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Messages - Sunny_Collins

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Current Talk '06 II / Re: Hello DSF, Professor Stokes Here!
« on: August 20, 2006, 09:31:35 PM »
LOL!! Just found out that JF looks at this board once a month or so so I imagine the ego will be sailing when he sees these comments! ;D

Are you serious, Nancy? that is so great!!!

Well, he certainly deserves all the wonderful praise he gets!

Barnabas is wonderful!  :) :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Hello DSF, Professor Stokes Here!
« on: August 20, 2006, 08:21:04 PM »
Yeah, Barnabas is the man ...the honcho ...the big dog ......the big Kahuna ....the ... :o...well, you get the idea :D

Barnabas is awesome, the main attraction, superb, and on and on and...LOL. Go, Barnabas!  ;D :)

Welcome, Thirdratehack!  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Happy Birthday, VAM
« on: August 20, 2006, 07:14:57 PM »
Have a great birthday, Vam!  :)

A very happy birthday, Tripwire and CandleLighter! Best wishes! :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Hello DSF, Professor Stokes Here!
« on: August 20, 2006, 07:06:22 PM »
A very warm welcome to you, Professor Stokes!  :) :)

I really enjoyed reading your observations about DS.

And I'm with you, Barnabas is soooo great!! He's simply the best!!!  :) ;D 8)

Well, if Angelique hadn't interfered with Barnabas and Josette, they would have been perfect together, although in his eyes, it seemed as though she could do nothing wrong, and I wonder  how long their marriage might have lasted with such high expectations.

Even the most loving couple gets in to an argument every now and then, but if they went in to the marriage expecting perfection, it would be a harsh reality to discover that neither of them was flawless.
Josette and all her reincarnations got a bit tiring and he should have moved on. I'm not trying to be insensitive, because I know it was traumatic for him to lose Josette the way he did, but he could find so much more happiness if he would have let her go.

Angelique could have been loving, but her uncertainty and jealousy caused her to manipulate people, and even when Barnabas married her, she was constantly looking over her shoulder to make certain another woman wasn't  trying to steal him away from her. I think she was too involved in her spells and deceptions to ever give them up. And after all she did to him and his family, I just can't see them mending their marriage and going on from there.

Barnabas often bossed Julia around, and she just as often gave in to his demands, but she was the only one courageous enough to confront him about being a vampire.

She grounded him in reality and sensibility when he wanted to rush headlong in to something that was less than safe or wise, and many was the time he heeded her warnings. She had the greatest influence over him, far more so than anyone else.

I think that if she ever realized where she stood with barnabas, and stopped trying to get him to notice her, she could have had even more sway over him. He changed her behavior as well, softening her manner and helping her to come out of herself and allow others to get closer to her.

IMHO, she would be the best choice for him.

While I am disappointed he declined, he totally deserves to enjoy his retirement. Imagine if you're in your 80s and have been happily retired for years, but then your old job calls you back in to ask you to work some more. Maybe for him, at this point, it wouldn't be fun anymore like it is for some of the younger actors involved. He went through a period of his life a few years back where it WAS fun to revisit DS and do one-man shows and plays, but maybe now it would just be hard for him to have fun doing this kind of thing in his 80s.

 That being said, I still can't help but wish he'd do it even if it was just once because he still has such a great voice and created a cultural icon in the role of Barnabas- but I do respect his right to remain retired and not participate if he cooses not to.

 On a related note, I wonder how they'll explain where Barnabas is in these audio dramas? Would they DARE to *gasp* re-cast the role?!

I completely agree, PennyDreadful! He has done so much for DS, and it seems like he made more appearances when the show was so popular, if he doesn't want to participate, it is quite understandable.

I too love his voice, it's just so unique, I could listen to it all day.  :-[ ;D

I too wonder how they'll explain the absence of dear Barnabas.

IMHO, it wouldn't be the same if they chose someone else to play Barnabas.  :o

I think the Audio dramas should be great.

Having said all that, I sure am going to miss Barnabas not being there.  :(

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Help! i'm trapped in this coffin!
« on: August 19, 2006, 03:47:58 PM »
I wrote a story about this once! ;D Imagine his reactions to all that had occured and been invented since 1795/96. Hell, the fact that America and England were playing nice by 1967 should have been enough to throw him into total shock! ;)

LOL, Buzz! Yeah, I think the expression on his face would be priceless when he found out England and the U.S. were getting along just fine, (thank you very much), when the last time he knew it, the U.S. had recently gained their independence.

I have to agree with the others about how Barnabas must have been getting his supply from somewhere, there were things you know happened on the show that just weren't shown.

There is a great deal of vampire lore, Dracula, and other more recent authors, but IMHO, I think a lot of it is shaped by people's interpretations, and if an author, or person, doesn't like one particular aspect of the vampire lore, then they change it to something more inventive or something more to their liking.

I realize that some things, for example, the cross being a deterrent to vampires is something that is used in DS, but on the other hand, do we really know for certain that Barnabas, or vampires in general must "sleep" in a coffin during the day?

[spoiler]When Barnabas and Vicki were in that car accident just after Vicki's return from 1795, Dr. Lang wants to keep Barnabas in the hospital for observation. Julia tries to convince him to allow her to take Barnabas home, but he refuses. She then insists that all windows, and doors be completely covered so that no amount of sunlight can enter the room. Lang agrees.[/spoiler]

I may not have gotten all the details correct, but the gist of it is, that Barnabas was able to remain out of his coffin as long as no daylight entered the room he was occupying.

It's just something to think about...

Current Talk '06 II / Re: MPI isn't all that bad...
« on: August 18, 2006, 09:53:55 PM »
That's so funny, CastleBee! I need a bobblehead Barnabas, now! ;D

My deepest sympathy and condolences go out to David Selby and his family. It is difficult to lose a loved one. My sincerest prayers are with him.  :( :'(

Current Talk '06 II / Re: MPI isn't all that bad...
« on: August 18, 2006, 07:10:59 PM »
I have the Barnabas and Josette bobbleheads, which are the only two I wanted. I'm not interested in having all of them.

Oh man, I wish I had the bobbleheads! Much to my sorrow I don't have any of them. :'( :(

Thanks so much for the link!

Thank you so much for the update on the pre-Barnabas episodes, Midnite!

I still think the DVDs are overpriced since they only contain 35 episodes each.  And, as has been pointed out elsewhere, the 6th free set and free shipping are not such great deals considering that one can save money by buying from other online retailers.  I hope that MPI will consider wide-releasing these DVDs at some point in the (near) future.

So those of you who aren't members of the club, will this make you consider joining? As for myself, I'll have to give it some thought.  :)

Congratulations! This is excellent! 8)

Will it be available in an audio format?  :)

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