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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

That is true, MB.  I am just surprised that they showed the Alice Cooper version in theaters (assuming it is the same cut we have already seen).  If it's the new cut that Canada has approved, that would be very interesting indeed, as we don't have a version of it online yet. 

Really?  They played that ad before MIRROR, MIRROR?  Well... if that doesn't beat all.

Though to me that scene comes across as possibly Julia thinking she's revealing Barnabas secret to Liz - but little does she know that Liz already knows.

Now that's an interesting concept.  And it would work.  I just can't get over the accent.  It seems so out of place. 

I am sure you are right, MB.  I do hope Shadows will get 1st its second weekend, though.  We shall see.

And another note: the second trailer is coming...

And I did have a thought about Julia's appearance in the newest ad.  Perhaps Burton and Co. are including bloopers at the end of the film, and this is one of those bloopers...  Because she doesn't sound at all like she does in the other parts of the commercial.  Just something to consider. 

And what's interesting is that this audience is probably not the usual Burton/Depp crowd.  So we will see how that works with opening weekend numbers. 

I have got to say that I totally agree with the posters on the other board....  APRIL FOOLS'!   [snow_grin]

I'd like to echo all of the wonderful sentiments posted here.  I am glad there are places on the Internet, like this, that allow for respectful conversation.  There are a lot of ugly places on the Net.  This is not one of them.  I have had such a nice time here, and I have never felt bad for expressing my feelings (positive and negative).  So thank you again for all of the hard work!

Ahh...  Commercialism... 

What I would not mind, but I doubt would happen, would be Happy Meal Toys.  How fun would that be?  I mean after seeing so much McDonald's, it really ought to happen.  But I don't think they do them if the film is over PG.   [snow_bigglass] 

I think Mrs. Johnson is now officially my favorite character in this magnum opus.  That shot of her helping poor Willie with the coffin is a scream.

G, I could not agree more.  She is the reason I am completely invested in seeing this movie!  Everything else I have seen so far, I can take or leave.  But...  Mrs. Johnson!  Maybe I am biased, because she has always been one of my favorite characters (different reasons for different actresses).  I am certain this is going to be no different.

but as they say "it is what it is". for whatever reasons this is what we've got.

i hope to enjoy it on it's own terms and that's it.

This is the attitude I have adopted as well.  Can't do anything about it, so we might as well just go with it.  It is, after all, our show so we should be invested in whatever forms it takes.  And when we've all finally seen this version, then we can trash it or embrace because of its merits or lack thereof.  It's nothing like what I wanted.  So, at this point, I just want to enjoy it for what it is.  I could be pleasantly surprised...  We shall see.   [snow_wink]

The same thing happened in the movie theater this weekend-- that tongue scene got the only laughs, and I'm talking huge laughter and not nervous laughs... and I just don't get it... Why are audiences finding that spot funny?!

I think it is beyond all of us.   [snow_shocked] 

i'm sort of indifferent to the tongue but what i can't get is why the film's promotional team keeps beating the 'chevy' joke into the ground?

The only thing I can figure is they want to showcase Pfeiffer.  And maybe that is one of her few "one liners" in the film.  (See that bit of hopeful thinking I injected into that notion?  Though I would not mind Liz having a million one liners directed to/about Roger.)

Well thank you for all of your efforts, MB.  We all appreciate them!  All of the videos you post are amazing in terms of quality.  Can't beat it!

One thing that does bother me is the constantly disappearing and reappearing blood stains on Barnabas when he is talking to Willie...   [snow_huh]

Oh my goodness!  MRS. JOHNSON!  I love that image, MB!  Thanks so much for sharing these and for the video! 

This one actually made me laugh out loud.  It was the new line Barnabas spoke at the table.  It seems I like his lines best when he is sitting down.   [snow_cheesy]  And doesn't HBC sound a little British when she says that new line?  And why would Julia proclaim that anyway!  How strange... 

But I definitely liked this commercial more than almost all of the rest (except for one).  I am either getting used to this new take or they are actually getting better.  Maybe a little of both.   [snow_wink]

I do find it odd that Angelique is missing in all of these spots though...  Hmm...


And here's something else that is awesome...  The new Famous Monsters of Filmland is already out in select locations.  Lots of new pictures apparently! 

It's really odd that the TV spots on the Warners YouTube page are different from the ones that have actually aired.  The one that features Julia used to have Willie at the end.  Now it ends with Carolyn.  The box and peanuts ad has a different part of "Top of the World" playing over it.  Wonder why the changes... 

Now at least we have some context for him brushing his teeth.  It must be hard for him having to try to impress Victoria.  This may prove to be very interesting...

Amazing find, jimbo!  And I like it.  Thanks for the share!

Thank you, jimbo. I see that now.  It sounded very dark.  That was why I asked.  I was really hoping we could hear something of the new film score.  Unfortunately, we have to wait.   [snow_grin]

I am very interested in this big announcement KLS alludes to.