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Messages - Pansity

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Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Best and Worst of Fan Fic!
« on: December 04, 2006, 02:06:09 AM »
Since others are plugging, I will plug away too!

I haven't written much DS fanfiction. I wrote a little diddy called Murder in Collinsport that upon re-reading it really not too bad, but given the time that has passed (like 3 or 4 years) since I wrote that and now, (I've become much better, at least I like to believe that) it really lets me know how far I've come. So if you do read that, please please please please ignore the plot jumps, the passages that have run-ons and the various other mistakes that occur here.

I remember reading your story and thought it was quite good for a beginner. But if you are now seeing things you are uncomfortable with, please remember that on the net your story is NOT set in stone.  You can pull up the file of your story, edit the things you don't like and repost it.

In the days before the internet <I know, when dinosaurs roamed the earth> the only outlets for fanfiction were called fanzines (you may have seen them mentioned here and there on the boards).  They are anthologies of fanfiction, alternately known as amateur press.  You submit as you would for a professional publication  and the works are edited to make them the best they can be in plot style, grammar etc. before anyone else sees them.  Why do I mention this?  Because since you posted so long ago, you have grown and matured as a writer, and now see things that got by you before.  So, do what a fanzine editor would do.  Take your manuscript and rework it to what you know it can be, and republish it.  That way, you won't feel the need to apologize when you give people the URL of your stories.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: The Best and Worst of Fan Fic!
« on: December 04, 2006, 01:53:16 AM »
However, as long as a story or novel appears, IMO, to be well-written, I'll give it a whirl, no matter which character is in the spotlight. though complex multi-character plotlines are always appreciated.  (I've endeavored to include as many original characters as well as my own in my fan-fiction, with vital actions for all.)

Perfect way of putting it.  Personally, I have never understood -- in any fandom (and I have been involved in more than a half dozen since 1975) -- why someone would like a show enough to be involved in the fandom and read fanfiction (which used to mean buy fanzines), yet limit their reading material by only reading fanfic about certain topics or characters.

I like reading about the WORLD that DS creates, which includes all characters whether i like them or not.  Though, I must admit that I have a bit of Barnabas/Julia overload, as between all the copies of WODS I have and all the netfic I have read, the bulk of the stories tend to be B/J.

There are a LOT of underused characters out there, like Stokes.  I would LOVE to see some background stories about how he got involved with the paranormal in the first place.

Quentin is also a seriously underused character.  Someone knowledgeable in the occult wandering who knows where doing who knows what for 70 years  -- and during what is classed as one of the most volatile periods in history -- one would think that story ideas would abound.  But, aside from two or three sites with high quality well written stories, and some half written stuff that apparently was never finished there's nothing.  <Insert obligatory plug here>  Though I have had a novelette and a short novel, both about Quentin and Beth, accepted by Kathy Resch for publication.  The novel would probably appeal to some here.  Its a redo of "Quentin and Amanda go to Hell -- but Amanda is replaced by the EARLY incarnation of Beth.  Remember her, the one with the backbone who made Quentin back down more than once? The one who had her own "I don't understand!" lobotomy courtesy of the writers, and became a one note crying machine.

Current Talk '03 I / Re: I LUV Those Collins Kids!!!
« on: December 04, 2006, 12:27:15 AM »
Oh yeah, we were all treated to some deliciously nasty sibling rivalry between Quentin, Edward, Judith and Carl.

I especially love their bickering ... this was a great episode and great example how much these dysfunctional siblings really must have distrusted  and despised each other.

Yes the lines were so great. Sharp sarcastic zingers meant to wound deep. Spoilt rich brats to be sure -- albeit brats in their late twenties to probably late thirties.

And its telling later on that when <tiptoeing around spoiler here> two of them "die" -- you can tell the others have no feeling except what they feel its "dutiful" to show the world.  Shades of "The Little Foxes" (anyone NOT familiar with that Bette Davis movie?)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: History of Collinwood
« on: December 04, 2006, 12:13:00 AM »
The size of Collinwood is a mystery... I wonder if Maine has any mansions going back that far.    Come to think of it, that's the biggest damn house i've ever seen in my life, and in any era, only a handful of people live there, and they all hang out in one small room right next to the front door.   They keep both wings closed and just use the middle bit.

Don't know about Maine, but the mansions from that period in the NY area are much more Federal Style (plain front kind of boxy -- all the ornate stuff is INSIDE).

