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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '07 I / Re: The February 19th Episodes
« on: February 21, 2007, 05:25:52 AM »
I'm sure they learned how to control the fires pretty well over time. I mean they constantly had those fires in the fire places burning, and even though they could just shut off the gas switch and kill it, they could always have caught the surrounding wood set, carpet, even the actors (especially LP with her leaning into the fire so much) on fire.

How interesting. I didn't ever think that it was a far-fetched idea in the first place, though. It's no surprise to me that something like this would be available, especially since throughout history there have been a number of reported instances of people being declared dead and then coming back to life.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Dark Shadows the Begining
« on: February 20, 2007, 05:30:15 PM »
As of this point in time MPI is only releasing DSTB DVD sets to their DSDVD Club members. They are not available to the general public, and probably won't be for about a year--that's speculation among many 'round these parts anyway. If someone has some concrete stuff to say, I haven't heard it or I forgot about it.

As for how they'll be released, it probably won't be in ony huge set that has all the episodes. They'll do it like they are now, releasing 6 sets of about 40 episodes each (I'm not sure how many episodes will be on the last set), just like the releases with the DS episodes that have Barnabas in them.

Hope this helps.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Marie Wallace in DS audio the Rage Beneath ?
« on: February 20, 2007, 06:02:58 AM »
IIRC there was something posted SOMEWHERE about her little cameo. Maybe it was in the articles featured on Stuart's site.

I didn't catch it the first time, and personally, right now I don't have the patience or the time to go back and listen to it just for her cameo. I'm going to eventually though. Or maybe somebody else will listen close enough to notice it and post it here for us to know! lol

Current Talk '07 I / Re: THE DREAMCURSE
« on: February 20, 2007, 05:49:19 AM »
I most definitely agree with Alondra when she says that one of the cruelest things Ang did was to cause [spoiler]Sam to go blind.[/spoiler] But I also thought that it was one of the best and most fitted things she did to anyone during the entire run of the show.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: P.S.
« on: February 19, 2007, 05:35:28 PM »
I remember we were just talking about this elsewhere-- Yaeger's molestastion of Maggie when she goes to meet him at the docks one night. If that wasn't shockingly evident to people, then you must've watched with your eyes closed! :D

Current Talk '07 I / P.S.
« on: February 19, 2007, 06:10:20 AM »
I was watching the initial episodes of the 1840 storyline--where it all begins I mean--with Barnabas and Julia returning from 1995 and all that jazz.

A quote struck me as particularly funny, clever, and quite provocative. Here it is:

David: I had a dream about you.
Hallie: Lots of boys have dreams about me.
David: Yea, but they don't all try to go back to sleep afterwords.


From this I thought it might be fun to name some instances where sex appeared, however subtly, or not, in Dark Shadows. We'll call it Promiscuous Shadows. PS instead of DS.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Jenny
« on: February 14, 2007, 04:49:55 PM »
Jenny did the deed after he saw Quentin and Beth together. She [spoiler]waited at the cottage for Quentin to come--I can't remember if he was meeting Beth or Laura, I think it was Beth--and then stabbed him. Eventually Quentin killed Jenny prompting Magda to place the curse on him.[/spoiler]

As for Quentin becoming a zombie [spoiler]that was after Barnabas got Angelique to help to bring him back to life because he wasn't supposed to die yet (according to Barnabas who I guess had done research on him before traveling back through time or something) and as a result he became a zombie because Angelique wanted to use him as a bargaining chip[/spoiler] or some such nonsense.

I agree that the B&W episodes gave DS more oomph. I think the black and white episodes where Barnabas shows up are some of the best because they most certainly add to the gothic feel of the show. When the color came along, it was totally different, and things that may have once been thrilling or ever (gasp!) scary in black and white became almost normal.

