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Messages - MaggieEvans

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... he was forced to eat another one of Mrs. Johnson's boiled dinners.

(yes, I know... different time)

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Happy Birthday, Pansity!
« on: June 10, 2009, 06:47:45 PM »
Happiest Birthday, Pansity!

*she just spotted one of the criminals on America's Most Wanted!*

*trying to define the taste of 'gray'... it's a color, not a flavor.*

* a special gift in his front pocket, especially for her.*

ABC cameraman, while running away: "AAAAAA!!!!!" 
Victor: "What's the matter, my boy, can't take the aroma of my Double Garlic Tic Tacs??"

Badunk-a-dunk: n: ethnic slang: a big jiggly butt.

Let's say I was having a really bad day today.

Calendar Events / Announcements '09 I / Re: Twilight vs. DS article
« on: June 05, 2009, 10:07:42 PM »
Okay, first... vampires don't "sparkle". Period.

Second, never before in the history of television has a vampire caused such a fanatical uprising as Barnabas Collins! No one will ever be able to do that again. Teenage girls would rush home to swoon over a middle-aged actor. Why? Two words... Jonathan Frid. I simply don't think any other actor could have pulled that off like Frid did.

So, let them try to put Twilight on television. It will be about as popular as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, or any of those other shows that I never watched. Which is totally fine, I mean, Personally I want Twilight to hit the airwaves (okay, after June 12, we won't have "airwaves") and maybe more people will want to discover or re-discover Dark Shadows!

I can not wait to see Johnny Depp as Barnabas! He's an amazing actor, and I don't see him having a hard time with this at all.

*the Badunk-a-dunk of Count Petofi*

* a hand job*

Okay... am I getting too crude?

GT: "Nice work!  The devil is in the details, eh?"
EH: "Let's hope so!   I'm especially proud of the clause where Judith has to paint your man bundle with Tabasco till she makes it look like Satan himself!!"

EH: "Even the Devil thinks I look cool right now!!  Right, Devil?"
Devil's voice: "Cool? Sorry, "cool" isn't in my field of expertise!!"

Holo-Minerva: "So, THIS is what happens! I was always told that you'd just go blind!"

... "What the hell is a phaser?"

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