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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

Uh oh!  I am sorry to have spoiled the plan.  Perhaps it would be an appropriate time for her to send Bunnicula after me!   [easter_wink]

But I really love that image of Collinwood!  Fantastic!  Very reminiscent of the foggy view of Seaview! 

BarnaBUS!  That is great, Nancy!

And I am glad that the trailer is working for a nice number of people in their target.  Of course, people generally don't say they dislike something in the public sphere, especially when said thing is far from their minds (So DS fans are not included here).  But, still....  People definitely like it and are talking about it.  And I think that's a good sign.  I always keep my ears wide open.   [easter_wink]

Oh, and this was posted on

Everyone should be glad to know that WaterTower has fixed the spellings.  "Vicky" is now "Vicki" and Barnabas is also spelled correctly. 

It's odd because I have been in contact with a wide range of youth and young adults (16-24) and they all seem to love the trailer.  I just overhear "Dark Shadows" all over the place (I never bring it up), and it's really heartwarming.  I actually have had conversations with people about Barnabas...  Barnabas... to hear the name in public in the 21st century.  It really makes one all "warm and fuzzy inside." 

CB, could you elaborate?  I read the article online, and didn't pick up on anything that touched on Helena's influence on the project.  Is there more in the print version?  Or maybe there's a page in the online version that I missed?

I should have phrased that more clearly.  I was referring to his general approach to making the film.  Because of HBC, he decided to not show the original to anyone else.  And I inferred that since Michelle Pfeiffer was the one person who religiously watched the show on set, and he said she was a great example for the other cast members, that he basically went about making the "feel" of the film similar to the original via a roundabout route.  It almost seemed like he thought all of the other castmembers would be like HBC and shun the show, when I am fairly sure most could understand that it was A) a 1960s soap opera and B) done "live."  There is no telling how actually encouraging the cast to watch the show would have changed the final product, but it was upsetting to me to read that he was so turned off by HBC's reaction that he opted to not show it to anyone else.  It would have been interesting had he gone with his initial decision and not had HBC in the cast.  Of course, from what I have seen, she looks brilliant.  But, she is very blunt about her feelings, and I think that affected Burton's approach.  And that was discouraging to read.  But who knows...  The film could turn out better this way.  We shall see. 

usffan,  that is indeed appropriate!  I now feel the need to rent a whole slew of rabbits and have them recreate our favorite scenes from Dark Shadows!  I think we have our Barnabas.  [easter_cheesy]

Only Midnite is allowed access to that:
It even shows up as her avatar from time to time.  [easter_wink]  But then she has a whole string of bunny avatars...

I shall not [easter_cry].  I shall simply [easter_grin] for its very existence brings me great pleasure! I'll be on the lookout for the Bunnicula avatar now...   [easter_wink]

The May issue of Empire is going to make more fans upset with HBC, but will make fans love Michelle Pfeiffer even more.  And it's also going to help shed some light on comments by Tim Burton, who I now believe really does love the show.  I'm just going to say that HBC seems to have influenced some of his decisions a little bit more than than I'd care for her to, and this is by his own admission. 

[a0d0] You got me, Cousin Barnabas!

The devil rabbit made me do it...  [easter_evil]

My only complaint is that I'm ready for some spring smilies ;)
I'll get on that right away.  :)

I was wondering who to thank for the bunnies!  Now, I shall thank you both.  [easter_grin]

Now how about a Bunnicula? [easter_cheesy]

Other than the HoDS riff (basically Carolyn's theme) being a reoccurring piece, Elfman borrows cues from Cobert's work on the Revival ("Vicki's Nightmare" has some of this (the strings are to die for... straight out 1991), as does a "spoiler" track).  The whole work seems to build off of the later music in the series and that of the feature films (the vibes! oh, the vibes!).  In fact, if DEATH OF DARK SHADOWS were made, I'd imagine its score would sound similar to much of this.  Of course there is a heavy Elfman twist in parts (near the end), but, overall, it's rather faithful in style to Cobert.  And I really appreciate that.  (I must also mention that there's definitely a heavy amount of Jerry Goldsmith in here as well.  And if "House of Blood" doesn't invoke modern masters Marco Beltrami and a little Wojciech Kilar, I don't know what could!)  Now...  I just want to hear the original theme song prominently featured somewhere in one of these tracks...  If I don't, I am going to be disappointed. 

But there's also this...

The soundtrack (if it is indeed released in addition to the score) will feature work by other people, not just Elfman.  So, maybe some Cobert will appear on there.  Who know... 

I'm still trying to listen for the theme...  I hope that it's there... somewhere in the prologue track.  It seems he uses that one HoDS riff over and over...

OMG!  The soundtrack is UNREAL!  I HEAR COBERT!

Again, the titles give away plot stuff, but it's worth it to hear the music... 

[spoiler] this isn't really a "spoiler" because it's just a guess, and it very much pains me to speculate, but i feel that vicki meets an unfortunate "josette-like" fate. i'm not sure why but i do. the thing here is that this is a stand alone movie as opposed to a daily show. there's no need to maintain a regular cast to carry on the story from day to day. there's really nothing to prevent many or even all of the characters from being killed off.[/spoiler]

i don't know how "official" these track titles are but i can't get over the "vicky" spelling. i've always preferred "vicki". the "i" as opposed to the "y" or "ie" variations suited the character to me. i'll never change it.

I actually have a different approach to the events (again, not really spoilers, but suppositions involving spoilers from the trailer and track listing): 

[spoiler]Because Barnabas is not yet a vampire when Josette is killed in this version, he cannot save her, as he lacks supernatural powers.  However, in 1972, he is a vampire and actually manages to save Vicki from the fall using his powers.  Therefore, in cursing him in 1772, Angelique actually manages to undermine her 1972 plan.[/spoiler]

Just my take on the story. 

And I have no idea how official these track titles are either, because there are a number of misspellings.  So, I am sure that "Vicky" will be changed to "Victoria" by the time the official release comes around.  But I too prefer the "i" spelling. 

Oh, and I picked up FMoFL today...  OMG!  Talk about fantastic!  I really love all of the pictures from TOS, especially the one of Frid and KLS kissing.  That's really cute!

I know, G.  It's really silly.  They could have kept some of the tracks free of the curtain.  But, the farther down you get, the more spoilers there are, so I kind of understand. 

Thanks, CB.  I hadn't been over to the IMDB board for a while.  (Not enough sanity there for me.)

Tell me about it.  I was considering registering at one point back in the summer, but then I realized that it would be detrimental to my health.   [easter_wink]  So I never did.

Good!  Stay away from it, MB.  Stay far, far away...  If you dodged the earlier spoiler that HBC gave away, you have to dodge the track listing.  (And there are some other spoilers in there too.)

Over all, I would say that nothing about the tracks would indicate that this movie is at all funny... except for maybe the last three track names, which are borderline parody territory (and they will probably be renamed). 

KMR, someone posted a version of it on IMDB.  Whether it is the final listing or not, it sounds very legitimate based on what we have seen from the trailer and heard from other sources. 

All I can say is if you have the chance to read the track listing of the score, don't... unless you want to feel depressed by the spoilers.