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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Who did the best voiceovers?
« on: March 15, 2007, 05:43:35 PM »
My fav five are, in order:

1. Grayson
2. Thayer
3. Alexandra
4. Jonathan
5. David Selby

Current Talk '07 I / Re: In support of the Jason McGuire storyline.
« on: March 15, 2007, 04:21:33 AM »
I really enjoyed the Jason storyline, but I agree with adamsgirl that it became a bit tedious, as do any blackmail storylines, because the person being blackmailed always complies with the demands for the LONGEST TIME before they decide to do anything about it. But hey, I suppose there wouldn't be any drama otherwise.

I did LOVE Quentin's reaction to Maggie. It was GREAT! He was all "Oh please! We have vampires, werewolves, time travel, and now you're trying to get me to believe that the turkey is possessed." Not an actual quote, but that about sums up what he was thinking IIRC.

So, the Stokes-demon-thing was born because Stokes fell asleep, broke into another reality with his dream and let this thing escape, and it took on Stokes' form. Or, no. He went into a trance and it happened. I think that's what it was. Well, I'll give you this, it is ORIGINAL.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: PT1841
« on: March 15, 2007, 04:15:51 AM »
You really should put these online Gerard! Ever since mark Rainey posted that link to his book about Quentin (the name escapes me now) I've been wanting to go and ready it but I haven't had time to do it yet. I'm sure everyone would love to read it, and published or not, they'd be a hit I'm sure!

I agree with what Penny Dreadful said completley. The premise was good. The execution was poor. Simple as that.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Cancellation
« on: March 12, 2007, 03:58:53 AM »
I've heard it reported many times before that many of the people involved with the show wanted to move on because of the arduous task of completeing an episode everyday. I'm not one to begrudge people for wanting to move on. We all know it was hard work doing this show with everything that was involved. And as I remember it, DC became less involved over time as he branched out to do other things, so his lack of strong guidance might have had something to do with it.

As for the ratings, ratings are only a guestimation, despite what anyone says. The people who produce the Oscars say that the Oscars had like 40 million viewers for this year's telecast, when it actually was likely a much lower average if you count people that tuned in late and those who turned it off at 11 since it lasted into the wee hours of the morning again. So, that being said, the rating average could be somewhere around 35 million or so. There's no way of telling. DS very well could have had 20 million people watching at any given point in time. 8 million could've watched on Monday-Wednesday, and then 4 million on Thursday and Friday, and the average for the week would work out to be 6.4 million viewers--lower than the highest point.

If we're talking about storylines, I can't really truthfully say that any one storyline brought the show down, except for the Leviathans. It's fact that ratings dropped signifcantly during that story because it is a bit out there (what wasn't on DS?) and people didn't really understand what was going on. Personally, I liked the retread of Turn of the Screw with Gerard and Daphne because while the very basic story was the same, everything else was new and different. One of the ghosts actually [spoiler]came to life during this go around[/spoiler] and that was much more interesting than ones that constantly popped up and pointed fingers. Not to mention the fact that Gerard's plan was on a much grander scale, AND we got to watch Collinwood be destroyed. The lead up to this was brilliant, and 1840 itself brought some of my favorite characters:

Gabriel, [spoiler]whose jealousy of Quentin, even in death, would lead him to murder and deciet of his own father in order to get money. Not to mention the secret that he hid for such a long time, which was a huge bomb when revealed.[/spoiler]

Flora, who was delightfully played by Joan Bennett, and perhaps my favorite character of hers, with Judith being right up there too. Flora was so chipper and doodle-brained at times, she was a delight to watch in that role.

Not to mention Gerard whose wheel's were turning at every possible second to get the next step up, and all the other characters who populated this timeline.

I agree with you, PennyDreadful. The ending of the first episode was preposturous. It's a damn good thing that it wasn't the last episode of the disc because it would've been worse than the ending that's already in place there.

While this was a good set up, personally, I don't think it turned out well at all. Robert Rodan's performance was too muddled by the fact that I couldn't understand what the heck he was saying--sounded like he had a mouthful of water and seaweed. Maybe that's what they were going for. I don't know. But I had to listen very closely to get what he was talking about, and even then I decided to go back and relisten to it just so I wouldn't be confused about what threats and whatnot he was making.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: This has always puzzled me, need answer.
« on: March 09, 2007, 07:03:13 AM »
They are able to do it in the same way that the survivors on Lost seem to always have nice hair and no blemishes or sun burn. ;)

I never thought I'd say this, but...

Here's a place where Angelique's curse of immortal youth WOULD HAVE come in handy.

Here's to a speedy recovery, and thank goodness that winning personality wasn't damanged!

I thought "The Christmas Presence" was the best out of the four CD tales.  I completely agree with everything Penny Dreadful said--Andrew Collins is a rockstar in the role of Barnabas, Stokes' return was a great one, Angelique's taunting of Willie was true-to-form of both characters and reminded us that Willie and Angelique really haven't changed, and the final scene was spectacular.

Unfortunately for me the carolers did not work at all, and the Maggie-being-attacked-by-the-turkey thing was a complete and utter waste of time, not to mention hilariously funny rather than hideously creepy. C'mon! The ol' blonde wig Maggie would've fwaped that turkey with a rolling pin and shown it who was boss.

And "The Rage Beneath" may as well have been left out of this first series, IMO, because it does not measure up to "The Christmas Presence" at all. Mostly because I'm a firm believer that when a cliffhanger, like the one we were left with, is put into place, it is a useless card because I am rarely surprised by stunts like that. Not to mention that I didn't particularly care for the story, but that's a discussion for another thread.

Thanks for the info. I'll be eagerly anticipating it, as I'm sure you've planned. MWUHAHAHAHA!

Any word on when the Dark Shadows: The Legend Reborn discs will ship out? Says coming in March....and it's March. Are we looking at middle of the month, end of the month?

Current Talk '07 I / Re: The Leviathan Episode's
« on: March 05, 2007, 05:25:23 AM »
I actually liked the whole werewolf thing that was added in the end. Knocked Jeb down about 1000 pegs, which was definitely a good thing.

...(annoucner voice) his new very own vampire bride, complete with holy water, stake and hammer in case your mail ordered vamp bride decides to get a mind of her own!

Caption This! - The Return of Laura / Re: Episode #0179
« on: March 03, 2007, 06:41:09 AM »
Caretaker: They poke me Dr. Guthrie! They poke me! Everytime I walk past their tombs, nothing but a poke! That's all your incestors do!