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Messages - Raholt

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Current Talk '02 II / Re:  DS Chain Reaction
« on: November 05, 2002, 06:41:33 AM »
It has been wished for as long as DS has been on Sci-fi, including its inital run that they would do a DS marathon, which has since become known as a chain reaction.  However that has never happened and probably never will.  While Sci fi seems to know DS is popular with its fans, they still don't see it being as marketable as Star Trek or Stargate SG1.  Part of the problem is the fact that the series is a continuing drama and I guess they feel that it would be unfair to air a small grouping of shows and leave people hainging, who might not get the chance to watch it at it's regular time.

However, I can see them doing a Chain Reaction of the 1991 mini series.  That would be interesting to revisit this off shoot of the original.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: And Jaclyn Smith as Victoria Winters
« on: November 05, 2002, 06:35:14 AM »
Actually, what I think is that Dan Curtis was holding out hope of getting Alexandra Moltke back as Victoria Winters, following her pregnacy.  She has stated that she was approached about returning, but she did not want to return as Victoria.  She felt the character was too boxed in and she wanted to stretch as an actress.  My feeling is that they were never truely looking for a replacement for Alexandra, only a stand in.  When it couldn't work out for Alexandra to return, then they decided it was best to just end the Victoria Winters character, but in a way that truely always left the door open to bring her back if Alexandra changed her mind.  

Dark Shadows is one of those soaps that never had alot of luck with replacing original actors in roles, once the show got going.  Yes, Sam Evans was replaced after only a couple of weeks with the man who most people know as Sam and the character of Willie was replaced after only a few episodes with John Karlen, but in both cases the characters were replaced before they were established.  The replacement of Burke Devlin by Anthony George is an example of it just not working.  While I like George in the role, perhaps better than Mitch Ryan, he just did not click and was soon written out.  The only other character that I can think of that was replaced after a short stint anyway was the Harry Johnson character and that was only for a show or two and then that character was gone.   Fans of the show related very strongly to the same actors playing the same parts.  They would buy them playing other roles in other time periods but not other actors playing the same roles.  They were as devoted to the actors as their characters and thus they were not as interchangable as was the case in other soaps.


Also I have found out tonight that the reason for so little info being in the press about Jonathan Harris' death is that the family wished it to be handled very low key in the media until after his funeral on Wednesday.  I can understand the family's wishes at a time like this but while I understand not give out exact details of the arrangements, for fear there would be people crash the funeral, fans are only human and they wanted to know what happened to him.  I think what was released, giving a brief bit of background info and the cause of death was very appropriate to both honor the wishes of the family and needs of the fans.


There is a finally an article about Jonathan Harris's death on Yahoo.  I sent it to Midnite to see since she was the first to mention not seeing anything about it.  It stated that he died Nov 3, 2002 of a blood clot to the heart, while in the hospital for treatment of a chronic back problem.  All I could think about when I read this was Dr. Smith and his constant complaints about his delicate back.  I think seeing this in print finally made it real for me.  I hate to know he is gone but I am glad that he went peacefully in his sleep.


I am on a Lost in Space email list, with connections to many LIS organizations and they reported his death last night, saying he died at about 6pm Eastern Time on Sunday Nov 3.  

Like Midnite I have not been able to find any media reports about  his passing, but I must admit having the same problem for the first couple of days after Dennis Patrick died.  Part of it is that these people are part of popular  nostalgia, but not thought as popular today.  The media isn't as anxious to talk about a star of 30 years ago (heyday of his fame) as they would be if he had been in the limelight today.  

Also I read today that he was in the hospital and died in his sleep but apparently details about what was wrong with him aren't being released.  One of the leaders of the email list said she knew he had been having health problems but had been asked not to talk about them.  Apparently that is a request of the family.  She also stated he had been schedule to attend Chiller this year but had had to cancel.


My two favorite characters when I was a kid were both portrayed by actors named Jonathan.  Jonathan Frid played Barnabas and Jonathan Harris played Dr. Smith.  I still enjoy watching both actors in the parts that made them famous.  

I got to meet Jonathan Harris in 1986, at the first fan convention that he ever attended.  He was a very warm and funny man, who enjoyed sharing his memories of Lost in Space with the fans.  It was a small event so it made it much more informal.  I will always remember that event as special.

Then last year, I finally had the opportunity to meet Jonathan Frid at the Dalton Georgia show.  I had always wanted to meet him as well and that finally happened thanks to a very good friend online.  

