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Messages - Brandon Collins

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Is it just me, or was Charity more likable...
« on: March 30, 2007, 05:34:00 PM »
I think that pretty much everyone would agree that Pansy Faye was more fun than her alter ego Charity Trask. Where Charity was uptight, Pansy was loose and fancy-free. Where Charity was a bible reader, Pansy was versed in the occult.

I have to wonder if the writers had this plan from the start, or if they did it because Nancy complained that her character was too boring. You have to admit, she didn't really have much to do as Charity but walk around and basically be an extension of her father, which was quite annoying.

Polls Archive / Re: Eeny, meeny, miny, moe
« on: March 29, 2007, 03:54:14 AM »
I voted Quentin, because that's who I think she should've picked. Realisticly, a man in Quentin's position would never have given her the choice, she would've been made to stay with him since he was her first husband. And, Samantha choosing Gerard made for much better drama because then we get the whole Quentin's-not-going-to-let-Samantha-take-Tad-out-of-the-house-because-he's-his-son-only-he's-really-not storyline, which was pretty entertaining.

So, from a writers standpoint, she made the right choice. From a human standpoint, she made the wrong one.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Summer '67 musings
« on: March 28, 2007, 05:39:35 PM »
I have to agree with you here, Ben. Each time I rewatch a storyline I always find something new and different to appreciate, which gives me a completely different perspective on the story.

Julia & Barnabas' relationship during the episodes you are watching is perhaps my favorite one involving them. I always believe that Julia and Barnabas, and, alternatively, Grayson and Jonathan, are at their best when the characters are fueding with one another. The lines and quips are always superb, and each character and actor is written and portrayed to perfection. I'm glad that over time the writers found ways to make the two enemies again, especially after they had been quite friendly for so long, because it certainly shook up whatever storyline it happened in, and gave the storyline an extra edge.

As for the smoking, I've noticed that over the course of the series it's become less and less apparent. You mentioned Julia lighting up in Willie's hospital room, which is quite surprising given that they should've certainly known better, but lighting up anywhere becomes a rarity once the Quentin/Beth storyline starts, and probably even before that. I think the last time that I remember cigarettes being front and center was when Cassandra used Tony's lighter to hypnotize him. Of course, that can be explained somewhat because much of the time after the Quentin/Beth storyline took place in the past. I'm not sure what the history of smoking is, so they could have been smoking SOMETHING back then, but it still wasn't shown.

I wonder why this is? It can't be because people started to look down on smoking. I mean, I didn't live in the 60s and 70s, but it seems to me that only very recently have people begun to look down on smoking, and here very recently that smoking has been banned in restaurants and bars around the country. Anyone have any further information?

Current Talk '07 I / Re: How Did DS Influence Your Life?
« on: March 28, 2007, 03:43:16 AM »
I'm not sure that DS influenced my life so much as it enhanced some of the hobbies and things that I already had. I've always liked writing, ever since I was about 8, and watching DS turned me on to horror stories. I've liked horror movies since I was young, but DS probably set me up to become a fan of other shows that are similar to it, like Buffy and Angel.

I've also liked history ever since I was young, but that's because my Dad enjoyed it and I liked learning about it from him. He ordered me this huge box of Civil War fact cards that have pictures and like 3 paragraphs of information on them about specific events that happened during the civil war. DS probably made me interested in more of history, different time periods and stuff, or rather, gave me a glimpse into those time periods, even though I'm sure there were plenty inaccuracies in DS during those time periods.

Here lately, as I've focused more on screenwriting and scriptwriting, I've learned to appreciate DS in a new way because I can imagine the scripts being written and how they may have looked. And I can infer what characters were meant to say when the actors said it wrong. Not to mention that the two attempted revivals of DS have made me start writing a DS Pilot of my own, that will probably never be produced (hey, I have hope :D) but that gives me great pleasure to write.

It still amazes me how some people on this board can answer just about any question about DS from the top of their head, or so I assume. There are over 1000 episodes, 5 years worth of show, and I can't remember anything but basic plotlines and some certain plot points that occur.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: And lots of storage space!
« on: March 24, 2007, 08:20:12 PM »
Here's a wild thought--maybe those passages were used for the war, or the Underground Railroad, and maybe, just maybe, there was another generation of Collinses that nobody knew about, and these generations lived in those secret passageways, which would explain why there was so much stuff housed within them--it was the belongings of this generation we never knew about.

Okay, so that's a bit of a longshot.

Maybe that's where the Collinses put their servants when they went insane or knew too much, or just plain bugged them--you are doomed to wander the maze of corridors and passageways forever!

