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Messages - Josette

Hi Luciaphil!

You had me literally laughing out loud at the way you described some of this!!  ;D ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Sweet 16!
« on: May 04, 2002, 08:52:24 AM »
Happy - Happy - Happy - Birthday, Daphne! :) :)

I've always wondered where that expression "sweet 16" came from, but it sounds nice - enjoy it!!! ;D

Thank you, all.  I just use the Netscape mail.  There isn't a separate "Mailbox" listing, but I tried View and there was a choice for all headers.  There are a couple of listings for "Received" with a bunch of different addresses, but at the top is Return-path and in each case it's the same address.  I don't know if it's the person from here or not (who contacted me - but this address is different than the one listed here).

I have the McAfee Clinic, which was updated each of the last two days.  I assume it would notify me if it caught something!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: PLAYING THE PART
« on: May 03, 2002, 08:55:49 AM »
Well, part of me would go for Josette (I did choose that name, afterall!), but I think I'd mostly go for Julia.  She was an intelligent woman, a doctor, got to spend tons of time with Barnabas, and once their relationship improves they do spend most of their time together, care for each other (even if he doesn't care the way she wants), and end up having all sorts of adventures together.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Crazy car crash
« on: May 03, 2002, 08:52:25 AM »
Ummmm, Barney has been shot with an arrow and shot with a gun,  it took him only moments to completely recover. One little itsy-bitsy car crash and he is completely laid up and unconscious? Puhleeze.

I never thought of that!!  That's really funny. ;D ;D

Point of curiosity - how do you expand the headers?

I've been receiving messages, about one a day, that claim to be huge files, but contain no message and no attachment.  I've assumed that since there is no attachment, I'm safe.

The first supposedly came from the SciFi Bulletin Boad!  Another was from a poster here (who did not send it) and today a "returned" message (that I hadn't sent) to someone with a definite DS name.  The others were total unknowns.  So, I'd really be curious to try that expanding the header and see if those are the worm and if it's all from the same place.


:) :) :)


Hope the day was spectacular! :) ;D

Current Talk '02 I / Doctor-Patient Confidentiality
« on: May 02, 2002, 10:04:57 AM »
I can understand Dr. Lang revealing a general condition to Vicki and Barnabas about each other, but it seemed that he was getting pretty specific when talking to her, as well as questioning her about him.  Should he really be revealing that much about another patient?

Current Talk '02 I / Drs. Hoffman and Lang
« on: May 02, 2002, 10:02:05 AM »
I always love their first encounter.  He clearly knows her, so knows that she is a doctor.  She so authoritatively tries to move Barnabas, but he won't allow it.  Speaking as one doctor to another, she can't be too vague.  He asks her quite specifically about Barnabas' condition and her treatments, and there isn't too much she can say.  He reveals quite specific knowledge of it, yet she obviously can't confirm it.  She has to try to protect Barnabas and pretend not to understand what he is saying.  Yet, she says enough to reveal it to him (although he clearly seems to know without that).  Their sparring is a lot of fun.

Current Talk '02 I / What Vicki Does or Doesn't Know
« on: May 02, 2002, 09:55:12 AM »
I couldn't say anything while 1795 was still going on, as anyone seeing it for the first time wouldn't know how Vicki managed to get back, etc.  But, while she knew about Angelique being the witch and a lot of the things that went on, she clearly never learned about Barnabas.  At first she thought he had gone to England, as she had originally learned, and then she was told that he was dead.  She was in jail until the very end and never saw him again, so there was no way she could have learned the secret.

But, then what was it all about?  It started with the seance and they tried to contact Sarah.  When this happened, I assumed it was a means for her to learn the truth.  But, while she learned about a lot of it, she never learned the real secret that was affecting them in the present.  And, now she has partial amnesia and doesn't recall a lot of what she did know.

I can understand Barnabas being concerned about what she might know, but he should realize that she never learned about him.  Of course, we're back to "dumb" Vicki.  While she never learned that he was a vampire, she did learn that he died rather than going to England, so at some point she should start to wonder who this descendant is, but that part never seems to occur to her.

Meanwhile, just before the seance, they were all worried about David.  One of his stories was about being hidden in the secret room, which everyone dismissed.  When Ben took her to the secret room, how come it didn't suddenly dawn on her that this was what David had been talking about.  And now, back in the present, she wants to check to see if there really IS a secret room, but she still doesn't seem to remember that David had claimed there was.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: SERVING WITH A SMILE
« on: April 30, 2002, 04:03:28 AM »
Thank you, Chris!!  I never could recall any mention of it, yet everyone always seems to be convinced that she was a terrible cook.  It's so nice to get a specific quote about it!! :)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DID ANYONE SEE THAT?
« on: April 29, 2002, 09:25:32 AM »
Welcome DSWayne!  It's nice to have you, but I'm afraid I can't answer your question.  I usually just use the general term "gun" to refer to any of them!!  I suppose I can distinguish between a rifle and a pistol, but that's about it! :)

Current Talk '02 I / Re: did I miss something? TOTAL SPOILER QUESTION
« on: April 29, 2002, 01:12:28 AM »

How much does Vicki remember, though?  I can see her feeling as though she lived through all that time, and a lot of horrifying experiences, plus her relationship with Peter.  That could certainly help her get over Burke.  Given her reaction when she encounters Jeff, apparently she does remember that part.  On the other had, she seems to have forgotten almost everything else!!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Died By Fire......
« on: April 29, 2002, 01:08:24 AM »
Midnite - re Minja's posts

Maybe different systems are displaying it differently?  I didn't see any duplication, and particularly went back to look at #18 after you mentioned it.  Unless you did manage to fix it somehow.