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Messages - Josette

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Logged?
« on: April 22, 2002, 01:04:17 AM »
Thank you!  

I've been curious about that log time.  And also that "always logged" option.  I usually "uncheck" that.  One time I forgot to, and when I returned to the site later, was surprised to find myself already logged in.  I'm assuming that it showed me as being there the whole time I wasn't.  That seems very strange and is one reason I make sure to "uncheck" it all the time!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Guest?
« on: April 22, 2002, 12:58:51 AM »
Thank you, again!  It's not important enough to pursue, just something I've been curious about. :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Logged?
« on: April 21, 2002, 09:44:06 AM »
Another point of curiosity - what does it mean at the bottom of all the posts where it says "logged"?

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Guest?
« on: April 21, 2002, 09:39:00 AM »
I'm curious about how the board determines a guest.  I've assumed that as soon as one accesses the home page, the board knows that someone is there, but if unregistered, they are listed as a guest.

However, if I see x number of guests and y number of users listed, after I sign in, unless another guest appears just at that moment, I would expect that I had originally been counted as a guest and therefore that number should go down by one and the users up by 1.

The user listing does increase, but the guest stays the same.  (Sometimes there IS a change in that short time.  When my name is added to the list of users, the rest of the list sometimes is also different.  So, it's possible that there is also a change in guests just at that moment.  But, surely it couldn't happen every time.)

For instance - when I first came back this time, it listed 1 Guest and 4 Users - with their names.  I would imagine that I was the 1 Guest.  After logging on, that should change to 0 Guests and 5 Users.  It DID go to 5 Users - the previous 4 + me, but it stayed at 1 Guest.  Again, unless by coincidence someone else arrived just at that moment, it doesn't make any sense to me. And, since this seems to always happen, surely that coincidence couldn't happen each time!!

Current Talk '02 I / Some Odds and Ends
« on: April 20, 2002, 06:50:39 AM »
Just some little details that jumped out at me:

The tower room - I was surrpised by the lock on the outside of the door.  Didn't they always have to use a key to get in?  It certainly made it convenient for Millicent in this case, but there were other stories when someone had to get the key or lost the key, etc.

Bathia Mapes - how is one supposed to know that that is who she is?  That name appears in the credits, but I don't think she ever identifies herself!!

Especially since Joshua was standing at the door watching the carriage leave (we even heard it), surely he must have been aware that Nathan and Millicent weren't in it!!

Current Talk '02 I / Changed Joshua
« on: April 20, 2002, 06:44:07 AM »
Joshua was always so cold.  Not only in his manner, but the things he said.  He never could understand about love and didn't seem to think it had anything to do with marriage.  We've already commented on his true feelings coming out for his son in these recent episodes.

But, I'm always especially touched with this one when he finds the mad Millicent.  All of the tragedies on top of one another have certainly gotten to him.  He's clearly quite emotional by now when he's with Millicent.  And, of course, Louis has portrayed it all so magnificently.

Current Talk '02 I / Millicent's Wedding
« on: April 20, 2002, 06:38:24 AM »
(Other than practical reasons - such as not having to stage a big wedding and speeding the story along), I couldn't figure out what the haste was with the wedding.  Nathan certainly wanted it immediately, and apparently Millicent just wanted to go along with anything he wanted.  They had been planning a big wedding for Barnabas and Josette.  The story started out with Nathan bringing the invitations for Naomi to look at.  It's soon after all of the family deaths, however, everyone has stopped wearing mourning clothes.  A family like the Collinses, and Millicent herself, with all of her money, surely would have wanted to put on a big wedding.

And, given the small wedding they did have, it seems funny that the Countess wouldn't have gone (obviously they didn't want another actor, but something could have been said to indicate that she had attended!).

Current Talk '02 I / Re: If you lived at Collinwood . . .
« on: April 20, 2002, 06:33:28 AM »
Well, I suppose I prefer the drawing room, but since you asked which room would you live in - that implies one's own room.  I didn't care for any of the bedrooms!

