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Messages - Birdie

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Uh DS pervading the household?
« on: July 28, 2002, 12:22:29 AM »
My children were very into DS last year but so far this year other things have taken over. Sigh, though my daughter keeps asking when the Q-man will make his appearance.  I miss sharing DS with my kids.  My son is now very into Baseball.  The red soxs tend to be the hot topic at the supper table.  My 13 year old daughter seems to want to spend all her time with friends, and begging her father to put in a pool.  Sometimes she will still watch with me.

I do find DS creeping into my life in different ways.  Last week at work we were talking about nationalities and ancestors.  This woman who was from Lebon asked what exactly is an incester.  We broke up in hysterical laughter.  I laughed much harder than the rest of us for of course the connection to Roger's famous blooper.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Archive Access Problems
« on: July 26, 2002, 05:48:17 PM »
Same problem here.  I haven't had to much time to play here lately.  Too much "work".  We are counting on our "genius" to fix the problem.


                I love it.  You cracked me up this morning.  Is Frid sexy, hard to say.  He does have appeal, but I don't know if sexy is the word I would use.  Do love the voice.  


Current Talk '02 II / Re: "It's Very Clear ....
« on: July 18, 2002, 09:39:29 PM »
I noticed the song too.  It was a great touch.  Our Love is Here to Stay was written by George Gershwin.  It really seemed to fit the type of music I imagine Julia would have enjoyed.  I enjoy the American song writers.

Birdie--just wondering why Barnabas didn't install electricty, heat and a phone once he was cured.  Why would Julia set up a lab in those conditions? Guess the radio ran on batteries.  Julia of the portable generator.

The show was repeated at 2:00 a.m. on July 16h.  I missed it during the day, had to work. Yuk.  Thank goodness for the VCR.  Just wanted to add my two cents worth.  I found the hosts of this show to be so phoney.  As Rainey Pack said real twits.  I have to mention that Selby, Karlen, Parker, and KLS showed such class and were very gracious.  They were not the least pretentious.  Those young actors could take a lesson from them.  I wonder if in 30 years anyone will care or remember them.  


Current Talk '02 II / My Own Twight Zone...
« on: July 15, 2002, 05:59:35 AM »
Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking my mother to visit her sister in law who is 93.  We had a nice lunch at a very old restaurant in Shirley, MA  it dated back I think to the l800.  After the lunch we visited with my Aunt who lives in the Carrige House next to the Big House.  Her daughter and family now live in the big house.  Sound like DS to you?  We were sitting in the sunny back room when my Aunt asked me if I would rather visit in the "drawing room".  I had to suppress a giggle.
Her formal room is very Collinwood,  beautiful antiques, dark Victorian.  I wanted to pack some in my car and take them home.

Birdie--who managed to get many daughter/niece points this weekend.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: that was terrifiyng?
« on: July 15, 2002, 01:36:26 AM »
Was that a dress? I thought it was a bathrobe
Agree with everyone about Stokes, he is brillant.  


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Who are you?
« on: July 11, 2002, 10:12:03 PM »
That was fun.  Another Quentin here.


Great photo's Cheryl!  So glad everyone had a wonderful time.  

Birdie--who is still crying in her beer/wine/mai ty's/ because she had to miss it.  A friend of mine asked me just last night if I was going to the Fest again.  I told her it had happened in LA a few weeks ago.  I was surpirsed she remembered I had gone last year.

       Are you kidding with four kids I am lucky to be able to tape our favorite show.  With the many channels on our cable box I get to see many things fly by while someone is surfing.  We must have a TV channel but I am not familar with it.  Actually, I am a MA. fan.  My 13 year old just got back from Jersey.  She went to the shore with a girl friends family.


            Thanks for bringing that interview to our attention.  I have to say I agree and love his last line.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Favorite/Lease Favorite Names on DS?
« on: July 04, 2002, 05:05:20 PM »
My favorite female name would have to be Elizabeth.  I go for more the classic names.  I wanted to name my daughter Elizabeth but the hubby wouldn't give in.  We have a niece with that name, even though the age difference was huge he couldn't see it.  His brother's daughter so they have the same last name.

My favorite male names would have to Joseph and Michael.  The levitian kids names.  Of course those being my favorite has nothing to do with DS.  Joseph is my oldest sons name.  He was named after my father and a very special Uncle.

Least favorite female name would have to be  Julia.  Don't hate me Grayson fans.  It goes back to a person named Julia who was nasty to me as a child.  Those things just stick to a name.  No matter how many great people you meet later on with the name those ones as a child color your opinon.

A lot of ugly male names, Ezra, Jeb,

Hey, they worked for the show that is what is important.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Those Wacky Collinses and Other Comments
« on: July 04, 2002, 04:39:48 PM »
O.K. the whole suit thing blows me away.  Even if Barnabas is a night owl and stays up half the night don't you think he might have at least got rid of the tie. Poor Barnabas never gets to wear anything remotely comfortable or casual.
I am a person who usual doesn't get in her P.J.'s until just before I jump in the bed but the shoes are off and the comfortable clothes are on.  I can't even imagine not taking of the  panty hose by 2 in the morning.  When I get home from work that is the first thing I do.  Anyone else think Julia's outfit was horrible on her. It was not one bit flattering.  She really got the shaft in the wardrobe department.  

Roger another person who looks good in a bathrobe.  


Wonderful photo's!  Thanks so much for sharing with those of us who could not attend.  It looks and sounds like you had a fantastic time.  I toasted to you all the Friday of that weekend at the local Chinese Rest. in town.  Two Mai Ty's to the group in LA.   Maybe next year........


Thanks for sharing those fabulous photos.  I have been on the outside of Seaview Terrace a few times but never dared to go inside.  I know I will be going to Newport sometime during the summer, maybe next time I will have the guts to go in.  The last time I was there some students were practicing for a concert.  It was wonderful to hear the music coming from the walls of "Collinwood".  

I am envious of your talent with a camera.


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