth Stoddard! Close has a very commanding, almost regal presence nowadays.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: July 31, 2007, 04:11:44 AM »
Maggie Evans was also supposed to be an Eve Arden type - the wisecracking sidekick.  Arden received an Oscar nomination for playing Joan Crawford's pal in MILDRED PIERCE. I always wished Maggie had retained that no-nonsense gumption when she became governess at Collinwood - she might have been a force to reckon with!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Johnny Depp Movie Cast ideas
« on: July 30, 2007, 10:00:16 PM »
 How about Gena Rowlands as Elizabeth? Rowlands is one of the "grande dames" of current American movies & a brilliant actress to boot!

I know some of you might think I'm crazy, but if Burke Devlin is a character in the film, I think Mark Wahlberg would be an interesting choice. Remember, Burke was originally from the wrong side of the tracks in Collinsport & also served time in prison - he SHOULD be a little rough around the edges. Plus, he has a Boston accent!

Keira Knightley was wonderful as Elizabeth Bennett in that recent film version of PRIDE & PREJUDICE - she has the perfect qualities to play Victoria Winters. Knightley has beauty, charm, sensitiviy & just the right amount of spunk. Surely they'll allow Vicki not to be so clueless in a 21st century version of DS!

Maybe Hayden Panettiere as Carolyn? Panettiere plays Claire (the cheerleader) on HEROES.

I always thought Maggie Evans should be a little more down-to-earth - the atypical smalltown girl. I would consider Evangeline Lilly - she's Kate on LOST.

Dominic Monaghan as Willie Loomis? He was Merry in the LORD OF THE RINGS films & Charlie on LOST. Monaghan is good at playing flustered, easily rattled fellows & that's some of the qualities needed for Willie.

Joe Haskell must be played by someone as dreamy as possible - so I nominate Jake Gyllanhall. Every gay man in America would then see the movie. Just make sure there are plenty of shirtless shots.

Michael Emerson - creepy Ben on LOST - as Rev. Trask!!! You know it would be sensational!!!

This is a very unorthodox casting choice, but imagine Mary Lynn Rajskub as Sarah Johnson. Yes, she is too young but then who said we need a middle-aged Mrs. Johnson? Rajskub is the magnificent Chloe on 24. I can picture Rajskub eavesdropping at the closed doors of the drawing room or greeting Barnabas when he arrives at Collinwood - she would be immediately suspicious!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Barnabas Collins: My Life on the V-List
« on: July 20, 2007, 07:07:28 PM »
 :D Brandon, I love your idea!

Some other DS-related reality shows:

COLLINSPORT IDOL: Who is America's favorite singer in Collinsport, Maine? Bruno Hess is your host & helping you make your selection is a qualified panel of judges: Prof. T. Eliot Stokes (always helping you keep it real!), Pansy Faye & notorious, hard-to-please Nicholas Blair. We are down to the final two contestants: Victoria Winters & Josette DuPres who will each deliver this year's Idol ballad, "I Don't Understand!"

THE AMAZING RACE THROUGH TIME: Follow teams of two players as they race through different eras of Collinsport history to reach their final destination & receive a million dollars. This season's fan favorites look to be Barnabas Collins & Julia Hoffman. Other interesting teams: Elizabeth Stoddard & Jason MacGuire...Carolyn Stoddard & Buzz Hackett...Quentin Collins I & Samantha Collins (hoping to save their crumbling marriage or will those marital problems hurt their game?)...Willie Loomis & Adam...

SURVIVOR:WINDWARD ISLAND: 20 Collinsport inhabitants are left stranded on Windward Island. Which of these 20 will be the ultimate survivor to survive 40 days? Hosted by Amazon Jungle expert, Burke Devlin ! The contestants will compete in tasks such as being buried alive or finding the head of Judah Zachary (also this season's immunity idol!). Each episode ends with a tribal council where a survivor will be voted off & immediately join Laura Collins in her phoenix flames! Then their ghosts will sit on a jury that will eventually select the ultimate survivor. Already present on the jury: Rev. Trask, Jeremiah Collins, Nathan Forbes, Ruby Tate , Maude Browning & Suki Forbes. Will Barnabas & Quention maintain their alliance to reach the final two slots or will Quentin betray Barnabas & join the Petofi-Angelique alliance?

THE APPRENTICE: Want to help Roger Collins run a Fortune 500 Company? Twelve contestants compete for this honor in a series of assignments that test their business acumen & skills! Applying for the apprenticeship are the following : Willie Loomis...Buzz Hackett...Cassandra Blair...Harry Johnson...Victoria Winters...Ben Stokes...Jebez Hawkes...Burke Devlin...Maggie Evans...

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