Your post got me thinking about a few discussion threads on just this topic on one of my yahoo groups (which alas, went dormant due to some fannish stupidity a few years ago, and I am going to make another crack at waking it up.)  ds history vs. melodrama is the name of the group, and we had a really good group for a while discussing the real life history vs what DS shows. (anyone interested in the group please pm me.)

In any case, from what i remember from the posts on this, the size of the house can be explained by the Collins trying to ape the "stately homes" of England of the 16 & 1700s -- I remember Blenheim Palace used as an example.  Folks in those days, especialy the rich ones, needed LOTS of room.  First off houseguests in those days stayed for MONTHS since transportation was so horrible.  Secondly you have extended families (at least it would seem this was Joshua's intent) living under the same roof.  Think of the wings as daughter in law houses and you get the picture.

Thirdly you have the need for TONS AND TONS of SERVANTS.  Especially with a houseful of guests, the guests would be bringing along THEIR servants, as we see with Josette and Angelique.  NOt to mention that in those days food preparation, housework and the other functions of running the house were done with people power not labor saving devices.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Who was upset that DS ended in 1840 PT?
« on: December 03, 2006, 11:50:45 PM »
the cancellation of STAR TREK at the end of the Sixties.  But still, TV Guide never ran an article on "here's what happened to Capt. Kirk, Mr. Spock, and Lieut. Uhura after the show ended."

True, but they did get 6 movies!   [hall2_grin]

And speaking as someone involved with the fandom from the mid70s onward, you do NOT want to know just HOW many letter writing campaigns that took.

 [santa_shocked] [santa_wink]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: 1840 Questions!
« on: December 03, 2006, 11:34:45 PM »
Two words:  1840 Concordance!  ;)  They are a MUST for any fan fic writer.  ;)


FYI they also make nifty souvenirs once you get them signed at a Fest by all the actors in that particular storyline. [thumb]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: 1840 Questions!
« on: December 03, 2006, 11:27:04 PM »
I'm not a typical audience, but I'd really be interested in fanfic for cleverly tying and tidying up those loose ends.   We're not in the kind of rush the writers were, and we're not getting paid in the first place, and Dan can't fire us.

And that's exactly what readable fanfiction is SUPPOSED to do.  (NOTE: I said the readable kind, not the kind which you see prefaced with statements like "I just wrote this in five minutes flat and posted it so dont flame me if its bad".)     [flmthrw]

Someone will get frustrated by a contradiction, or ticked off by a plot development, and will sit down and plot out how it could either be made consistant or could have happened another way.  This kind of fanfiction of course takes timeto write,  and research, but the end product is something people can read without feeling that they have wasted their time.

Don't even get me started about the sheer volume of unreadable fanfiction out there....

However, Julia was a doctor, the others weren't.  Liz had been saying for quite some time that she would appear to be dead but wouldn't be.  Naturally, everyone dismissed that at the time, but when it actually happened, you'd think Julia would have taken more time to be sure.  AND, there had already been a previous incident when she appeared to be dead, but came out of it shortly afterwards.  So, that really should have been a clue to Julia that this could be the same thing, and you'd think she'd wait awhile and perhaps try some other means of determining the truth.

Great thread!  As to the other means of determining the truth, weren't they in an awfully big hurry to bury her?  (At least they didn't go in for embalming, or the whole thing would be a moot point.  If she wasn't dead yet, the formaldehyde would have changed that.) Simple rule of biology:  leave an unembalmed body around a few days and there would be NO doubt if someone's dead or not.

And speaking of premature diagnoses, what about that nurse who was [spoiler]watching maggie when she "died" and Barn kidnapped her from the hospital.[/spoiler] <waves to the medical people on here.> Was CPR used yet (somehow I don't think so), but even if not, didn't they try to bring a patient back with mouth to mouth?   Inquiring minds would like to know, cause that "diagnosis" seemed awful sketchy to me.

I think I can solve this- I remember reading an old magazine interview in which Alexandra mentiona a COUSIN named Vicki!

Thanks for the response on this -- and arashi as well.  And sorry for the long delay.  About the time you posted this I had to make a long sabbatical from this board due to life, the universe and some serious health issues.

Since a production assistant tends to be an entry level gofer type position, it seems likely that the person in the credits is the descendent of one of the two people that were suggested.

