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Messages - joe integlia

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eva green was mentioned as being a guest later this week on kimmel but they didnt say what night.

THE TV LAND AWARDS were presented by DARK SHADOWS the movie. interesting because DARK SHADOWS the show has never been featured or awarded anything on the TV LAND awards.

page 52 of the april 30th-may6th issue of TV GUIDE has a tribute to JONATHAN FRID. if you are a subscriber to the magazine like myself you should have the issue already.

interesting that burton says its not a comedy but et says its a gothic comedy.

i have yet to see mentions of JONATHAN FRID passing on entertainment shows. nothing on ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT because its all about DICK CLARK. it is mentioned on the website. I remember ET mentioned GRAYSON HALL'S death in the 80s.

the REAL PREMIERE for DARK SHADOWS movie has been announced. it will be held at the chinese theatre on monday may 7th. time to be announced. more details at  click on calendar of hollywood events and scroll down halfway. for those of you who thought the vista event was the premiere, the jokes on you.

entertainment tonight has not had much coverage on the ds movie. they had a report on the vanity fair issue but nothing since. extra showed the trailer the same day it was on ellen but et has yet to show it. i guess its somewhat understandable since extra is owned by warner bros.

i think it is her. i have a vague memory of this being listed as 1 of her credits somewhere. it may have been in a publication that world of ds put out in the 80s called SHADOW STAR PRINTS. i think thats what it was called.

i could play it fine on a pc with windows 7 using IE8

it looked very similiar to what abc showed but theres no way i could remember or pick out specific differences. im sure it will get posted eventually and picked apart by all of us.

isnt the 2nd trailer the 1 with alice cooper added? if so i already saw it yesterday before i saw the film, MIRROR, MIRROR.

Calendar Events / Announcements '12 I / Re: Hollywood Show
« on: April 01, 2012, 09:35:42 PM »
i no longer attend these. all the celebs do is sit there selling stuff and charge for pictures etc and also i videotaped a nice interview with ADRIAN PAUL and was forced to erase the tape by some official claiming i cant videotape.

the screening is going on right now! i was turned away because of my age.i was with fans, louis wendruck, steve broitman, kathleen resch and marcy robin. we were all turned away. they even had a photo of louis wendruck and he was told he couldnt be admitted because he posted the event on facebook which he did not. jim pierson was there and he even tried to get kathy,marcy and steve and i in but said he didnt have the final say and it was up to warner bros representative. we hung around hoping beyond hope that he would come through. he managed to get marcy and kathy in but kathy turned down the invite in protest that steve and i would not be admitted. maybe someone in the right age range or marcy will post a review but there were disclosures signed to prohibit people from posting about the movie that everyone signed. i will just have to see it at the vista theatre on may 10th

i saw that display at the amc burbank theatre. went to see THE HUNGER GAMES there. i did not like the movie. they did show the ds trailer and it just got a few chuckles from the audience.

thanks for the tip profstokes. i do have a work id with my name and pic on it and no birthdate. i will try that.

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