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Messages - Nelson Collins

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 22, 2007, 08:06:37 PM »
Z is for zig zag - what most of the cast had to do on the forest set to make it look like they were walking a lot further than they really were.... :D

Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1968
« on: January 22, 2007, 06:57:32 PM »
Ah, those were the days.  I love how they talk about Joe having to be in the hospital for "weeks."  In today's post-HMO world, you'd get - "How many fingers am I holding up?  One.  Right!  Send him home!"

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 22, 2007, 06:34:44 PM »
T is for taxi - apparently there is only one in Collinsport.

Are there any pics online of the publicity shots of the Old House and/or Frid there?  I'd love to examine the house in more detail.  I tried Googling but Haven't had any luck.  I tried various permutations of "old House" and "Dark Shadows" and "Spratt House" (the RL name for the house, I think)

Also, the exteriors shown of Lang's house and the house that Nicholas moved into taken from any "real" locations and are there any photos of them?


Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 22, 2007, 05:32:09 PM »
Ina O'Donnell - a nurse at the foundling home (gave Victoria a doll when she was a child)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1968
« on: January 22, 2007, 04:54:00 PM »
This is my first foray into the this part of the show.

Vicky is really irritating me right now. [spoiler]She's trapped in Nicholas' house pounding on the door "help help what's going to happen to me?"  I keep wanting to slap her and shout "STOP WHINING YOU NITWIT!" and what a lovely and deep voice the deputy that came to see Nicholas had.  The hunky one that Ang nearly put the bite on.[/spoiler]

Speaking of slaps,
[spoiler]I loved the one Julia gave Cassandra. :)  I hate to say it but I am finding Nicholas a lot more interesting than Cassandra and I am finding that I am in grudging agreement about how incompetent Cassandra was.  I am glad to see the back of her.  But in a way is also frustrates me.  We've seen Vicky and Maggie watered down to victim status and now even the devious and powerful Angelique is now in Nicholas' power.  I am disappointed that the writer's chose to have Ang dominated by a man. "Pleeeease, Nicholas!"  Argh!  Stop snivilling like Loomis, for pete's sake![/spoiler]

[spoiler]Child-like monosyllabic Adam was getting on my nerves but I have really enjoyed his initial confrontations with Barnabas demanding a woman be created for him.  "Good evening, Barnabas.  I will come in (pushes door open, strides confidently in) and we will talk."  Loved that.  and the whole speech that followed.[/spoiler]

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 21, 2007, 08:43:02 PM »
Independent wealthy (widowed?) women like the Countess were very rare.

Do we know for a fact that the Countess had never been married? Is it possible she is a widow and came to live with Andre and Josette after Andre's wife died to provide that older female companionship to Josette? I don't remember it ever being said that she had never married. We can see in the storyline that Natalie loved Josette and they were very close. If she had been married to a Count who had died she would still be a Countess.

I think sometimes we assume that the Grayson Hall characters were all spinsters, except for Magda.
I am guessing she either married into the DuPres family (Andre's brother in France) then fled to Martinique when the Count (and most of the other aristos that did not run) was guillotined during the outbreak of the Revolution, or she is Andre's blood sister, married a count, and when he was executed, kept the title but took back her family name DuPres when she rejoined Andre and Josette in Martinique.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 21, 2007, 05:55:35 PM »
That is true. How about Barnabas, Quention, Adam, Eve, Laura, and Angelique. Oh yes we can't forget Jeb in his natural form. All of them going on Oprah.
Vampires, Werewolves, Witches - and their victims .... Next Sally! ;D

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 21, 2007, 05:51:30 PM »
Josette needed a better Father. He didn't really protect her at all.
True, but women were property then worth only their dowry or married to provide business opportunities for the family (as in the DuPres/Collins alliance).

He may have loved and doted on her, but she was still a possession.  Independent wealthy (widowed?) women like the Countess were very rare.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Which is dumber?
« on: January 21, 2007, 05:29:52 PM »
If she is smart enough so see the difference in the Old House. Barnabas dressed in strange clothes. (that is not his costume from the party) Sarah being alive. It would have been interesting to make Vickie smart here. Maybe she would have thought about Angelique being the witch.
I need to get a hold of the Revival series and watch it again.  ISTR Vicky being much more with it there.  Am I right?

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 21, 2007, 05:27:04 PM »
Quote from: loril54
Hey the Vampire meets the werwolf. Wasn't that an abbott and costellow movie.
Yes, but probably the most well-known vampire/werewolf pairing around these parts (not counting Angel season Five) would have to be Barn/Quentin! :D

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 21, 2007, 05:24:03 PM »
L is for Laugh (of the skeletal bride in the Dream Curse)

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Which is dumber?
« on: January 21, 2007, 05:12:15 PM »
I hope that were I to find myself in that position, I'd have the sense to say, "Oh, deary me, I don't know what happened, and I don't understand it at all!  Please, Miss Abigail, burn those clothes and PRAY with me!  Oh, Reverend Trask, please PRAY for me!"
Agreed.  If she'd shown some foresight and been seen to enter church and spout the Lord's Prayer on occasion, especially when she could be sure that Abigail was watching or even go with her, that might have solved some problems...

It still irks me a little though.  Angelique is the only person in all this that benefits from the "witch" Vicky's actions.  I mean, did the snooty Collinses perhaps think that a servant girl marrying into the family was part and parcel of the witch's goal of destroying the family or something? ;)

The clothes part always gets me.  "I'll need those clothes!"  She knew that she had other clothes to wear in 1967,  and she could reasonably assume that if she ever got back to her own time, her friends would not reject her for temporarily wearing strange clothes - so why couldn't she let that one outfit go?

I still maintain, however (until the next time I watch 1795), that Vicky thought she was in a nightmare - literally - so she though it was OK to say all the stupid things that she said.
I do seem to recall that she did think she was in some kind of a nightmare for a time so some of her reactions at first were natural.  She had no past experience at all to fall back on, so yes "nightmare" seemed the most logical "default setting."

However.....teaching Sarah and Daniel about airplanes, and describing the ram's head on her zodiac charm bracelet (!!!) as a "devil" to them (done IIRC off screen and mentioned as evidence against her at the trial) well, gosh, Vicky, if that was true them may as well start tying the noose now. :)

Regarding the clothes, well, you know how fashion conscious Collinsport girls are! ;)  But you have a point.  After all, she does still have that happenin' red long sleeved sack dress with the blue trim waiting for her at home....  :P

I liked the way the revival series handled the clothes issue. I haven't seen it since is originally aired, but IIRC, Abigal is examining Vicky's dress and finds the cleaning instructions tag, with reference to using a "cool iron" and the washing symbols that she thinks are witch's sigils or somesuch. Very amusing. :)

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: January 21, 2007, 01:08:16 AM »
V is for Virtuous (Vicky, Maggie, Carolyn (well, maybe not Carolyn  ;D )

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Andre DuPres in the 1795 storyline
« on: January 21, 2007, 01:05:26 AM »
But what about Nathan Forbes. ??

Well, perhaps Don Briscoe played Nathan ;)  and Christopher Pennock as Alexis, Josef's manservant, prone to fits of jealousy and a dabbler in the black arts..... :P