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Messages - Sunny_Collins

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Current Talk '06 II / Re: Help! i'm trapped in this coffin!
« on: August 16, 2006, 04:11:59 PM »
  I love that scene early in 1967 when [spoiler]he's in the drawing room of the Old House and lamenting his lost life w/Josette and tells her portrait that he's "alive again" and ready to live his life, whatever that may turn out to be.  It's like he was cheated out of his life before, and now all be damned, he's going to live it now, in the 20th century.[/spoiler]

Oh yes, Buzz, I love that part too, and it's even more meaningful after you watch events unfold in 1795, realizing that he's been through so much to get where he is.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Help! i'm trapped in this coffin!
« on: August 16, 2006, 03:20:02 PM »
I think he was fully conscious each and every second of each and every minute of each and every night, thinking about the events of 1795, and twisting them around until he got them into a format that he could live with: it was all Jeremiah's fault, and Angelique was just sort of by-the-way. The reason we don't hear about her until after the Vicky's trip to the past is that he just didn't want to remember that he had messed up so badly - but when Cassandra came along he had to dredge up some unwelcome memories. (I can't quite make this work, but then, I'm not a vampire.)

I see fan fiction in which he says he was in some sort of a coma or dreamlike state, and I don't buy it; it's sugar-coating the issue. He was trapped in a coffin for nearly two hundred years, and it was horrible, and that was that.

Putting it that way, it sounds positively excruciating! That's enough to turn anyone in to a raving lunatic. Can you imagine rehashing every second of your life over and over again for two centuries? Poor Barnabas!  :'(

Yes, I always wondered why before the events in 1795, Barnabas regards Jeremiah with such hatred, then in 1795 we see that Angelique manipulated both Josette and Jeremiah, and that she was solely to blame for everything that happened, including the disintegration of Barnabas's and Jeremiah's close relationship.

but it makes sense, that if after a while of being imprisoned in the coffin, Barnabas would start to mull things over and turn reality in to a fiction he could cope with. And after nearly two hundred years of this, it's no wonder he's a bit unbalanced as evidenced in all the strange things he did upon his arrival at Collinwood.

I'll say it again, poor Barnabas!  :'(

Current Talk '06 II / Help! i'm trapped in this coffin!
« on: August 15, 2006, 11:14:39 PM »
We all know Barnabas was chained in his coffin for nearly two hundred years. That's an awfully long time to be confined anywhere, much less a coffin. So what I'm wondering is, once imprisoned in the coffin, was Barnabas conscious every night for almost two hundred years? Or did he go in to a sleep-like state and not realize the passing of time?

Also, during the day, does he "sleep", or is he awake and just sitting there being bored?  ;D

I'll be interested to hear everyone's opinions.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: parts you can't re-watch?
« on: August 15, 2006, 07:50:17 PM »
Of course,any episode with professor Stokes is great! :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: parts you can't re-watch?
« on: August 15, 2006, 05:35:53 PM »
I like the idea behind the dream curse, but to hear the same lines repeated each time someone begins the dream gets rather tiresome, IMO.

Also, let's not forget Lang's experiment where we have to listen to his recorded message over and over, drives me crazy! ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday to Julianka7
« on: August 15, 2006, 05:09:02 PM »
A very happy birthday to you, Julianka7!  :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: parts you can't re-watch?
« on: August 13, 2006, 03:59:28 PM »
I had difficulty watching the part where Jeff Clark is trying to search for his true identity. He and Vicki are supposed to be getting married and he's out in a graveyard! So they postpone the wedding, which for some reason really annoyed me, then Jeff goes to professor Stokes for help. I watch these episodes, but it's hard for me to get through them.

I also have trouble watching the Quentin/Amanda romance, because it seemed to me like they just through an extra character in to the show, then expected everyone to love her, even Quentin, which was just not plausible or convincing to me. I thought Quentin and Beth were great together, but to have us believe that Quentin loves this Amanda who we and he hardly knows, just feels strange.

Okay, now I'll stop rambling. LOL!

Charles, I'm so sorry about all this. best of luck!

 :) Have a great birthday, Doombuggy69! :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday CrazyJenny!
« on: August 10, 2006, 06:27:57 PM »
Enjoy your birthday, CrazyJenny! :) Happy birthday! 8)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday Midnite!!!
« on: August 10, 2006, 03:47:40 PM »
A very happy birthday to you, Midnite! :) Have fun and best wishes for a wonderful day! :) :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Worst DS Memorabilia?
« on: August 09, 2006, 05:01:25 PM »
From fans, LOL!  Seriously, Bobubas and Selby D. Pearson have better DS themed stuff than either MPI or the Festival!   8)

Really? I'll have to check it out. Thanks!  8) :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Worst DS Memorabilia?
« on: August 09, 2006, 04:28:42 PM »
The '98 ornament (looks like they finally took it off the site) and the boxers are wicked lame.  Most of the other contemporary items from MPI are so-so.  The bobbleheads are ok I guess.  I got the Barnabas one, but didn't want to spend the $$$ on all the others.

 Stuff I'd like to see -

 A good DS comic series or graphic novel series
 Quality replicas of stuff from the show like Josette's music box and Barnabas' ring
 Plastic mini-replicas of Collinwood and the Old House
 Affordable, poster-sized prints of the famous portraits from the show

They had a DS ornament? What was so lame about it?

AlsoIn regards to replicas of the Old House and Collinwood, it would be neat to see them made of something a bit more durable than plastic, wood or glass perhaps?

So I suppose that begs the question, where do we find good contemporary DS memorabilia? :)

Terry308, I'm with you there. Jonathan Frid still has such an elegant and expressive speaking voice. He'd sound great in these and might be able to record at a studio near his home so he wouldn't have to travel far. Hey, you never know, maybe if they do more of these he'll join in.

He does have a wonderful speaking voice, I just love listening to him! If he joined in, that would be so great!!!!!  8) :)

Does anyone know if Barnabas is going to be in these audio dramas? If not, how sad! :'(

Also, is the only form of payment the darkshadowsreborn accepts is by credit card? No money orders?  ;D

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