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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - Curious - where are you?
« on: October 31, 2002, 01:44:06 AM »
[hello][hello] Lawrenceville, Georgia, Gwinnett County!

Howdy, neighbor!

« on: October 30, 2002, 09:08:52 PM »
Later on in the 1897 storyline








Angelique magickally strangles (not to death) Evan Handley and Rachel Drummond.

Barnabas strangles (to death) Carl Collins, and I think maybe also Carl's girlfriend Pansy Faye.

Thanks for the update DrJuliaH - will have to check it out.  LOVE that website!!!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - Curious - where are you?
« on: October 30, 2002, 06:03:04 PM »
Am originally from Illinois, but have called Atlanta, GA my home for the last decade.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Time Paradoxes--1795 & 1897!
« on: October 30, 2002, 05:54:36 PM »
Well, that's certainly an interesting theory, Dr. Lang (non-linear time).  It seems to work, at least for the 1897 storyline.

Can you explain to me Angelique's progression through time in this non-linear fashion?  'Cos I've tried, and am again finding the head hurting.

That was a wonderful article.  Thanks for posting it, Midnite.  Dennis Patrick was a wonderful actor, and from the sound of it, a pretty decent guy as well.  He'll be missed.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: Time Paradoxes--1795 & 1897!
« on: October 29, 2002, 08:23:33 PM »
A caveat for those who haven't seen the show from 1897 on - this posting is spoiler laden.

[spoiler]But didn't they show Quentin and Daphne going away together at the end of 1840?  Who's to say that they ever returned?  And Tad might have died young, so that Collinwood passed to Gabriel's kids. Or, perhaps Gabriel was the older of the two brothers, so his sons naturally inherited.

I too have often wondered about these time paradoxes.  Of course the reality is that the writers just didn't figure anyone would ever know the difference, as others have pointed out.

But in thinking about it all now, I prefer to think that all that time travelling messed things up, creating all kinds of parallel times. The Collinwood that Barnabas, Julia & Stokes returned to after the 1840 storyline HAD to be a parallel of the original, since Liz obviously had no knowledge of the problems they'd gone back in time to fix (Gerard, etc.).

You have to wonder what the meddling around in the time continuum (sp?) did to the storylines that had come before.  For example, did the 1840 shenanigans negate the Leviathan story somehow?  Angelique was killed in 1840.  How then does Sky Rumson come into the picture in 1969?  And what does this do to the Dream Curse subplot?  For that matter, what is Stokes even doing returning from 1840 at all? Or at the very least why does Liz know who he is?  Stokes, if I remember correctly, was first brought onto the show as Cassandra/Angelique's teacher.  If she had died in 1840, how the heck did he come to know the Collins family?

Which brings me to the myriad time paradoxes Angelique's existence poses.   When B and co return to 1970 from 1840, they shouldn't mention Cassandra to Roger, he can't have married her if she was killed in 1840.  And does this mean Sam Evans is alive upon their return to 1970?  Cassandra killed him.

Remember that the 1840 Angelique knew nothing of any other times except 1692 and 1795.  And I think that 1897 Angelique doesn't seem to know about 1968/69.  The Angelique who shows up as Mrs. Sky Rumson during the Leviathan storyline seems to know about everything but 1840. And my namesake Cassandra didn't indicate she knew anything about 1840 or 1897. Maybe she just deliberately withheld this information from the other characters.  ::)

Now if anyone had been able to transcend all this temporal mess, it was Angelique.  But she seems to be as in the dark about all of this as Elizabeth, Roger or for that matter the lovable but eternally clueless Victoria Winters.[/spoiler]

Okay, this is all starting to make my head hurt.  ???

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Who is their mother supposed to be?
« on: October 29, 2002, 07:31:54 PM »
Whaaaaat?  I don't suppose there is any way to get Sci-Fi to air the eps in their entirety?  That's very disappointing.  Does anyone know if they are responsive to letter writing or e-mails?  I've sent both in the past, thanking them for continuing to air "Dark Shadows," but never heard anything back.  Not that I really expected to.

