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Messages - Birdie

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Current Talk '02 I / Re: In the Name of the Father / a poll
« on: June 16, 2002, 05:25:24 AM »
I would have to vote for Sam Evens too.  Though sorry to say not much to pick over.  He was more real, he had many faults but still adored his daughter.  Richard Garner most likely would have been a good day I assume but we really didn't get to see too much of him.

Also agree that Andre duPres was also a caring father.  

The l795 group was really hurting.  

I can't voice an opinion on the rest.  l897 was a long time ago for me.  Don't remember how the "fathers" were with their children.

Quentin seemed to love his son in the 1970 parrell time story but you didn't seem to see them interacting that often.  He also neglected to keep in touch with him while in Europe.

l840 Quentin seemed to be better  He really seemed to love his son.  Stayed with Samatha because of Tad.

Glad my kids have a great Dad.  Even though my father has been gone for 13 years he is with me every day. I have many wonderful memories ones that fill me with laughter.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Lime? The new color of Collinsport?
« on: June 16, 2002, 05:08:59 AM »
I brought my mother shopping today and she bought a pair of lime green pants.  She loves the color. It horrifies my brother but hey let her wear what she wants.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Adam and the Professor
« on: June 15, 2002, 07:28:58 PM »
I agree.  He does a great job with Adam.  Very convincing as a child/man.  I remember my kids picking up the phone and doing just what he did.  They were about 2 at the time, but very realistic reacation on his part.  The directing must have been good also.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Off Topic
« on: June 14, 2002, 02:23:12 AM »
In answer to your question Cassandra he is 20.  I am in total shock this week.  I came home from the bank and he was standing at the ironing board helping out with the ironing.  He also dusted and vaced today.  Early this week he went to his Grandmothers and did yard work.  He starts his summer job next week.  I still am in shock I have a child that old.  My daughter who is a year behind him is not anywhere near as helpful.

I also feel I am lucky the older two aren't into anything they shouldn't be.  My fingers are crossed that the other two won't put me over the edge.  

My husband and I are so glad they weren't like we were.
Enough said.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Off Topic
« on: June 13, 2002, 05:37:46 PM »
Hey, It is more like National Lampoons Family Vacation.  If we ever meet in person I could tell you stories....We have done this three times.  This time I hope will be the last.  Flying for six was just too expensive.  We are in to family torture.hehe.

Carol, I can't wait until my daughter starts her job. She is going to be living in Boston with her Aunt the flying Nun.  I am a little nervous about her living in Boston, but she is driving me nuts.
My son on the other hand has all of a sudden taken a new turn.  He has matured.  It is werid, he is doing chores without being asked, helping his Dad in the yard.
It is scary.  


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Off Topic
« on: June 13, 2002, 05:17:12 AM »
Venting is a good thing!  My kids are driving me crazy too.  I just spent a week with them at Disney World and it a car for an extremely long time.  My daughter the "perfect child"  is no longer perfect.  She has become a teenager!  Another question does baseball ever end?  I have two home from college and that is an adjustment too.  We have four drivers, four jobs and two cars.  Mind you who do you think has to organize the coming and goings.  

Patti, it is time to drink!


Current Talk '02 I / Re:  Sam Evans, The King of Cool
« on: June 13, 2002, 05:10:27 AM »
Oh ya, that got me too.  I always wear shades while in a coma or asleep.  I bet they bury him in them too.  


I just got back from DisneyWorld a week ago.  Yes, we rode the HM, in fact several times.  I recognized the voice of the woman in the seance as the witch from Sleeping Beauty.  At least that is what I thought at the time. Cheryl we did get stuck on the ride, right at the clock going crazy and a shadow of a hand on the wall.  This freaked my daughter out.  Those of you who are able to go when in Ca. look at the bride and see if it reminds you of the one in the "Dream Curse".  I just started laughing.  It is a great ride and one you never tire of.  Also check into Fast Pass.  It is a great way to be able to hit the big rides.  Splash Mountian is wonderful, it is my favorite in the Magic Kingdom.  We have a hot copy of Song of the South so my kids think they are special.

