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Messages - Heather

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Scariest moments on Dark Shadows
« on: March 06, 2005, 10:45:58 AM »
Scariest? Definitely whenever a hand (or body) of the dead and buried shot up through the dirt from their unquiet grave. Brrrrrrrr!

Oh Sandor, for half a second I read that as "whenever a hand or body part shot up through the dirt...."

Good lord, where is my mind today??  LOL the gutter, as per usual... >:D

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Hottest Kisses on DS
« on: March 06, 2005, 10:27:01 AM »
i don't really get the whole barnabas/julia preoccupation.why isn't it o.k. for them just to be friends and colleagues?
I'm glad they never actually got together on the show.  It would have ruined that tension, and a relationship of that nature probably would have ended badly for both of them.  But I think a lot/most people can relate to the situation Julia is in (longing for someone they can't be with or who doesn't feel the same way) and so they really root for Julia to be with Barnabas.

Well, I agree that if they would've gotten together on the show it might've ruined the tension that many empathize with, however I respectfully disagree that if B&J would've gotten together (in one way or another) the relationship would've ended badly for them... I mean, aside from what the writers may have concocted in such a case, who's to say in that wacky world of Collinsport, ya know?  ::) Well, there was also that little Sam Hall TV Guide article... not that that means everything, but...   :-

IMO, they make a great team as close friends, but not as Romantic partners.

Aw, I think they'd do fine as both...  ;)  ::cough::

He just has way too much baggage, and bad luck seems to follow him wherever he goes.  Any potential romantic interest inevitably ends up dead for one reason or another.

LOL -  true!  Partly because of that infernal curse, that is...  :-   I don't know - as much as I want to give him a good smack up the wazoo from time to time, I still feel for the guy. Sigh--it's my typical Gemini nature I suppose - I can both love and dislike two things at the same freakin' time. It's *madness* I tell ya - LOL  ;D

Julia, on the other hand, probably would have eventually found someone on her intellectual level who could appreciate her and not take her for granted.

Well, I can see exactly where you guys are coming from...but that doesn't automatically mean if she settled down with someone that was her intellectual equal, that she'd have a satisfying relationship for the rest of her days (I think that the way Grayson played Julia evoked some very vulnerable and powerful qualities. Now, I'd be the first to say that Barn. ain't Julia's intellectual equal (snort), but I think that Julia falling in love with B. was one area of her life that she couldn't control...that's who her heart chose) Take Stokes, for example - in many ways he's her, scholarly, likes a good sherry and can talk for hours about one fascinating subject after another--but for the life of me I could never see them doing the horizontal tango over a pile of antique books in his posh apartment (although there was an episode...oh I forget the episode number, damn  :P...wherein Julia comes to Stokes' apartment to treat Tony Peterson, and when she sits down on the professor's couch Julia *unintentionally* ::cough:: flashes him a tasty gaze of her leg, stockings, etc. What a hoot! Some of the darndest things happen to Julia when she's treating someone in an emergency...but I digress...) ;D

Moral of this story... I must confess, I've imagined B&J doing a bit of tongue wrestling too, being the wench that I am.   [banana]

But don't mind me -  There's more than enough room for everyone to have their own opinion on that subject...   :-*

Group Hug,

Heather    [8285]

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0912
« on: March 05, 2005, 08:57:21 AM »
LMAO, Connie and Sandor!  Too good...   [laughing_devil]   :-*

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0912
« on: March 04, 2005, 11:15:23 PM »
[LOL, JC!   :-*]

Barn: Julia, your lips are soft petals just waiting to be plucked and caressed  {snaps}  [myopic] Now if you'll *excuse* me I have another heaving box to attend to--

Julia:  [pissd]

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1202
« on: March 04, 2005, 04:13:40 AM »
Bramwell: Don't worry, darling--this house is impregnable...

Caption This! - 1841 Parallel Time / Re: Episode #1202
« on: March 04, 2005, 04:05:17 AM »
Catherine: Honestly Bramwell, I've seen more action at the Tuesday night Whist game... {sigh}

Willie:  "Now David, I ain't got no time for questions.  Go upstairs, put on the wedding dress, and then pretend you're asleep.  I-I-I gotta find someone--something before Barnabas gets back."


Too perfect! I love it! Nothing but the best for our dear doctor!

Happy to be of service, J-C    ;)  :-*

would love to be a fly on the wall in Julia's cabana, when the Jennings boys are lotioning up her fair skin for an outdoor iguana hunt.

LOL - many thanks Sandor. Another good story idea there...    >:D    :-*[/color] 

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0659
« on: March 01, 2005, 04:43:43 AM »
B: Julia, your bra looks fine. Besides, we're only going to the Blue Whale.
J: I know, but ever since I did those Playtex commercials, I'm more self-conscious about "cross your heart" support.

Chortle, snort, snigger, guffaw...  [clap]

"Fish gotta swim...birds gotta fly...I gotta love one man 'til I die...Can't help...lovin' that man of mine!"


Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: More Grayson-art ;)
« on: March 01, 2005, 04:28:29 AM »
Yes, I know. Well, I did include a no-nonsense historian green... brighter colors will be included in the next outfits. ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: More Grayson-art ;)
« on: February 28, 2005, 08:53:53 AM »
Heather, your "paper doll" fashion advertisement was terrific, but you left out one very special color...


Thank you, Heather. :-*

Gosh - yous guys are too kind.  ;D   Glad I could make the day a little brighter.  :-*

"The Unethical Time-Traveling No-Longer-Pining Medical Researcher Vacationing at Ipanema".

Chortle...  >:D

Heather, how do you do these things?!!! That one is a riot!

Photoshop is phun (Well, I normally like to do the hands-on type of art, but I gotta learn these programs - LOL.) Just playing around with merging a couple captures of mine and a stock photo - I...I just could not resist.  ;D  Well, it can be fun when I'm not working on a deadline that is (don't mind me, it's just getting close to Final projects season again - caffinee here I come - whoo-hoo)... [homework] [44]

Oh my god that was too funny. . a little heretical **and** hysterical

I learned from the best, dahhling...   [b003]   :-*[/b]

B: Julia, enough is enough...lets close the curtains, grab the amontillado and push together the wingback chairs tonight. {shy grin}

Caption This! - The Werewolf-Quentin's Ghost / Re: Episode #0657
« on: February 28, 2005, 04:17:42 AM »
Chris: What a strong grip you have, Mr. Collins.

B: All the better to...welcome you, my boy {lopsided grin}