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Messages - tripwire

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Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0673
« on: November 19, 2005, 01:13:40 AM »
Jennings : 2 ball in the corner pocket.

 (Thinking) : Who would have thought some dumb book about a seagull  would have such a profound  affect on me.

Caption This! - 1795/1796 / Re: Episode #0438
« on: October 28, 2005, 03:13:32 AM »
N: Dont you make up ever wear more than me, understand do you?

As the 3 do gooders discuss their dinner plans, the spirit of Angelique decides on revenge against the meddling professor by taking things into her owns hands.    [hall2_shocked]

Caption This! - 1795/1796 / Re: Episode #0407
« on: October 16, 2005, 08:33:17 PM »
Ghost of Josette:  As a result of you ending my life way too early all those years ago, it is my command you marry and be intimate with Hoffman every nite for 5 years.. I will be watching!!


As a patient at Wingcliffe for the last ten years, an obviously insane Haskell watches as Bucky Dent homers over the Green Monster sending the Red Sox down in flames and the Yanks to the World Series...................... >:D

Maggie: Well?

Julia: No Maggie, i DONT think you should go to Hollywood to try and be a Pepsodent girl.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 II / Re: "Dorothy Does Dark Shadows"???
« on: September 03, 2005, 01:27:56 AM »
Dorothy could make Barnabas forget all about Josette... Willie would not be so concerned with Maggie. Professor Stokes would not be as concerned about the occult..Nicholas would have a real good reason for getting sent to hell...Jeff Clark could really touch someone elses hair.  Adam would be smiling a lot more.  Dr. Hoffman wouldnt be so concerned with Barny..Roger.....well Roger would still be Roger......Liz would find the cottage irresistable after 20 years of being couped up...Madame Finley would not be looking for Quentins ghost.  Braithwaite would look 190 instead of 90...Vicki would undestand a lot more.  Sam Evans would never have gone blind.....................

Girls will be boys and boys will be girls, its a mixed up shook up world except for tripwire, la la la la tripwire la la la la tripwire... ^-^   But you are correct, Candlelighter is a lovely lady.

I once worked(loose term) on  Gower  about a block North of Hollywood Blvd, as a drivers instructor, until i failed my driving test, passing a slow car over a double yellow line.. ;D  Hey, Waffle house and Walmart, now we are talking!!  Both 2 miles from where i live, and a Super Wally no less   8)

Current Talk '05 I / Re: happy birthday to our show!
« on: June 29, 2005, 02:52:53 AM »
The first episode i watched was when i was over at aunts and uncles after school.. My aunt say  "lets watch Dark Shadows"  i had heard of the show, but never seen it... Here is this kid, looking like he has been locked in some sort of block building, hollering and carrying on, with a coffin in the center of the room...I got to thinking "what the heck have i been missing"   ;D   Happy Birthday DS!

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0672
« on: June 29, 2005, 02:35:53 AM »
Julia :  I have found  it!  Barnabas, Carolyn, i see everyone in this Parallel Universe!  I am here!!

Barnabas : Doctor, you seem to have left something behind.  

Another one...  3 since Sunday?  I got relatives and "Cousins" that live out there, so hold on  ;)
Was watching a horse race from hollywood park as the quake hit and announcer was funny, talked about this being perhaps his last call, saying the race was too close to call, and saying he didnt give a s--- who won   ;D  skeered the guy  he sits up pretty high..

Caption This! - 1796_3 / Re: Episode #0665
« on: June 14, 2005, 01:08:15 AM »
Millicent :  Oh dear, there is a frightful odor about, do you recognize it Countess?

Countess : I have been recognizing it for a couple of hours now Millicent, that damn Ben asks me to dinner, and he has boiled eggs and beer waiting for me.

Barnabas :  I dont know what that blue pill you gave me was, but it sure was no sedative.

Julia :  No, it wasnt a sedative, i just call it my quicker picker upper.

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