Most kids grow wanting to meet their favorite actors, but few get the chance to do so.  I got to meet 2 of my 3 favorites, and that is really something.  The 3rd was Lucille Ball.

I am saddened to hear of Jonathan Harris' passing, but we were very lucky to have had him with us as long as we did.  From what I have read, elsewhere tonight, he would have been 88 on Nov 6th.  He will be missed, but through reruns and videos, the joy and laughter he brought the kids of the 60's will continue on forever.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DVD set 3
« on: October 17, 2002, 12:43:44 AM »
Can't wait for Volume 3 to come out for retail sale so I can get mine.  I'm enjoying rewatching these episodes on DVD.  Too bad it will be all the way until Feb, at the earliest, before Volume 4 is coming out.

Actually they are now reporting that he is not fired and will be back for more Dell commericals.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Natalie's Fate: Was it really Altered?
« on: October 02, 2002, 06:46:51 AM »
I am one of those fans that don't try to make the story fit with explanations of what might have been done unseen or happened due to an action.  The fact is the responsibilty for any inconsistency in this or any storyline is the writers.  It is true that in reality, unseen things do affect people's lives, but in the case of DS, when I come across an inconsistency like this one, I blame the writers for the error.  Given the fact that these episodes were written well after the original segment is still no excuse for not doing the research to find out where the characters stood at any given point in the original flashback and taking the new story from there.  It would be like writing a sequel to a novel and not bothering to find out where the characters ended up before you continue telling their story. I know TV is fast paced and daytime tv, especially back then was very hectic, but surely there was a story bible or synopoises available for the writers to fall back on when delving into past storylines.  This is not a problem that affected just DS, but has happened with many TV shows and it boils down to a writer or writers not doing their research.  When the research is not done then you end up with a situation like this where you are seeing a split version of Natalie Dupres life, not to mention no explanation of how Victoria could have become the governess to the Collins children in that time and not Phyllis Wick since the second time around she was not taking her place.  Also add to that the state of Millicent Collins mental health in this mini flashback.  She is a bit daffy but in no way as mentally disturbed as she was by that point in the original storyline.  The writers of this segment failed to take quite a few things into consideration before beginning this part of the story and it shows prominently unfortunately.

To put it in story context, this is not suppose to be a PT version of anything.  It is suppose to be how history unfolded for the Collins family of the past.  When Victoria went into the past, replacing Phyllis Wick, she was living out life as it had happened to Phyllis originally.  The writers took some licenses with Victoria's knowledge of the past and attempts to prevent the tragedies that hit the Collins family in 1795, but ulitmately history unfolded as it had originally.  When she went back the second time, all rational explantions for how she could have logically fit into that time are gone and it leaves us with a version of the story that doesn't make alot of sense and lacks continuity with the rest of the story as it had been presented up to that point.  


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Natalie's Fate: Was it really Altered?
« on: October 01, 2002, 08:03:12 AM »
Here is my problem with the first mini flashback and Natalie DuPres.  In the original 1795 storyline, Joshua tells Natalie that his son is still alive and under a curse.  She even helps Joshua summon Bathia Mapes to try to end the curse on Barnabas.  

At the time Barnabas goes back in time to save Victoria Winters, this takes place after the events mention above.  After all Victoria's hanging happened after all attempts to end the curse had failed and even after Barnabas was chained in his coffin.  In the mini flashback Barnabas wants Ben to chain him in his coffin to allow history to proceed as it did before so we know the period of time these events are happening.  However in the Mini flashback, Natalie seems to know nothing about Barnabas being cursed or being in the tower, which she would have already known by that point in the original flashback.  The timeline should not have changed from its original course until Barnabas went back which would have been after the events involving Natalie originally.    For this reason, her discovery and ignorance of Barnabas has always bothered me in this flashback.  Since in the original flashback she found out about Barnabas and the curse and did not seem bent on revenge, but instead willing to help fight the powers of Angelique, her reaction in this mini flashback has also bothered me.  The whole Natalie DuPres portion of this flashback seemed to be written by someone who had not seen the original because it in no way went along with the original flashback storyline at all with regard to Natalie.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: September 07, 2002, 10:38:58 AM »
Well, today, Amazon finally sent me word that my DS DVD Set 2 has shipped.  I should get it on Monday, one day shy of 3 weeks after its release date and 3 months and 3 weeks since it was pre-ordered.  Better late than never, I suppose, but this incident has given me serious doubts about using Amazon for any future orders of any kind.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: September 05, 2002, 08:15:41 AM »

I am  not mad.  I am happy for you.  At least, Amazon can't say they don't or didn't have any in stock.  You getting your order from them proved that they did.  I wrote Amazon about this, my third letter to them on the subject of my pre-order since Aug 28.  This time, stating the facts as they happened for you, unlike the other times, when I heard back from them in 24hrs, this time they are strangely silent.  I guess they cannot explain this situation any better than I can.