Current Talk '05 II / Re: Vampire Survival Puzzlement
« on: December 03, 2006, 07:23:14 PM »
Still, he must have been commiting the attacks despite the fact that we didn't see them happen as often.  He must have been because he's a friggin' vampire!  He can fight the urge all he wants, but eventually his vampiric nature will take over.  IIRC he attacked Sophie Baker in 1897.  I assume he was still doing that all along.  The writers chose not to keep showing us the attacks because they were irrelevant to the plot at hand, and because the audience would likely turn on Barnabas.

I think that's exactly it -- Barn's doings were peripheral to the main plot, and if explained in more detail would have distracted from the story they were trying to tell.  What a lot of people forget with 1897 is that Barnabas is a SUPPORTING character in it, not the main focus of the plot.

And DS has this schitzophrenic habit of sometimes making the most brainless leaps of illogic that underestimate the intelligence of the audience, but also as often they give you a framework, like a radio drama or a play, and assume that the audience is bright enough to pick up on the implications and fill in the pieces for themselves.

Nancy was definitely great in every role she played too. I think my favorite Nancy roles are Charity/Pansy and Leticia. I bet Charity, as [spoiler]possessed by Pansy Faye[/spoiler] must have been a real blast for her to play.

Couldn't resist responding to this one, late as it is.  At my first Fest in 06 I asked Nancy Barrett that exact question (given my handle it won't surprise anyone to hear that Pansy/Charity's one of my three favorite characters) and what she told me at that time was that that was her very favorite role.

Current Talk '06 II / Re: parts you can't re-watch?
« on: December 03, 2006, 06:01:01 PM »
Also, let's not forget Lang's experiment where we have to listen to his recorded message over and over, drives me crazy! ;D

 [91a2] [laughing4]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: parts you can't re-watch?
« on: December 03, 2006, 05:57:32 PM »
1970PT I am dreading the purchase of, but I'm such a damn completist that it's inevitable.

GMTA -- The last sale got me caught up except for these.  I'm in NO hurry.........

Current Talk '06 II / Re: parts you can't re-watch?
« on: December 03, 2006, 05:54:33 PM »
I also have trouble watching the Quentin/Amanda romance, because it seemed to me like they just through an extra character in to the show, then expected everyone to love her, even Quentin, which was just not plausible or convincing to me. I thought Quentin and Beth were great together, but to have us believe that Quentin loves this Amanda who we and he hardly knows, just feels strange.

Okay, now I'll stop rambling. LOL!

That was perfectly put.  As I have said before and probably will say again, Amanda as a character fits the classic description of a Mary Sue in fanfiction:  a one dimentional character inserted into the action that everyone automatically loves for no dramatically established reason.

At least Amanda never got a crack at fixing the warp drive with a bobby pin..... [laughing_devil]

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Collinwood should be on MapQuest!
« on: December 03, 2006, 05:37:52 PM »
Facinating thread AW!  And its so nice to see so many responses to it  Especially good to see that so many people are interested in trying to make their fanfic as true to fact as they can within the contradictions of the show.

Wonderful about you getting to see so much of the Carey mansion's interior Buzz.  It was a shame that there was no tour there offered at the last Fest. I know AW was salivating at the thought [santa_cheesy].  And, Mark Rainey, as to the Flight Simulator model, I would love to have seen that. (Hmm wonder if I could monkey with my old copy of Railroad Tycoon and make it do that?  [santa_wink])

The Magical moving cemetary is really frustrating when trying to write fanfiction`-- sometimes it appears that it is on the Collinwood property (the later shows), but as pointed out its a far drive in the early days.  In a way it SHOULD be if you think about it, what with even smaller landowners having private family cemetaries if they had enough land to spare for one.  Its not like Eagle Hill is a churchyard after all.  Then again, in typing that I just realized that in Barnabas' period the graveyard SHOULD have been in a churchyard -- all the Colonial era graveyards in this area are.  And something nudging at the back of my brain tells me that I saw SOME show on History Channel that credited cemetaries as we know them to somewhere in Victorian era.  Anyone else remember anything about this??

Please excuse the vagueness on that -- I'm still not quite back to normal after my third surgical procedure since June.  Which, by the way, is also the reason I have been MIA on these boards for so long.  The topics I tend to post on are also NOT the sort of things you want to read and post about when you're pretty much running as "lights are on but nobody's home."

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