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Messages - Brandon Collins

This sounds like an interesting read. I'll have to add it to my booklist, which is already about 20 books long on top of what I have on my shelf--too many to count! But, aside from just the DS aspect of it, it seems that from the description posted by Joeytrom, that Caldwell's life story has a lot more to offer as well.

This is very interesting. No doubt yet another way that DS broke boundaries and was a trendsetter. I think that we owe a lot to HAA in his portrayal of Blair because I doubt any other actor in that role would have had as much delicious, wicked fun, as he did. Of the characters HAA played on DS, Blair was always the standout and was one of the best villains, in my opinion, of the entire show. I always felt like Evan Handley was just a previous incarnation of Blair, similar to the Miranda DuVal/Angelique connection we later discovered during the 1840 storyline.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: ....gone
« on: October 28, 2019, 05:38:54 PM »
I recently finished rewatching the entire series from the intro of Barnabas forward by streaming it on Amazon. Once I finished, I was tempted to start over from the beginning and go through it again but instead I watched the 91 revival series. And now I'm on a break from DS. This last rewatch was the first time I've watched the show all the way through in over a decade, and it really reminded me how much I missed it.

This article certainly puts a more positive spin on the current season of AHS then I would be inclined to do. I rarely say that I'm disappointed in a season, but this one certainly tops the list as one of the worst so far.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: 29 Most Iconic TV Witches
« on: October 21, 2019, 03:49:43 PM »
This was a great list. I was surprised to see the inclusion of a few characters, like Rita Repulsa for example.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Continuity grr
« on: October 15, 2019, 07:29:38 PM »
I think Carolyn suffered from having too much character and not enough time to grow into it. She was a typical angsty teen with a secret, and it wasn't until the climax that the secret was revealed--and it was so unnecessary to the plot that it was disappointing. Part of the downfall of that movie was that there were too many layers that could've been just left out and explored in subsequent films. And, of course, the comedy included where it really shouldn't have been.

I like the movie, and I watch it here and there, but it always gets me how much it should've really shined compared to what it was. I do think its interesting that you point out that Carolyn in the movie hues closer to Elizabeth in the series.

Calendar Events / Announcements '24 I / Re: Message to MB
« on: October 11, 2019, 08:27:35 PM »
Glad everything is back up and running. I tried to access a few times earlier this week and was surprised to find the error message. Maybe one of Angelique's spells? :D

The only thing I would be interested in from these re-releases is the version of the first book signed by Alexandra Molkte. I'm sure that will be a fast moving unit for their line. Otherwise, I don't see the purpose of releasing these. I have the original collection of books and haven't looked at them in years. I toyed with reading them a few times, but didn't want to damage them, and lately I've been thinking of purging them from my collection. I wonder if there will still be a market for the older versions once these are released.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0002
« on: September 26, 2019, 01:25:03 PM »
They definitely made more of an attempt in the early episodes to play up the elegance and richness of the Collins family, with scenes like the one MB pictured above. That seemed to have been lost in the later episodes, aside from a mention here and there of how rich the family was. Liz certainly did not parade around in ball gowns very often.

Here's what strikes me about this list: the sheer number of movies that have been remade over the years! And also, that there are a few entries that are the original and then years later the remake! But, I suppose there are no new stories after all!

I saw a similar article about the mistake with the photo. I didn't even think about Denise Nickerson not being included, a definite oversight for sure! But it seems every year there is something like this that happens--someone doesn't get included or an error is made somewhere.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0002
« on: September 24, 2019, 08:43:02 PM »
The way the show uses the outdoor establishing shots in these earlier episodes before cutting away to the set is wonderful. Sure, they use pictures to establish the setting later, but that's very different from live film!

I always thought the set up in these first few episodes was creepy yet intriguing. Many plots points to build on, even if the build to the climax is a bit boring at times.

This show caught my eye based on the commercials alone, and I had thought about watching it. Based on what you've posted here, I might give it a try. In reading the TV Guide article in your last post, it seems like Nancy Drew on the CW is also going to possess some supernatural elements, so I'm wondering how that show will fare in this new TV season.

I suppose that is an appropriate thing to have for the event itself, given the nearness to Sleepy Hollow. Though I must admit, the revelation of that surprise is somewhat underwhelming. Here's hoping there is more in store for those who are attending this event!

I agree! I was glad to see him honored during the memorial segment on the Emmys.