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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

What is the music playing on the Dark Shadows page of the GK website?

I think it's going to be CRAZIER than Jenny!   [banana] [banana] [banana]

I'm glad you tried again, but I'm guessing you meant that it got deleted somehow before it was posted on the boards.  [smlyb]
Oh yes...  It had nothing to do on your end!  It was all me.  I always hit the backspace button whilst out of the text box or else I close a browser tab by accident...  Happens every time I have a lengthy reply.   [snow_cheesy]

As always thank for the links and tweets!  The posters are fantastic!  But I was a little stunned to see Liz with a gun!   [snow_cheesy]  But it totally make sense. 

And MB, thanks for the pics.  That is a very astute observation.  I really wonder what all happens to her! 

I totally agree, MB.  And in my original response (the one I stupidly closed out of!), I mentioned how much I enjoy the 1991 series (especially the music and Joanna Going)... just on another level from how I enjoy the original.  I hope that I can say the same of the new project.  We shall see.

Thanks again for the amazing captures.  There are so many to love from this new ad, especially THE BITE!   [snow_cheesy]

And ProfStokes, thank you for the tip.  I will have to check it out... whenever I can find the time!  (So busy!)

For myself, watching the trailers and the rest of the Depp Shadows runup unfold has clarified for me that I'm no longer interested--if I ever really was interested--in any Dark Shadows remakes, period.  I know people follow KLS's lead in saying DS is like Shakespeare and every actress deserves to give her take on Josette (or whoever).  But to me, DS wasn't like a theatrical epic; it was like the part of my family I never met--the people who were like ME (which nobody else in my real family ever was).  To that extent, I like the publicists' angle about every family having its weirdies or however they're phrasing. 

If I walked into a room and saw somebody portraying my Aunt Lillian, and not only that, had the imposter who was supposed to be her running around in a crushed velvet cape with five hundred pounds of pancake makeup, it would be jarring and I wouldn't be able to "just get used to it."  To me, DS is a cast of characters portrayed by Jonathan Frid, Grayson Hall, Joan Bennett et al. as they were 40 years ago. 

I originally had a very lengthy reply to this, but it got deleted.  So here's my second attempt at letting you know how much I valued your response:

I just want to say that I totally understand where you are coming from and appreciate it a great deal.  Thank you so much for sharing this. 

To me, there will only ever be one Dark Shadows.  All others, past and future, will be their own entities.  They may have similar elements to the original, but none will ever be as special or as wonderful as the series that ran from 1966 through 1971. 

I may like this new film or I may not.  Whether I do has very little to do with the original series, though.  Because it is that show which has provided me endless enjoyment, helped me through some hard times, and remains one of the only programs I will watch over and over again for the rest of my life.

I hope I can find some way to enjoy this new film.  But if I don't, it doesn't affect how I feel about the original.  It will always be mine.  It will always be very special to me, far more so than any film any modern filmmakers could create.  Dark Shadows was my childhood.  And, as such, it is a great part of me.  Nothing can replace it or hold a candle up to it. 

I just hope that this new Dark Shadows provides similar enjoyment to new audiences, and that I, with my somewhat rigid fanboy mindset, can enjoy it on a different level.  We shall see.                 

It does.  Except they had to kill all the Barnabas-Angelique sexy scenes.   [snow_cheesy]  Because, after 1795, that didn't happen.  So they had to use Bramwell and Catherine for the final montage instead. 

Still want to know how the new Barnabas justifies that in his own mind.  It will be interesting to see. 

Of course!  I was so excited about the UNCANNY bite scene!  If that doesn't make fans of the original happy, I don't know what could... 

And I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing.  I always felt it would be interesting if she knew...  And one could very well think that she did in the OS. 

1897 spoiler ahead:
[spoiler]If Edith didn't die before she told the secret, it would surely have been passed down to Liz... unless something happened in the interim.[/spoiler]

Plus, I think it's good that all three of our power players (Barn, Liz, Angie) are on the same page... especially considering the time constraints of the film. 

Thank you so much for the link!  I LOVE IT!  That is a million times better than the trailer. 

"A woman doctor...  What an age this is."  My new favorite line.  Sounds just like something Frid's Barnabas would say, imo. 

Thanks Cousin_Barnabas for uploading the pic. Greatly Appreciated.

Oh, I didn't upload it.  Just found it and deemed it necessary for sharing.   [snow_clown]

Like MB, I like the display.  Plus it's already gotten several uploads from various people.  It's a decent marketing gimmick. 

I was warned by someone in the comics biz that Dynamite cares more about cashing in on vintage brand names than about top quality product.  Not sure how true that is, but based on the latest issue I don't doubt it. The art is rancid, and I have to imagine (since he knows better) that Stuart is being given these questionable plot points by the powers that be at Dynamite.

I agree.  Stuart's work on the first was exceptional.  And nothing about the second or third gave any indication that the whole thing would end up like it did.  Although I didn't like the second issue in comparison to the first, it is phenomenal when pitted against this latest addition.  Like I said, I have no idea what happened, but if the rest of the series is going to be anything like this last issue, I'll probably throw in the towel on these - unless I really like the cover of a particular issue. 

Number 5 has Stuart writing it, but there is a new artist.  Then number 6 has a new author...  Then the next issue maintains the new author but gets a new artist?  I am so confused...