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Messages - Josette


[shadow=red,left,300]HAPPY BIRTHDAY[/shadow][/size]


[shadow=red,left,300]Hope it was a truly special day![/shadow][/size]

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: New Feature: Search for New Postings
« on: August 22, 2002, 09:23:05 AM »
Topics without new posts that place in between those two topics simply have their titles listed.

I was thinking of asking why all of those other topics appeared!!

By the way, is it possible to make it remember one's search choices?  Right now I set it to check just the 4 main categories each time.  It would be nice not to have to do it every time.

I might as well repeat from yesterday that everything is working as it should and is QUITE NICE!!

« on: August 22, 2002, 03:53:15 AM »
Willie would seem to be the obvious one.  Aside from Barnabas framing him for all that originally happened to Maggie, he tried again recently.  When they thought the police would be suspicious and come to question them, he was going to remind them of Wilie's stay at Windcliff and that he's sometimes "not all there" and put all the blame on him.  He warned Willie to keep quiet and let him do the talking.

I really can't figure this out.  Back in the old days, I assumed that he had only restored the "show rooms" downstairs and Josette's room.  And, we did see Willie's room at one time.

But, now that he's human, I would assume that he's at least fixed up a room for himself.  And with as often as Julia seems to be there, you'd certainly think there would be a room somewhere where she could lie down properly!!

I've always liked the Dell kid and my mother and aunt like him, too.  Sometimes he just does a little movement of his eye or eyebrow to convey quite a bit.  I keep wondering what he'd be like in a real part.  I think, possibly, he could be a good actor and I'd love to find out.

As to that union business, I saw a few weeks ago that he was one of the ones in trouble and the next day there was something that supposedly they wouldn't be allowed to work, so I've been wondering about him.  Since then I've seen him in two new commercials.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: OT - DS DVD: your opinions appreciated
« on: August 21, 2002, 05:42:24 AM »
Hello All,

I've been keeping an eye on the DS Forums and enjoy the feedback on our discs.

Let me know if you see a difference in quality on DS collection 2, and we'll keep trying to give you the best we can!

That is wonderful!  I don't have a DVD player and no immediate plans to get one, so I've just been skimming through this topic.  But it is really nice to know that someone actually involved in producing it is reading this, hopefully making use of the feedback, and providing us with a direct response.  Thank you so much, mpi_dvd_authoring!!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Happy Birthday, VAM
« on: August 21, 2002, 05:30:40 AM »
[shadow=red,left,300]HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VAM!!![/shadow][/size]
Best Wishes and Many More![/color][/size]

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: New Feature: Search for New Postings
« on: August 21, 2002, 05:11:58 AM »
Hi MB!!  B-I-G IMPROVEMENT!!! :) :)

When I do the search, I just check those 4 categories, so I suppose the individual "Mark as read" in those 4 did the trick.  Anyway, it came up pretty quickly today and it was just the current stuff, not all of those long ago items.  I'm in the midst of going through everything now, but it seems to be working just fine. THANK YOU!

Loved your descriptions of Grayson's outfit - I read that one to my aunt.

As to the way they have Joe, his neck bandage is quite obvious.  I'm assuming Maggie learned that he stabbed himself in the stomach.  Isn't she wondering about the neck wound?

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: New Feature: Search for New Postings
« on: August 20, 2002, 09:44:28 AM »
There's really just the 4 categories that I would be searching, so I just marked each of those 4 with "all topics read" and I'll see if that fixes it.  Of course, now there are no new ones to test it on, so I'll have to wait for tomorrow.  :)  I'll let you know how it goes.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: New Feature: Search for New Postings
« on: August 20, 2002, 09:35:48 AM »
That's interesting about what you said that topics shouldn't be regaining their "new" status.  If I do the "mark all topics as read" as you suggested, will that also cancel all the "new" tags for the Archives?  I generally don't have time to go there, and have been hoping to keep all those indicators intact until I get there.

What I meant about wading through them was that the listing included lots of old Luciaphil and Robin - going back for months - all in small print, so it was necessary to glance at all of them to come to the ones that were truly new.  At that point it didn't seem worth it.

Maybe once I get rid of those old ones it will work better and faster.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Happy Birthday tripwire!
« on: August 20, 2002, 09:15:43 AM »
[shadow=red,left,300]HAPPY[/shadow][/size]   [shadow=red,left,300]BIRTHDAY!!![/shadow][/size]

[shadow=red,left,300]Hope you had a GREAT Day![/shadow][/size] :) :)

[shadow=red,left,300]HAPPY[/shadow][/size]  [shadow=red,left,300]BIRTHDAY!!![/shadow][/size]

[beer] [beer]  HOPE YOU HAD A VERY FUN DAY!!! :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: New Feature: Search for New Postings
« on: August 20, 2002, 07:05:37 AM »
Hi MB, I don't know if you saw my response on the old thread which you moved to Testing.  I discovered that you already had it set up and tried it before you posted this announcement.  It didn't seem to work.

I tried again when I first arrived a little while ago.  It takes "forever" for it to find the new posts.  I think the reason why is that all of those old posts, that haven't been viewed for a while and regain their "new" tags, are apparently included.

So, that not only slows down the process, but one has to wade through all of those small listings to find the ones that really ARE current.  Even then, it seems to be a bit slow in bringing up the actual posts.  For now I think I'll do better sticking with the old way.

Is there any way to get it to recognize the difference between the really NEW ones and the old ones which it re-lists as new?

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: **** New Features? ****
« on: August 19, 2002, 10:11:12 AM »
You have it already!! :)  That sure was fast!!

I tried it just now.  There was 1 new item for me, and it worked and worked and didn't come up with anything.  I don't know if waiting any longer would have made a difference.