This is one of the reasons that I enjoy the kinescope episodes so much, because when one pops up here or there in the middle of all those color episodes, it's really a treat. I'd venture to say that the kinescope episodes are much better than the regular black & white episodes because the kinescopes give the show that 30s movie feel, with the shifty and at times blurry visuals and scratchy sound.

Current Talk '03 II / Re: John Yeager...what can I say.
« on: February 14, 2007, 05:37:07 AM »
Yeager is perplexing to me. I mean, he's easily the most repulsive character on the show, in any time band, hands down. And there's no doubt in my mind that, like ILB said, Cyrus truly wanted to do those things deep down but was too scared to do them as himself for fear of ruining his good name. Unfortunately for him, he ended up doing that anyway once people started to realize that Yeager and Longworth had a closer connection than either would have anyone believe.

My problem with the storyline is that I think it was underdeveloped. Personally, I would've like to seen more drama with Cyrus wanting to stop what he was doing but doing it anyway. IIRC it was only shown in like one, maybe two episodes. I don't know. It probably would've gotten old after a while anyway, but it's just something that kind of bothers me when I watch it.

That, and the fact that Sabrina basically is useless.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Dameon Edwards
« on: February 14, 2007, 05:28:06 AM »
Oh yea, it's most definitely yellow. Now, let's have his ghost pop up in a remake of DS to be the butt of all the jokes. I can just hear it now:

Townsperson: Oh, you're goin' ta Collinwood? Ain't that the place with the funny lookin' ghost strollin' around in the yella leisure suit?

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Jenny
« on: February 14, 2007, 05:24:46 AM »
I don't think that was ever brought up, Nelson. Other than the fact that the Collins family detested [spoiler]Jenny and Magda and Sandor because they were gypsies and obviously "below" them,[/spoiler]nothing more was really said about it. [spoiler]Magda and Jenny were sisters,[/spoiler] that was that.

And I agree that it would've been great to see flashbacks of Jenny and Quentin. Maybe when they first met, then flashfoward to them getting married and Quentin bringing her home for the first time, etc etc. It really would've played out well if they had've made Jenny remember these things while [spoiler]sitting in the cell. Instead of cooing to her babies[/spoiler]she could've been reminiscing about Quentin, remembering how she loved him only to snap out of her flashback in a fit of rage.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Valentine's Day in Collinsport
« on: February 14, 2007, 05:19:51 AM »
Most likely Julia would send herself some roses and pretend that Barnabas had done it.

And Burke or Jeff or some other man would give flowers and chocolate to Vicki and she'd say "I don't understand," which would launch an entire storyline.

Cheer: When Julia smacks the *$^&^%($%# outta Cassandra.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: The Christmas Presence
« on: February 12, 2007, 05:39:42 AM »
***Please note the spoiler icon above.

I've completely listened through this first of our second wave of new DS CDs. And personally, I think it's the best so far.

I must admit that at first I was skeptical. Reading the title and seeing that it had Christmas in it was quite disturbing. Christmas? At Collinwood? Had someone lost their marbles? Surely Santa wouldn't visit the Collinses? Well, no, Santa did not visit. But what did visit was quite gripping and extroardinary.

We come into the new episodes having learned from "The Book of Temptation" that Maggie will be the center of a future "battle" that will bring vengeance to Collinwood. Little hints are dropped throughout this new tale of that upcoming event. Just enough to whet the appetite, but not enough to give it away.

As with anything, "The Christmas Presence" has it's good and bad points. I'll lay them out simply:

Good things:

1. Angelique's taunting of Willie was quite enjoyable, as much as it pains me to say so. It was so in character for her to do something like that, and both actors play the scene out remarkably well. It would have been my favorite scene had the last few scenes not stole the show.

2. An old (and do I mean OLD) face returns. [spoiler]Prof. Elliot Stokes[/spoiler]
returns to the fold, but there is something eeriely different about him. Something's not right. We the listeners know this because his voice is too similar to the badguy we hear in the first scene. Instantly our minds are astutely listening, hoping that our favorite Collinses will figure out what's going on.