I suppose we should be glad that they're showing the thing at all. >:(

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Does Barnabas Change History?
« on: October 26, 2002, 05:54:03 PM »
The way I remember it is this-








Barnabas does change history in the sense that Quentin's ghost is no longer haunting Collinwood upon his return to the present.  In fact, he prevents Quentin's death, and Quentin (who becomes immortal as well as a werewolf during the 1897 storyline) eventually shows up at Collinwood as another "cousin."  By this time it is apparent that the Q man is Chris Jennings' great grandfather, this is how Chris received the werewolf curse.

I don't believe we see Ned Stuart again, once Barnabas returns to 1969, but Chris is not cured of being a werewolf.  Sabrina regains her reason, and gets a better hairdo.  She and Chris aren't back to where they were before she witnessed his transformation, but it seems like they are again a couple.  If memory serves, we don't actually see much of Chris in the rest of the series, which is too bad IMHO.

So yeah, Barnabas changes things and saves David, which was his original purpose in going back into the past.  But it's unclear whether or not he does anything to alleviate Chris Jennings' difficulties.  Does that help?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: 1897 Collins family
« on: October 26, 2002, 05:31:13 PM »

The cast listing I refer to says Geoffrey Collins was the father of the four. I was going to paste the website in, but for some reason I have lost right click capabilities here. They come back elsewhere, so I guess it is a bandwidth thing?

Thanks for the info, Kuanyin!  I would love to see the website.  Since you're unable to paste it into the board, any chance you could e-mail it to me privately?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: 10/23/....69?
« on: October 26, 2002, 12:17:21 AM »
 Magda is a total hoot! And with Sandor by her side they make some pair! :-)

A friend of mine once showed up at my house while I was watching DS.  He took one look at Magda and Sandor and said "Who's that? Sonny and Cher?"  

I laughed so hard that I haven't yet recovered!

And you're right, Grayson is just the BEST as Magda.  You can tell it was her favorite role.  She has so much fun with it!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: How Time (Traveling) Flys
« on: October 26, 2002, 12:09:20 AM »
That's really true, Castlebee!  And when you think about Grayson's other characters, she always plays a character others turn to in times of crisis as a soothsayer, confidante, or just someone to lean on.  One might even look at Hoffman, Julia's evil PT counterpart in that light.  In karmic terms, there is a pattern here of one soul finding it's true path in different ways throughout different lifetimes.  

Rich material indeed for a storyline or for fanfiction!   :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Grandmama
« on: October 25, 2002, 11:33:53 PM »
I'm with Luciaphil.  Grandmama(ma) was NOT some sweet old lady.  My guess is she'd dabbled in the dark arts before we first see her.  She might very well have 'taken care' of the prior generation of Collinses so that she could rule the roost with no interference.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: How Time (Traveling) Flys
« on: October 25, 2002, 11:26:40 PM »

Followed your link to the song - loved it!  

A few years back in college, some friends of mine also made up new words to the 'Patty Duke Show' theme involving Lizzie Borden and Charles Manson, touting the two as "Axe murderers, identical axe murderers."  So this brings back fond (if a bit warped) memories for me.

My question is this: Do you think that Magda was a previous incarnation of Julia's, or was there just a passing resemblance between our favorite 'geepsy' and Collinsport's sedative-dispensing doc?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: 1897 Collins family
« on: October 25, 2002, 11:17:12 PM »
look at Barnabas and Sarah he's is playing a younger role than his age but sarah is 10 and he looks 35 at least!

35 at least - LOL!!!  This one always had me a bit perturbed too, esp. since Naomi Collins didn't look like she was more than five to ten years older than Barnabas.  Guess she must've been a child bride!  ?!?

I suppose there is stuff like this in lots of families, and second marriages wouldn't have been too uncommon in the 19th century, what with the shorter life spans people had then.

I'm of the opinion that 1897 Quentin may have been descended from 1840 Quentin somehow or other  (there is a slight resemblance there).  Maybe his and Carl's mother was the second wife, and a Collins cousin.  After all, didn't Roger make a reference to his 'incestors' at some point?  ;)

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