Yea, I can't tell you how long it's been since I've watched the SciFi channel. Occasionally I'll hang there if they have a decent movie on, that's not one of their crappy B-movie wannabes. I can't believe how bad those movies really are. I mean, I can usually stand to sit through a horrible movie, but I just HAVE to turn the channel when a movie of their's comes on. Maybe if they got something like Tales from the Crypt, then I'd watch them again.

Oh, and I watch Firefly if it's on that channel.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: a random quote about Dark Shadows -
« on: March 23, 2007, 05:19:27 PM »
Well, that's just to let the viewer know that the sun never shines in Collinsport. It's always dark, gloomy, and rainy. HELLO Gothic atmosphere, this is your close up. ;)

Current Talk '07 I / Collinsport Top Ten
« on: March 23, 2007, 04:29:37 AM »
Thought it might be fun to make some good ol' top ten lists. Try yer hand.

Top Ten Reasons To Become A Governness At Collinwood

10. You'll get to attempt to find your roots before your curosity is abruptly taken.
9. Time traveling is a perk.
8. You can ride the "Hang Me As A Witch" ride at the Collinsport Gallows.
7. It'll be the perfect chance to kill your sisters adulterous boyfriend.
6. A trip down horrified lane with terrorist children.
5. It'll provide an escape (for a while) from the molesting school teacher from your past.
4. You'll make tons of cash by copyrighting the phrase "I don't understand."
3. Free time with a blow up doll. Juggins, Mr. Juggins.
2. If the going get's tough, you'll be killed for no reason at the whim of the writers.

And the number one reason to become a governess at Collinwood is.....

1. You'll be the hot new date of that mystery man down the lane.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: julia
« on: March 23, 2007, 04:12:56 AM »
I think you are correct in adding Willie to Julia's bitch-slapped list. IIRC, she slapped him one time when he was getting all fussy about having to stake someone--I think it was Tom Jennings.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Julia's Sedative's In 1995 etc.
« on: March 23, 2007, 04:09:32 AM »
Just think, though, if the prop masters had though innovatively enough to create a cardboard box that looked like a desktop computer, or a small calculator that turned into a cellphone......they would've been WAAAYYY ahead of their time.

The thing that nixed the 1995 thing for me, was the clothing. I wish they had've been a little more imaginative with the futuristic garb, instead of just throwing 70s stuff on their people. I loved 95, don't get me wrong, but watching it through this past time, that's what stuck out most for me.

Current Talk '07 I / Re: julia
« on: March 22, 2007, 09:09:48 PM »
I think the more pertinent question here is: Why didn't Julia feel the need to slap and throttle everyone else at Collinwood?

Okay, so she slapped the heck outta Cassandra. Any harder and she would've knocked the woman's wig off. But honestly, why do you think she gave everyone sedatives? Because if she had to listen to all their complaining and impending doom talk for one more second, she WOULD HAVE throttled them.

I can see it now. Vicki has gone through yet another round of her "I don't understand" speeches and Julia, out of sedatives because she used them all to put Liz to sleep (which might also explain why she was pronounced dead when she really wasn't---too many sed's), decides to throttle Vicki. She takes her around the neck and says:

"Dammit Vicki! You never understand anything! Well, I'll make you understand something. PAIN! P-A-I-N! Can ya dig? MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

I agree that this was a mishandling of the plot by the writers, yet again. Because by the time Barn enters PT, Chris, Amy, and Sabrina are long gone. Or at least we hadn't seen them in a while. It's possible that they were still in Collinsport and after Barn went to PT, Julia focused on trying to help them and maybe even got Stokes involved some how. Maybe they moved to Tibet to get some monks to help Chris. Possible fan fictions there.

Yea, what they said.

Something came to my mind when I was reading quentincollins' post.

All throughout the first series, there were hints about Angelique having something to do with Maggie's revenge, or drama, or whatever, that would be coming. This was particularly illustrated in CD 2, "The Book of Temptation" where the ghost voices say something about how they will come back later for Maggie and her curse will be revealed, or something. And Angelique says that it will. Not to mention the fact that everytime Maggie seemed to be acting oddly Angelique totally ignored it. I mean HELLO, she was totally possessed when she set that ship on fire with Barn and Quentin in it, and IIRC, Angelique didn't say anything about it, just chastised her for setting the ship on fire. Angelique should KNOW that type of action is not in character for Maggie, so obviously something is wrong.

So, this makes me think that Angelique has some involvement with what happened and what Maggie did. She's been playing behind the scenes since disc 1, when she betrayed Quentin to bring Barnabas back. Any guesses as to what's coming up?