3. The climax scene nearer to the end of the disc really had me gasping for air. Could it really be possible that Barnabas would murder poor [spoiler]
even though it wasn't his fault that he was overtaken by this malevolent spirit? When Barnabas was enticed to come and spend a happy life with Josette and the others, who all have been captured by the spirit and supposedly are living in peace and harmony, I thought for a split second that he might take the offer. But that would be too unlike Barnabas, because as we all know, he's determined to suffer.

4. The final few scenes steal the entire story, and even if the plot had've entirely sucked, which it didn't, the last two scenes would make the whole disc worthwhile. The first of the last two scenes gives us more information about the missing Collinses, using one of them to communicate. A letter appears on the doorstep of Collinwood, and upon reading it, it is from one of the Collinses we watched change over the course of the original series, reprised by the original actor. (I would give it away, but I fear that it would be a disservice to the wonderful writing and production). And the final scene finds Barnabas visiting Josette's grave, and bearing his soul to her for one final time. This scene is expertly written, and will definitely bring tears to your eyes.

Bad Things:

1. I couldn't help but laugh, rather than be scared, at Maggie's near-death experience with the Christmas turkey. It was completely absurd, and even though it may have been very frightening to Maggie, I couldn't help but chuckle along with Quentin at the absurdity of her repeating the story.

2. This is the third entry into our beloved world in this format. By now we should know the feelings of the major characters. Quentin wants to find his family. Angelique has something sinster planned, or so it would seem, and wants to continue her hold on Barnabas. Barnabas wants to find a way to save Collinwood and those surrounding it. Willie is bound to the family, though it seems he wishes he weren't. And Maggie detests being at Collinwood and says she doesn't belong there. All these things are established in the first, and the beginning of the second disc. All are dropped (by this I mean that we aren't reminded of them time and time again), except for Maggie's. Maggie has had the same conversation with nearly every major cast member on every disc, and it is possible every episode. We KNOW that she doesn't want to be at Collinwood. Stop telling us the same thing over and over. We GET the point. That conversation is tired now.

3. The Carolers did nothing for me. They did not envoke fear at all. The screams from "The Book of Temptation" were more frightening. When I heard that this familiar Christmas happening was to occur on this new release, I thought perhaps a redention of "Deck the Halls" or "Away in a Manager" or "Silent Night" would be used to frighten us. Alas, this was not the case. I did not even recognize the carols, if they were intended to be familiar to anyone. And I couldn't half understand what they were actually saying when they were supposed to be "singing". It was more like talking. A true way to frighten someone is to take something familiar to them and make it become something quite horrid. That is what could've been accomplished if a song like the ones I named above had've been utilized.

4. This is directed more at the acting rather than the writing. I've been noticing throughout that it's not like the way these characters were acted on the original series. Now, I do take into account that the voices have grown older, and the actors much wiser in their arts. But still, these things bug me. The first is Quentin. On the original series when he was aruging with someone, he became quite passionate about it, flailing his arms about and yelling. Sure, he raises his voice on the discs, but we don't get an image of him waving his arms about, and his voice doesn't quite hold that same passion. His fighting is more muted than anything else. And the other is Angelique. One thing that takes me out of character in her case is that Ms. Parker's voice has changed much more than the others. It's no longer the high-pitched, breathy, explicit voice and evocation that it was was. I've found myself struggling, at times, to recognize that it is actually Angelique when she is speaking. Her portrayal is a bit slower. Instead of rushing through the lines and being frantic as Angelique was on the original series, in a similar situation she would now be a bit slower, perhaps more choosey (even a word?) with her speech. I prefer the former to the latter.

All in all, I'm quite impressed once again by these new entries into the world of Dark Shadows, and "The Christmas Presence" is the best disc thus far, not only because of the reintroduction of the familiar face, and the plot, but because of the final scenes which are TRULY touching. Let's hope that "The Rage Beneath" lives up to this precedent.