Disney and Dark Shadows, you guys are going to have a blast!  Wish Ca. wasn't so far away from New England.  I am still trying to get back in the swing from vacation and the twenty one hours in the car back and forth.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS - Appropriate for Children?
« on: June 11, 2002, 05:21:29 AM »
Sorry to say my Italian Grandmother didn't like me.  My mother is Irish, and that about says it all.  My Dad was the oldest son so his marrying an Irish girl was not high on her list.  I didn't score big either because as a kid I didn't eat the home made pasta, or the Italian cookies.  The best reason for going there was the penny candy store two doors up the street.  It really was too bad because my Mother's parents had passed away and I didn't have a real grand parent experience.  
My children have my Mom.  My older two remember my Dad.  My husband parents passed away before we were married.

How do I weave this into the DS talk? Beats me.  I know she would never have watched Dark Shadows.  I am not even sure she had a T.V.  I don't remember it ever being on.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Are you the only one?
« on: June 11, 2002, 02:08:52 AM »
I watch pretty much by myself these days.  My two younger children were big fans last summer, but they can't keep up with the story lines while in school.  Sometimes they will watch the taped shows with me.  My oldest son home from college will sometimes ask me questions about the plot. Than make so wise comment.   Someone is always asking me if that person is good or bad.  My husband will watch for about two minutes.  His big question is did we meet that person at the fest last summer.  My sister in Jersey watches on a rare occasion.  I dragged her to the fest last summer.  
I think my 13 year old will get interested again when Quentin comes into the plot

It is a requirement at my job to wear panty hose, no bare legs.  That is why I wear pants 95% of the time.  


I remember both the garter thing and the panty hose.  Jennifer I also call those "wonderful" years Junior High School.  My kids don't have a clue what I am talking about.  I also remember the boys and male teachers standing at the bottom of the stairs so they could look up the girls dresses and skirts.  I was thrilled when we finally could wear pants to school.  

An interesting personal story is my husband for years put panty hose in my stocking at Christmas time.  One year I had a fit.  I wondered if he really new me, I hardly ever wore a dress/skirt and the color he chose was so dated.  I had seventeen pairs in a bag in the back of my closet.  We still laugh about it.


Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '02 / Re: Idle Thoughts--Curious George 6/4
« on: June 09, 2002, 07:54:23 PM »
Food is just not  important to these people.  Carolyn gets a lousy cheese sandwitch.  Adam gets a bowl of soup, than a lousy chicken leg.  Can we forget Barnabas's famous party, not one snack or munchies, just that bowl of punch.  It is no wonder you don't hear the characters complaining about needing to go on a diet.  


Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS - Appropriate for Children?
« on: June 09, 2002, 02:26:32 AM »
My parents also had no objections to Dark Shadows.  My mother thought it was junk, much like Jennifers.  She watched her soaps for years.  It scares me what I remember from Search for Tomorrow and very early Days of Our Lives.  The only show my mother would not let us watch was "Lost in Space".  To this day I don't know why.  
I am careful about what my children watch. I don't let my younger children watch "Friends".  I banned it mainly because I feel it is a 9 0'clock show and not an 8'o'clock show.  The subject matter is not for kids.  Actually, they don't watch too much prime time T.V.  As for movies I tend to read the reviews and will sometimes view it first.  

My mother on the other hand showed my then  5 and 3 year old the movie Jumping Jack Flash.    Go Gram!   One night my husband put on Ruthless People and watched it with the kids.  He realized while watching that maybe this was not for them.  He loves that movie.

Birdie--tonight I guess we watch Harry Potter

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Collinwood Radio Music
« on: June 07, 2002, 03:46:09 AM »
We had great music.  I agree the Grass Roots, Carol King, my first album ever bought, Tapestry, James Taylor, still love him.  David should have been listening to the Monkees.  Beetles goes without saying.  I am catching up.  When I heard the radio I thought I was in an elevator.  

Birdie--we listened to 60's music all the way to Florida in the car.   I was dancing to Palisades Park in Animal Kingdom.  My children were somewhat embarassed.  

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