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Messages - Ronny G

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Current Talk '12 I / Re: Grayson tattoo on forearm??? Episode 981 PT
« on: February 22, 2012, 09:31:14 PM »
well now I'm watching the next episode 192, and she has a bandage over it, so I'm guessing she burned herself.
I meant episode 982-not 192.
Yes, Nightfall, you're right. I never noticed that she didn't wear short sleeves before until you pointed it out.
Too big a mark to be freckles.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Grayson tattoo on forearm??? Episode 981 PT
« on: February 22, 2012, 12:28:55 PM »
well now I'm watching the next episode 192, and she has a bandage over it, so I'm guessing she burned herself.

Current Talk '12 I / Grayson tattoo on forearm??? Episode 981 PT
« on: February 22, 2012, 02:26:18 AM »
I haven't watched DS in a while so I thought I'd start again with episode 981 (the beginning of Parallel Time).
Anyway, while watching the episode, I noticed that Grayson had a reddish mark on her right forearm. They never showed it close up, but I kept catching fleeting glimpses of it. What is it? A tattoo? A birthmark? I'm thinking it might have been leftover from the Leviathan storyline, but I can't remember? Does anyone know?

I met him when he was a 10-year old kid at one of the Dark Shadows events. The fans were picketing outside the NBC studios because the show was being cancelled. He was one of the stars who showed up. I remember him running around acting like a typical kid. It always shocks me when I see him on the screen as an adult because I always remember him as a little boy.

Current Talk '12 I / Discuss Lara Parker Rehearsal Footage (DVD Volume 26)
« on: February 17, 2012, 06:30:51 AM »
I finally purchased the DS DVD Volume 26, and I was blown away by the special features.

I thought the Lara Parker Dress Rehearsal footage was fascinating.
Has anyone ever commented on this before. I did a search, but couldn't come up with anything.

Anyway, for those that haven't seen it, the rehearsal was from the episode in parallel time where Lara plays dual roles: Angelique and Alexis, where they switch places in the mausoleum. It was a very complicated scene to set up because Lara was playing opposite herself and they had to shoot it 2 times: once with Lara as Alexia, and once with Lara as Angelique, then they would superimpose or merge the two together.
Lara was playing her scene as Alexis first, and she had to pause every few moments to give Angelique time to say her lines, and you could see Lara getting frustrated with the teleprompter moving to fast. Well, she actually tells the director that the prompter is moving 3 times faster than she would say her lines.
Then, later she flubs her lines, and after they yell, cut! you can see her mouth the words, "I messed it up."
Next, the crew helps her climb into her coffin, and she is ready to go with the scene, but then they

announce over the loudspeaker to break for lunch, and you can see her throw her hands up in the air.
The footage last about 11 minutes.
I would like to know where this footage came from, and if there is more rehearsal footage out there.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: February 07, 2012, 06:41:16 AM »
Before I start a panic, I should be more specific.
After re-reading the catalog, I want to clarify.
This is what the catalog says: This packaging will be discontinued and no longer available upon inventory running out.
That probably means they are just going to repackage the series like Nicky pointed out in her post about amazon's new listing, but the catalog does not mention this.

IMO, I don't think mpi has given up the rights--just discontinuing the old packaging in favor of new packaging.
Sorry for the confusion.

The catalog does not say they are going to be re-pack

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Complete Original Series April 10 on DVD
« on: February 07, 2012, 03:17:13 AM »
I received a catalog from mpi in today's mail.
They have dropped the price of the individual sets to $24.98.
It says they will be discontinued.
Regarding the complete box set, it says that the collector's postcard is personally signed by Jonathan, so it sounds like it's his actual autograph and not a pre-print.

Great show! I used to enjoy watching it when my local station reran it on Friday late nights during the 1980s. I thought it was appropriately atmospheric, and the music was moody and really set the tone. But I think it suffered from the hour format because some of the stories dragged on and could get boring.

Thanks, David. Will do.
BTW, I see tcm is going to air Joan Crawford's Berserk in july. A guilty pleasure of mine so I must remember to record it.

thanks for the heads up! i'm going to record hods. i don't normally watch tcm--do they show their movies commercial free?

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Lara Parker's teaching career
« on: January 31, 2011, 03:07:32 PM »
When I attended the last Dark Shadows convention, Lara had mentioned that she was teaching English classes at college. Imagine having Lara as your English teacher!

Anyway, I recently came across this site where students can rate their teachers and leave comments, and I remembered Lara, so I entered her name in the search engine (not her stage name, but her real name) and guess who's name came up! I was amused to read what her students thought about. I assume her students are primarily young kids (19 or 20 year-olds)  and they probably have no idea of their teacher's alter ego--unless she told them (which I doubt).

She mostly got good reviews. Nobody said anything nasty, but there are a few amusing comments in the mix. I would like to post the link if I can, but I don't want to break any rules, so I thought I'd better ask first.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: DAVID SELBY IN A NEW MOVIE/OT
« on: September 15, 2010, 10:30:13 PM »
Yes, I saw him briefly in a commercial for a movie the other day. I think this might have been it.

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: KATHRYN L. SCOTT ON TV
« on: September 14, 2010, 05:47:47 AM »
I just saw this commercial.  It aired dureing Bachelor Pad.
Cute. Her hair looked white, though. Must be the lighting... but she did say they were going to visit the grandkids.

If they could get the human likenesses as perfectly they'd be worth twice the cost.

I totally agree! I like Barnabas, but I didn't even buy the Angelique figure because it doesn't do Lara Parker justice.
I had some free time, so I did some photo-shop work on a photo of the figure to show how it could have looked better.
First, change the shape of the eyebrows. She looks worried or constipated.
Give her some false eyelashes and a little blue eyeshadow.
Put some lipstick on her and--Voila!
Don't you think she looks better?

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