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Messages - Maybellique

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Current Talk '05 I / Re: "Potential new DS movie"
« on: May 10, 2005, 06:05:02 AM »
While it helps that someone is familiar with the DS vehicle, I feel the main criterion is someone who knows how to make a film.  One that captivates our imagination, can tell a good story and knows how to cast actors that fit the characters in question is always a first choice for me.  Will it be the original?  By no means.  Could it be better then the original?  You bet.

However, just having a fan that isn't a good film maker make a DS movie is a lose, lose proposition for the entire vehicle, original, new and indifferent.

As a general rule, I never believe anything concerning new DS ventures unless it's confirmed by other third party newspapers.

     Oh, but it's fun to dream, isn't it. ;)

     And that's pretty much what I meant in a nutshell. I didn't mean to say that they'd be better off taking just any fan
off the street, give them a pen and paper and say, "Here! Doodle out a script!" No, I'm talking about the more experienced
screen-play writers, directors, etc., who are familiar with Dark Shadows. Either way, I'd watch it b/c I'm a hardcore fan, but
it'd still be nice to have someone who's not only a fan themselves but who's skilled in the field, also. And DAMMIT I didn't
mean to rhyme that... lol. ~DJ

Polls Archive / Re: Favorite Aired Season
« on: May 10, 2005, 05:49:03 AM »
My favorite would have to be season 2. It was basically the first season I saw and for the
longest time all we had were a couple of tapes involving the kidnapping of maggie
evans. I had a lot of time to contemplate what would happen next. :) Most definitely
season 2 would be my pick. ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Carl / contains spoilers
« on: May 10, 2005, 04:36:29 AM »
Please.  Barnabas Collins left enough corpses lying around to suggest the Black Death had arrived in Collinsport.  The fact that he hesitated to slaughter his relatives with the same abandon as he did other folk does not assuage his guilt nor diminish his responsibility. The death of Carl Collins was lazy writing, in my opinion, and a pretty lousy way to let John Karlen go do something else.

LOL! Too true! And well said! They do that a lot on tv, don't they? You know, I felt they did that with Quantum Leap when it was cancelled... It was axed abruptly so they had to quickly think of a way to end it. Of course, you can never please everyone, but what
they came up with was just wholly unsatisfying, imo. Such was the case with Carl Collins. That only renewed my hatred for Barnabas Collins... but I'm over that now... or AM I?  >:D ~DJ

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Dark Shadows Fest '05
« on: May 10, 2005, 04:29:13 AM »
Sorry if this topic has been beaten like a dead horse, but who's going this year? I can't believe it,
but I actually AM!!! My hubby, the baby, and I are all going to So. Cali to see my Grandma, friends
and the rest of the family, so the fest will be the icing on the cake of this trip!

This is so exciting for me! I've NEVER been to a fest. I even dreamed about it this morning right
before I woke up. Unfortunately, I'd left the tv on an hour before I decided to wake up and my
fabulous dream about the DS Fest turned into a showing of "Married With Children". I was wondering
why they were all talking like Bud Bundy. lol.

See you all there! :) ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: "Potential new DS movie"
« on: May 10, 2005, 04:03:19 AM »
    Agreed. I think handing the pen off to someone who's just going to fast forward through
the eps just to get a good GIST of the show is certainly not going to cut it here. It takes
a fan to do a show justice when put on the big screen. ~DJ

A DS movie could be really cool if handled by people who would understand the series and the characters.  I'm leaning toward Tim Burton, if he does it seriously.

  Hopefully they'll announce something soon.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: What's THIS?!
« on: March 28, 2005, 10:07:27 PM »
Ah. What I meant was that after I clicked on the bunny and got myself some points, I clicked on Jackie's and Countess's curse/cure option to see how it worked. That really is pretty cool.. ~DJ

   Thanks! I just wanted to be respectful to the owners. Not all groups allow you to advertize your own group, so I was kind of walking on eggshells there. :)

   I really hope you all join. I"m going to be posting a lot of beautiful photos of KLS later on today. :) ~DJ


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / New KLS Group On Yahoo Groups
« on: March 28, 2005, 02:51:37 PM »
Don't delete me! I'm not trying to spam!  :P I'm not sure where to put this, but I just wanted to advertize my site on yahoogroups for KLS fans. It's called, most simply, KLS_Fans, is dedicated to none other than Kathryn Leigh Scott and promises to have lots of pictures as I LOVE collecting screen caps of my favorite actors.

Fan fiction is welcome and any DS discussion and/or personal discussion is not opposed. Debate is also welcomed, so long as it doesn't turn into an all out war. The same is to be said for personal discussion. ;)

If you want to join, please go here:

If I'm breaking any rules by posting this link here at all, then you can delete this and I'm truly sorry to the mods. ~DJ

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: What's THIS?!
« on: March 27, 2005, 05:51:27 PM »
I tried it out... I think I gave you guys-- Jackie & Countess-- some points...  Huh. I've never seen that sort of feature on any other lists. How unique. :) ~DJ

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: What's THIS?!
« on: March 27, 2005, 04:42:41 PM »
The words curses and cures are clickable just beneath your name. What does that mean? That you can either give someone curse or cure points?

Current Talk '05 I / Re: DS Cancelled!
« on: March 25, 2005, 07:42:01 PM »
Quote from: Ian
LOL...the original? I wasn't even being dreamed of being conceived yet.

LOL! I'm right there with ya, bud. For all I knew in the early 90's, DS '91 WAS the original! ~DJ

Anyway, I'm on the phone with my Mom right now-- no big surprise-- and here's her answer:

When I found out that it was cancelled, I was in California then, it made me mad. I was watching the tv and (apparently) someone just said it was cancelled. Broke my heart. I was working at the time but would always look forward to seeing that during the week. ~DJ's Mom

Current Talk '05 I / Re: "No Acting Please"
« on: March 25, 2005, 05:57:23 PM »
lol. It's cool. I think I'd play Maggie Evans just b/c she's one of the deeper characters on the show. That and her downward spiral into regression and then, perhaps, insanity, intrigued me. She went a little nuts, the poor girl, but she made it through. I just wish she would have gotten her memories back.

If KLS beat me out for the role (don't all insult me at once  :P) then I'd definitely want to be a writer. I think in order to be a good writer, you have to also be a fan of the show. I'm not sure that the writers DID watch the show, from what I've seen. There are a lot of potholes in the storylines and not enough character development. Wow, and this is my favorite show I'm beating up. lol. ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Stranded on an Island
« on: March 24, 2005, 10:29:44 PM »
I love coconut, but I couldn't live off it. There'd have to be avocadoes on the island somewhere, though, definitely. ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Stranded on an Island
« on: March 24, 2005, 05:52:33 PM »
DJ's Mom: Omg. Willie! Because we would make such passionate love.


Dj: I just didn't need to hear that! lol. But I agree. ;)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Special Music Artists
« on: March 24, 2005, 05:29:34 PM »
My Mom said this: I'd love to see Paul Anka on the show. He could sing "I'm just a lonely boy" for Willie. He's also a good actor. ~DJ's Mom

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