I'll go along with PT Angelique's room.  If it wasn't a time shifting room, just a regular room, it's certainly my favorite and the views of it, I think, are major contributors to my liking that story!!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Another view of Trask
« on: April 20, 2002, 06:27:24 AM »
I always felt that if he sincerely wanted to find any "true" witches, he would have looked for any witches that were there, not just deciding that Vicki was it and doing anything he could to prove it.

When he did his exorcism - he should have been calling for "witch" in general.  If his ceremony were true (since the true witch was unaffected, evidently it wasn't) and if he had simply asked for "the witch" and not writing VW and calling for Victoria Winters, then perhaps ANY witch that was there would have been brought out.

Then, in the trial, when Ben said it was Angelique, Trask looked furious and tried to discredit him.  This was before Angelique appeared and Ben claimed that she was dead.  If Trask were truly interested in finding witches, he should be glad to learn that it was Angelique.  Here's someone at least admitting that there WAS a witch and NAMING her.  It seemed more important to him to prove that he was right about Vicki than to actually catch the true one.

I don't know that it was really such a drastic change in Nathan as there were always hints of this character.  But, in the beginning we mostly saw the good side of him.  His friendship with Barnabas could have been genuine, but he might also have been taking advantage of a connection with the great Collins family.  The instant he heard about Millicent's money he perked up and immediately started to make a play for her.

We subsequently learned that he was already married, so he clearly knew what he was up to from the start.  So, I think the seeds of all of this were already there.  But, as long as it was possible to act or at least pretend to act honorably, he did.

True, possibly for the reasons suggested by others here, the actual overt change in his behavior came about rather quickly, but I don't see it as a reversal in his character, just a revelation to us of his true nature.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Lara Parker/Jonathan Frid Q&A 1993
« on: April 19, 2002, 10:41:58 AM »
Wowie!!  What a wonderful one  :) :)   Thank you for posting it and thanks to Miss Kitty!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Preview Question
« on: April 19, 2002, 10:25:02 AM »
Hi MB!  It isn't really that serious of a problem - I was just rather surprised to find it working that way.  I assumed that Preview meant and exact Preview!

Actually, I read your notice of new things just before reading this, and it sounded as though you had adjusted it!   :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Preview Question
« on: April 19, 2002, 04:53:03 AM »
Well, obviously if the spacing is really troubling, one could go back and edit the post.  But I still don't understand that a preview wouldn't be an exact preview of what will appear.

The scenes, particularly between Joshua and Barnabas, but also Joshua and Naomi were fantastic.  You expressed it all so well, there's really no need to say anything else!

I could never figure out, though, when his father actually saw him come out of the coffin, he admits to the killings and says that he was compelled, and says that he can't kill himself - making his father think that he's a coward, why he didn't come straight out at that point and say that he's a vampire and that the gun won't kill him.  It's only when his father comes back that it gets to that point.  And, in saying that he's cursed, why didn't he go on to say that Angelique did it?  (I'll have to wait, maybe it still happens).

I was also a bit surprised at Nathan.  Even though he's sure he has Joshua where he needs him, I would think he'd go a bit slower about the way he's making himself at home and starting to "run things."  He's still a bit on precarious ground.  Even though Joshua is giving in to him and he's sure that maintaining the secret is paramount to Joshua, I would think he'd still "behave" a little while longer - at least until he's actually married!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Preview Question
« on: April 18, 2002, 07:16:22 PM »
When I first tried it, I couldn't figure out Preview.  I had assumed it would show what the actual post looked like, with smileys and any special effects included, and all I ever saw was the same "writing box" I had used.  Then, after a few times, I finally realized that the board takes you back to the little gray box, but that the real preivew is above it!!

Anyway, I thought that Preview would be an exact duplicate of what the actual post would look like.  But, last night I used it to make sure that my inclusion of a URL would actually come through as a link.  When the actual post was up, the spacing was different.  The obvious example was that in the preview, a smiley I had put at the end, didn't fit at the end of the line and was at the end on a line by itself.  When the actual post appeared, the text ended in the middle of the line with the smiley right after it.

That turned out to be better, in my opinion, but I didn't like the fact that the preview didn't show it correctly.  Some time if the spacing would matter, there would be no way to know how it would actually appear.