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Messages - Josette

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: The Originals
« on: July 16, 2018, 05:19:16 AM »
Our paper chose "The Originals" for it's Wednesday highlight again!  Here's the blurb:

The Originals
Will Freya and Keelin (Riley Voelkel, guest star Christina Moses) make it to the wedding altar? That’s a major question in the new episode “Till the Day I Die,” as is whether Klaus (Joseph Morgan) can help Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) overcome her illness with Davina’s (guest star Danielle Campbell) assistance. Declan’s (guest star Torrance Coombs, “Reign”) curiosity becomes a problem.

That certainly sounds encouraging.  As to the previous discussion, I wouldn't have thought she would be a target for paparazzi.  I know that kind of thing happens with major celebrities, but didn't think this would qualify.

Current Talk '18 / Re: Slideshow Picture from Movie
« on: July 15, 2018, 07:04:30 AM »
Thanks for the answer, but watching it as a movie and not being able to scrutinize a still shot, I would wonder how many would be able to make out anything!

Talk about invasion of privacy. But then, some people and web sites have no propriety.  [ghost_rolleyes]

I would have to assume that to get pictures like that it would have to be the family or with their permission (unless someone from the hospital did it surreptitiously).

Since I sometimes post when MeTV is showing an episode of a show with a DS cast member, I thought perhaps I could get away with a comment on an episode with no DS connection.

Cannon has recently started a 3rd time through.  I was planning on taking the opportunity to get to bed a bit earlier!  But, I was still up while this was on and I noticed something I had never thought of before.

In questioning someone about a phone call at the time of the death, she mentioned an accent.  When asked what kind of accent, she didn't know, but said he sounded like the Kennedy brothers.  So, a Boston accent.  Shortly afterwards the woman who had hired Cannon remembered someone she had known in this area who was from Boston.  But, when the character finally shows up, no trace of an accent.

The accent is a major plot point, but they get an actor who doesn't have and apparently can't do the needed accent!!!!  I just had to vent about it!

Current Talk '18 / Slideshow Picture from Movie
« on: July 13, 2018, 05:13:06 AM »
I'm guessing that when I first came in the picture was from yesterday.  After refreshing, suddenly it was a different picture!

I have a question on the one from yesterday - with Carolyn talking.  There is a paper with some writing behind her.  I used a magnifying glass to try to read it.  Some words were clear, but a lot I couldn't make out.  Any idea what that paper was supposed to be?

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Re: The Originals
« on: July 10, 2018, 07:19:14 AM »
Every Sunday on our newspaper's television page they highlight one program as "Pick of the week" and below that are "TV highlights" where they list every day and choose usually 1 program for each day.  This week for Wednesday they have "The Originals" - here's the blurb:

"The Originals
Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) receives very special help from Klaus (Joseph Morgan) in dealing with her problems in the new episode “There in the Disappearing Light,” directed by series regular Daniel Gillies. The latter’s character, Elijah, is surprised when someone from his past returns. Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) opposes the nightwalkers. Vincent (Yusuf Gatewood) has second thoughts about his actions."

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: July 06, 2018, 07:07:34 AM »
As a kid, Josette, I have to totally agree with you on what was revealed in the room during the lottery storyline.

Of course, regarding the Leviathan creature, it would've cost a gazillion dollars in special effects to produce something along the lines of a Dunwich Horror creature rather than something rubber attached to a string. 

Gerard, in the first part it implies that you were disappointed in the explanation for the lottery story as a kid.  Does that mean you changed your mind later?

As to the creature, I still think that even if they could have put that kind of money into it that they couldn't come up with anything horrid enough to meet the expectations they had created.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Boardindex Page Montage/aka 'Book 1'?
« on: July 05, 2018, 06:40:22 AM »
I always thought it was good that they didn't try to show the Leviathan.  They made it out to be so horrible that I don't think they could have come up with anything bad enough.  That was kind of my reaction to the lottery and spending the night in the room.  The results of that were so horrible that when the explanation finally came, it didn't seem terrible enough to have produced such reactions.

Great news, Gothick!  The first report seemed so ominous.  Gerard, that's a fascinating story!!

Current Talk '18 / Re: DSF's Importance to Me
« on: July 02, 2018, 06:50:31 AM »
Of course there are lots of old shows still being aired, especially with the retro networks, but it's still amazing that a particular group of young people would be familiar with a particular show.

Current Talk '18 / Re: DSF's Importance to Me
« on: July 01, 2018, 05:49:52 AM »
Magnus, that's really great that the forums have been able to help!

Gerard - You mean they actually understood that?!!!

Calendar Events / Announcements '18 / Somewhat Related - Willie Wonka
« on: June 30, 2018, 07:21:12 AM »
I just found this video today in which someone compares "Willie Wonka" to Dante's "Inferno"!!!  They make an interesting case.

Oh my - how shocking!!  I certainly hope she recovers.  Lots of good wishes to Denise and her family.


Hope you had a fantastic day!!!

[crowdhappy]  [beer]  [band]

I didn't have access to the Internet for a couple of days.