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Messages - DStoDA

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Current Talk '04 II / Re: Do We Have the Power to Bring About A DS Revival?
« on: November 28, 2004, 02:13:37 AM »
has anyone ever thought about bringing it back to ABC?
With Desperate Housewives being so HOT right now, the major networks have already over 25 new primetime soap pilots in development.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Do We Have the Power to Bring About A DS Revival?
« on: November 27, 2004, 02:24:26 PM »
I dont think 700 sigs would be enough. I've seen other petitions get 3000 signatures.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Divided Loyalties: A 1995 Promo
« on: November 26, 2004, 06:00:34 AM »
So when are we going to see 1995: Divided Loyalties?

You requested and now you shall receive!

(Click pic to see video)

Happy Thanksgiving

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Angelique's Prerogative
« on: November 14, 2004, 10:39:09 PM »
Angelique's Prerogative got a slight edit with 2 new clips added to it.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Fresh Promos
« on: November 06, 2004, 12:19:59 AM »
well, you know the videos I do? Well, most of them are video promos like promos u would see on TV to advertise a show.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Angelique's Prerogative
« on: November 02, 2004, 10:15:36 PM »
The song is sung be Britney Spears. Its a remake of Bobby Brown's original hit. Though I don't like Britney Spears, the song just screamed ANGELIQUE.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Fresh Promos
« on: November 02, 2004, 09:28:03 AM »
I was posting this in the calendar section, but didnt kno it would get its own thread!!!

Anyways, 2 promos will be released on Thanksgiving Day. And only the Dark Shadows Forums gets the exclusive announcements on future promos.

So while you wait for Thanksgiving, dont miss my latest promo "Angelique's Prerogative" in the other thread.

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Fresh Promos
« on: November 02, 2004, 09:21:20 AM »
The Dark Shadows Addict Will Release 2 all new promos for the Holiday Season! Eat some turkey while you watch my latest videos!!!!

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Angelique's Prerogative
« on: November 02, 2004, 07:01:18 AM »
(click on picture to watch video)

My new creation entitles "Angelique's Prerogative." Its less of a promo and more of a tribute montage of Angelique's years in Collinsport. I felt the music described her perfectly. I hope you guys like it.

DS to DA, these are brilliant.   I never watched Y & R so I don't "get the joke," but I think what you have created is beautiful.  I enjoyed both a lot, but of course my favorite is the first one--gotta love JAB!

That photoshop program with which you created the "sketches" produced marvelous work.  The close-up of Grayson's face from the TV Guide article is particularly impressive. 

your fan, Gothick

Thanks Gothick! I love the things I do with DS and I love finding interesting ways for people to take notice of DS.

there isnt really a joke of Y&R, i'm just taking a beautiful concept and applying it to DS. I you want to see what i was trying to imitate, go here :

BTW, I try to showcase JAB as much as i can, from the Time Cover to the Love is a battlefield promo, and to the Opening. and im not finished with them yet. This is only the beginning.

I have a gun pointed right at your head.  Tell me do you come up with these wonderful thing?  Does Magda have a curse on you so that you can do promo?  Or does Angelique have a spell on you that make you spill out all of these wonderful promo?   ???

Tell me, tell me now!

Um, please dont shoot me! HAHA

 i guess its because im really good at computers.

That's really cool -  I like the line-up of the cast at the end lots, along with the pacing of the images.  I had a go at something similar a year or so ago...

Oh Yea, Stuart!!! I've watch yours a couple times! You inspired me!! What program do you use to get so many images together? I use a very ghetto Windows Movie Maker, yet i find tricks to create stuff.

dont worry VWF!! an opening is coming for those 4 soon. If i ever use the Closing theme, (which is a lot longer) than i might be able to include everyone under one opening.
Actually, I was thinking about doing the openings by storylines. That way, we could get one with short hair julia and a long haired julia and even a Magda one.

BTW, guys, i hope you dont think i have too much time on my hands. I didnt draw thepictures, they were easily done on the computer via photoshop.

thanks!!! No, i might not do this type of work for a living. My sister is a graphic designer, but i dont think i will follow in her steps.

I just wanna say that this is not the only version. Someone on another board got ticked off that joan bennett wasnt in this one, but how on earth would i be able to fit in so many people  on one version? It would wreck the whole thing. I might do the other later on.

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