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Messages - Sunny_Collins

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Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Off I jet!
« on: August 23, 2006, 01:21:45 AM »
and remember on friday night...........that night, must go nothing wrong

That's so funny, devlin66! LOL!  ;D

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Why dont people like Adam?
« on: August 23, 2006, 12:14:00 AM »
I disliked the Adam storyline because it marked a major change in overall tone and focus of the show. Before the Adam storyline the focus was on the Collins family. With Adam they began to throw in everything but the kitchen sink and the focus changed to outsiders (Nicholas Blair, Adam, Eve) and the Collins family sort of went into the background. I didn't like that very much.

You know, Barnabas'sBride, I never really thought of it that way, but you're right, the show did move away from the Collins family, and that did take away from the show just a bit.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Hello DSF, Professor Stokes Here!
« on: August 22, 2006, 10:30:51 PM »
I certainly do not watch Dark Shadows for the mistakes.

It's sad to know that all Jonathan Frid has heard, is that people watch DS just for laughs. I do wish there was a way to let him know that the people who sincerely enjoy DS, don't watch it simply to pick out all the wrong things the actors did. It is a wonderful show with superb acting!

Memorizing dialogue day after day after day was not easy, and Jonathan Frid, and all the other wonderful actors deserve our gratitude for creating such a timeless show!

I applaud them all! :) 8) :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: A Little Tribute to DS
« on: August 22, 2006, 10:14:20 PM »
That was great, CastleBee!  8) ;D 8)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Why dont people like Adam?
« on: August 22, 2006, 05:31:49 PM »
Adam was cobbled together, and when he is brought to life he's virtually a blank slate. I really enjoyed watching Robert Rodan's portrayal of the childlike Adam, it is very convincing and well done.

Unfortunately, Barnabas was simply using him as a means of escape from his curse, and viewed him as little more than a tool, in fact, not many people were kind to him, which was really all he needed. I felt so terribly bad for him. It wasn't his fault he turned violent. After all, he had Nick to guide him.  ::)

Sam Evans tried to help him, but obviously that was short lived.

Dear professor Stokes was the only one to show true compassion for him.

I know Carolyn was nice to him, but she really was at a loss as how to deal with him.

My only objections to the Adam story line was that it dragged on much too long and became rather boring.

And it made me angry the way Nick kept putting ideas in to his mind, feeding Adam so much rubbish, and Adam was too innocent to understand Nick's scheming and dishonesty.

In the end, poor Adam was taken advantage of, passed from one person to another, that blank slate which could have been filled with so much goodness was blackened with malice and anger, quite a sad tale.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Hi From Bugsie!
« on: August 21, 2006, 10:47:51 PM »
welcome, Bugsie! glad you're here!  :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Hello DSF, Professor Stokes Here!
« on: August 21, 2006, 09:35:13 PM »
I particularly like how the relationship between Barnabas and Julia has gradually developed. Remember early on they were mortal enemies - Julia only cooperated because she had to, and for the professional interest.

Which brings me to this question - How did Julia find the time to run Wincliff? She was always at Collinwood or the old house ;D

I too enjoyed the way Barnabas and Julia grew gradually closer as the series progressed.

And as to your question, I have often wondered the same thing. 

Perhaps she used the time traveling staircase to go back a day, do her work at Windcliff, then return to the present.  ;D

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Help! i'm trapped in this coffin!
« on: August 21, 2006, 09:27:13 PM »
I wonder in the case of Barnabas being in the hospital under Dr. Lang, the fact he was simply in Maine constituted his "native soil"?   ::)

cyrusL, LOL!  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Today's Birthday-- CyrusL!
« on: August 21, 2006, 03:22:06 PM »
 :) CyrusL, have a great birthday, and have tons of fun! :)

Angelique not having the benefit of Dr. Phil's advice sure took its toll.

LOL! Too funny!  ;D

I also believe that once a murdering criminal Angelique would not likely change her colors, even for Barnabas. Barnabas was too honest not to understand that Angeqliue was probably emotionally incapable of love. Barnabas only became the monster he was after the curse was put on him. This "Barnabas" was never the true man again. OK. Angelique might be the only woman/monster for Barnabas the vampire but as even Barnabas once admitted "Barnabas is dead".

Yes, Angelique did too many ghastly things for Barnabas to truly forgive and forget.

Let's tally up all the horrible things she did in the name of "love".

She causes Barnabas to choke, then enters his room with Josette, and observes him struggling for breath,  and pretends to sincerely care about Josette's frantic concern. It's true she lifted the spell once she thought it would kill him, but that too was for her own sake.

She then forces poor Ben to work for her, ignoring his protests, and threatening to kill him if he doesn't obey her every order.

She bewitches Jeremiah and Josette in to falling in love with each other, going so far as to allow them to run away together and get married.

Upon their return she coldly remains silent as Barnabas believes that his best friend, Jeremiah, and the only woman he loved betrayed him, and looks on as Barnabas and Jeremiah engage in a fatal duel, resulting in Jeremiah's death.

When that didn't turn Barnabas to her, she employed her magic against an innocent child, remorselessly causing her intense pain, almost to the point of death. If barnabas will marry her, she promises to cure little sarah, and he gives in for the life of his beloved sister.

IMHO, harming a child was very wrong of her, and I don't think barnabas could so easily set that aside, even if she did make sarah well again. After all, it was Angelique who caused her to suffer in the first place.

With her curses, she destroyed many in the Collins family, and those close to them.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Hello DSF, Professor Stokes Here!
« on: August 21, 2006, 12:09:07 AM »
I think it does a disservice to the dedication of the cast to poke fun of the mistakes that are inevitable in such a setting. I applaud Jonathan Frid's graceful and gentlemanly way of accepting it. That he handled it so well doesn't surprise me, being the class act he has always been.
Here, here, Professor Stokes! You say the things I'm thinking but can't seem to put in to writing!  :) Okay, now I'll keep quiet on the subject! LOL!  ;D

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Hello DSF, Professor Stokes Here!
« on: August 20, 2006, 10:51:40 PM »
Yes, yes, yes,! I couldn't have said it any better myself, Professor Stokes!

The missed lines definitely gave the show a human quality that I really enjoy! It's so much better than most of the stuff on television now.

I'll take Dark Shadows over any show running today!

So here's to Dark Shadows, and all the actors and people  who made it the show we know and love! :-* :)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Hello DSF, Professor Stokes Here!
« on: August 20, 2006, 10:18:08 PM »
He believes the reason most fans watch DS is to make fun of it and the acting, etc.  It's the impression he has gotten from reading DS websites and other things. :P  So no worry about offending whenever he reads such stuff here or elsewhere.

I know there were a great many forgotten lines and so forth, but I honestly don't watch Dark Shadows to poke fun at the actors. I watch it because there is some excellent acting, and it's a unique show with some cool stories.

I think it would be very difficult to have to remember lines on a daily basis, and to add to that stress, the fact that there was no editing, so they couldn't go back and redo something they didn't like. IMHO, I consider it very brave of the actors to do it, then to have it on television for all to see. I really admire them for that.  8)

Okay, Barnabas married Angelique. Barnabas then dies from the curse which she placed upon him. He then returns to life, (so to speak), then winds up killing her.

So technically once they were both dead the marriage was dissolved. But since they both were able to defeat death, are they still married?  ???

She forces Barnabas in to marrying her, and although she then tells him he doesn't have to wed her, Barnabas is much too honorable to go back on his word.

She then curses him, in essence, transforming a portion of his personality in to something cold and dark.

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