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Messages - Heather

Current Talk '10 II / Re: hoDS: Todd Alert!
« on: December 07, 2010, 05:25:25 AM »
Someone should do a poll on "best shirtless" (or open shirt) moment on Dark Shadows (or DS movies) - Right, G?
Sorry, I'm a wench...  [santa_evil]

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Signature test
« on: December 05, 2010, 06:06:18 AM »
testing, testing, 1,2,3...testing my signature  [santa_cheesy]

Current Talk '10 II / Re: Favorite Julia Scenes (per MB request)
« on: August 06, 2010, 10:04:53 AM »
I am a Julia/Grayson nut. I admit it. There isn't a scene that Grayson played (in Dark Shadows and elsewhere) that I didn't appreciate in one way or another. But anyway, there are so many scenes and Julia mannerisms...I can't name them all! LOL
2 things off the top of my head:[spoiler] when Julia and Barnabas are working on Adam, and Barnabas says something to the effect of: "He will do; he has a handsome face." Julia says: "Because of Vicki?" B then says "Well, Jeff Clarck is younger than I." J looks at hm and says: "For some women that wouldn't make a difference." I loved that scene! When  get to that part of the show I always rewind it a few times just to absorb his and her reaction.
I also love in 1840 when B&J both say, on separate scenes, that they are "that" devoted to one another.[/spoiler]
As far as her mannerisms are concerned, I should post some of my favorite screen caps one day...each look and tilt of the head is priceless!
I could go on and on...LOL

Loved the video and the tribute! You go RJ! ANd many thanks Midnite for the write-up. :) xo


Calendar Events / Announcements '10 II / Re: Fest Reports
« on: July 26, 2010, 12:14:23 PM »
Thanks for sharing these Midnite!!! I haven't been able to attend a DS convention yet, so these write ups are the next best thing! Again, thanks much!  xo


Thank you guys for the birthday wishes! I am sorry I haven't been active on the boards. I really miss everyone!

Calendar Events / Announcements '10 I / Grayson Artwork For Sale
« on: January 09, 2010, 10:44:48 PM »
I would like to offer the following pieces for sale. They are illustrations of Grayson Hall in a couple of her memorable roles. These are one of a kind, original artwork (not prints - although I'm thinking of offering another piece in a limited edition, printed format.) The following pieces range from 10" x 15" to 15" x 20" mounted on foam core board.

The first is an angelic "Pepe" from "Satan in High Heels":

The second is a scene from her role in "End of the Road":

A few more pieces that are non-Grayson and non-Dark Shadows related can be found at the following links:

If you are interested in any of the pieces, please PM me which illustration you are interested in along with your best offer. Prices start at $75 each + Shipping and Handling. Payments can be made by check or money order. I will update the bids via PM. After one week, I will sell to the highest bidders. Thanks all!    [snow_kiss]

...wanted to buy silk sheets with for days they weren't working on the "book."


Dom, I loved that graphic!  :-*

Thank you so much everyone for the birthday wishes. You're officially the first DS Board/group that remembered my B-Day. You all get a chocolate banana cookie and a piece of chocolate birthday cake!  [ghost_cheesy]
But seriously - thanks - there was a time in my life when I didn't think I would reach my 30th birthday. But now, I'm here. There's a bunch of reasons I should be thankful and celebrate in my own way. Take care all!  [ghost_smiley]

p.s. My sincere apologies that I haven't been active on the boards for a long time. Real life has thrown me for a loop, and you know how those things go. I promise to catch up one day soon, and comment on the posts. You all are an inspiration and mean a lot to me. :-*

Current Talk '08 II / Collins Clan: "Simpsonized" (4 of 4)
« on: July 31, 2008, 07:52:11 AM »
The eternally smiling Roxanne...

Magda, how could we ever forget thee...?

And her big fat hero, Sandor (hey, I did the best I could with clothing/accessories available)  [ghost_rolleyes]

Barnabas donning the brown suit he wore when he rescued Julia during the Tooooooooommmm Jennings affair. 

Julia dressed for a hot date {wink}

p.s. Barnabas and Julia are smiling wide because they finally got some.....

.....much needed work done {cough} on the "book" {cough} ALL night long {wink wink, nudge nudge}

Wenchilly yours,

Heather H. [devil]

Current Talk '08 II / Collins Clan: "Simpsonized" (3 of 4)
« on: July 31, 2008, 07:47:17 AM »
Chris or Tom...take your pick.

Mr. Q-man himself. Yeah, I'm not sure either...maybe Dr. Q borrowed the stethoscope from Julia?!

Peter Bradford/Jeff Clark (or as I say: PB & J for short.)

Angelique - think, Leviathan or PT era... ;)

The eternal Josette...

Current Talk '08 II / Collins Clan: "Simpsonized" (2 of 4)
« on: July 31, 2008, 07:44:20 AM »
Mrs. J - hey, she only has 2 hands...pick up after yourself already! ;)

Carolyn in her bright green sweater (think: Adam era...)

Maggie - no, I don't think her hair is quite right either. ;)

For some reason, when I tried to convert a Professor stokes close-up,
he ended up looking like Dr. Guthrie (remember him?) Damned if I know

Current Talk '08 II / Collins Clan: "Simpsonized" (1 of 4)
« on: July 31, 2008, 07:41:03 AM »
Okay, so there was no way in hell I could make it to the fest this year...
So what does a wench like me do while everyone else was having a ball? Aside from RL work, I play with software, that's what!
No I didn't do these by hand....this time. A while ago I made a "Simpsonized" avatar of myself on this webpage:
So, I got to thinking and I decided to Simpsonize some of my DS Captures (not every character is represented here - apologies in advance):

The no-nonsense Mistress, Liz...

Snooty yet entertaining Roger...

Young David, the prankster (yeah, I know, not a perfect match.)

The once spunky turned naive Vicki...sleeveless, of course!


I can't believe I missed it...
Happy Belated Birthday, sweetcakes!

{ring, ring} Paul: Are you ready for your 50 lashings yet...dahling. {groowwwl}

{a few minutes later}

Pepe: {sigh} Fine. The extra crop and black wig are in the safe. Just make SURE you're back here in time for rehearsal. {cracks whip}

Wenchily yours,

Heather H. xo

*note to newbies: these are captures from "Satan In High Heels"

Current Talk '08 II / Re: What zines are still in print!!
« on: July 31, 2008, 07:30:55 AM »
I adore fanzines too (and I only first discovered them after I saw the entire classic series for the first time, soon after I graduated from H.S. - late '90's to early 2000's. Technically I'm a next-generation fan because my mom was in H.S. when DS was originally aired, and she didn't introduce it to me until well after they started airing the series on Sci-Fi.)
Anyway - a few of my favorite printed zines/stories include "Never and Again," "Shadowed Beginnings" (a book that I could not put down,) "Return to 1971," etc....
But then, I am an unapologetic B&J nut so - go fig. LOL
I'm also sad that has disappeared (temporarily at least - I think it may be back one day.) That was one of the first sites I found when I first got on the web in search of new quality fanfic. From there I found the Grayson site, and then the Julia list....I made some wonderful friends and continue to read some wonderful work from the people I've met there, and later here on this board too. Memories... :-*


Heather H.