Well Carol, I hope you enjoy your new DVD's and  I mean that sincerely.  Also thank you for bringing this subject up and keeping me posted on its arrival.  This will strongly affect my next pre-order, which is DVD 3, which I made in July and any future orders I might have placed with  Again thanks and enjoy.



Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: September 04, 2002, 10:05:01 AM »
Thank you Carol.  I have written another letter to on this matter.  Like you I have done a good deal of business with them as well and if they want to keep me as a customer, then they had better get on the ball and right this problem.

Vam, I worked in a tiny video retail store in a mall for 2 years and here is how sophisticated our pre-order list was.  It was a piece of paper on a clip board, but it worked and we made sure it was first come first served.  Surely a place as large as Amazon, with all their computers and alike can manage to keep a list based on date of order and do the same thing with even more ease than we least you would think.

I'm sorry everyone, I know that this is not the only source of my frustration and anger right now, but this past week at the library where I work now, our director is retiring and we have just had an interim director rammed down our throats that nobody wants and is not qualified for the position.  What makes it worse is he was chosen over the current director, who has 17 years of outstanding service and had agreed to stay on until a permanent replacement could be found.  This done so by a politically corrupt board of directors that this interim director was president of until a few days before he was given the job.  In this case the wishes of the staff, the general public and even the county commission were all ignored , despite the fact that the board is there to look out for the public's interest, but they chose to betray that trust and look out for their own personal interests and that of the interim director.  I hate injustice and this situation has made me get into a fighting mode to protect my rights.  My rights as a citizen to have a say in the library that I pay for with my tax dollars and seems to now be thought of as the personal property of  a group 6 people and my rights as a customer to get what I ordered in a timely and fair manner.  Neither of these situations have turned out to be handled very fairly and right now I'm just tired of constantly getting the shaft every way I turn.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: September 04, 2002, 02:36:26 AM »
No offense Carol, but reading your post outraged me.  It was not your post itself or you, but the fact that your ordered the DVD set on Friday and Amazaon is now shipping it to you and I pre-ordered it in late May and I'm still awaiting along with another board member who also pre-ordered it.  My outrage is at Amazon.   Have they lost their minds?  Do they not know how to conduct business anymore?  Last time, I checked a if person pre-orders a product  they are suppose to be among the first, not the last, to recieve the merchandise.  I was told the short supply story but if it was in a warehouse in Delaware, it is true my orders usually come from Kentucky, but they could have easily shipped it to the Kentucky warehouse and on to me or shipped it directly to me.  As it is, they said hopefully I would have it by next Monday, the 9th, but that was when they were talking like they didn't have any to ship before that time.  I ordered and recieved a  CD from Amazon in England faster than I am getting this DVD set, and with none of the run around.  That whole process took a whopping 10 days and it has almost been that long since the DVD set came out and I'm still waiting to hear it has even been shipped, little on actually have it in my hands.  

It seems to me that someone at Amazon needs a refresher course on customer service and what the terms pre-order and satisfaction mean as well.  If you have an item in stock that item should go to the first person who ordered it, not the last.  No offense Carol, I'm happy that you got such prompt service, but it isn't fair that someone put an order in on Friday and get a notice of shipment the following Tuesday, while someone who ordered it in May is still waiting.  


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: DS DVD Set 2
« on: September 01, 2002, 10:51:26 PM »
Well, Amazon customer service finally got back to me with an explanation.  It seems they found Set 2 in short supply, meaning their people didn't order enough from the supplier and by the time they realized it their supplier was out.  They are trying to get it from a different suppler and hope to have it to me by Sept 9.  Been around retail video long enough to know that someone fouled up and thought it would not sell so didn't order but one or two, even with pre-orders already taken.  The company I worked for could do the same thing and I never understood how you could be in that business and not know what you are doing.  Apparently it is pretty easy.


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