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Messages - Cassandra Blair

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Who do you dislike the most?
« on: November 05, 2002, 12:39:30 AM »
I'm split 50/50 between Hallie Stokes (please someone put HER out of MY misery!) and the 'pukey' Anthony George as Burke Devlin. He looks like he'd have bad breath. :(

Current Talk '02 II / Re: ANGIE'S BEST ANGLE
« on: November 04, 2002, 10:01:13 PM »
Love that story, Gerard!  Come to think of it not only did my mother have outfits similar to Cassandra's 1968 attire, but she wore her hair alot like that too.  Maybe that's why I chose my current avatar. ;)

And my 98-year-old grandmother, who ceased to follow fashion trends when I was just a babe in arms, still has and wears outfits similar to the infamous lime green coatdress!  S'pose I need therapy too?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Return of Angelique
« on: November 04, 2002, 08:48:57 PM »
I love the comment about when she gets annoyed at her friends she chokes them...

I KNOW!!! Just love the little 'tude she cops the minute she shows up - this has to be one of her best scenes on the whole show!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: ANGIE'S BEST ANGLE
« on: November 04, 2002, 08:43:45 PM »
Have to agree that 1897 showcases Lara Parker at the top of her game as Angelique.  Like others, I loved the showdown between Ange and Laura.  The first time I watched this storyline, I was amazed to find myself rooting for Angelique more often than not.  Love that she teams up with Julia later on in the story to help Barnabas.

In contrast to the 1795 storyline which introduces Angelique as a sometimes inept sorceress, the 1897 episodes DO portray Angelique as much more confident and in control of her powers. Even though she's still hung up on Barnabas, she isn't averse to a little side thing with Quentin (which I can't blame her for, he's quite the babe). Lara Parker really looked like she was having a good time in these eps, and IMHO the Victorian fashions really suited her better than anything else she wore on the show.  That late 1960's Ohrbach lime green coatdress was really awful!

I also really love the Dream Curse storyline, and all of the interpersonal (or is that interdemonic?) conflict between Cassangelique and Nicholas Blair.  As much as I enjoy the creepy moments on DS, I find some of their exchanges to be perversely humorous.  When he turned her hand into a skeleton as punishment, I almost laughed myself sick.

Angelique in any of her incarnations is my favorite character on the show, despite (or perhaps because) of the fact that she played the heavy and did some really bad things.  You're SO right Cassandra, whenever she's on, the show is never dull and boring!  

Does anyone know which of the storylines was Ms. Parker's personal favorite?

I was reading through this thread, and would really like to read this story from the beginning.  Pardon my ignorance, but can anyone tell me how/where to find all chapters of this story online?

Thanks, any help will be appreciated!


Yes! Absolutely!! This is my favorite storyline of the show!!!

« on: November 02, 2002, 02:08:55 AM »
Didn't Liz change her *will* to include specific instructions about her burial when she was under that curse by Cassangelique?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: And Jaclyn Smith as Victoria Winters
« on: November 02, 2002, 01:59:15 AM »
Yeah, baby! I've had this conversation before with a friend of mine who is a fellow DS fan. We've always thought Jaclyn Smith would have been a worthy replacement for Alexandra Moltke. Was she actually considered? I've always wondered if this was true.

Have also sort of wondered if when they cast Kate Jackson, were trying to make her (as Daphne) the new Victoria Winters character?

Can you imagine what DS would have been like with two of Charlie's future angels? The mind boggles. ;)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: No DS for 3 weeks???!!!
« on: November 02, 2002, 01:51:01 AM »
I think that if they would choose to promote the show a little, they could probably increase the viewers, though maybe I'm naive.  The less-than-slick production values etc. could be used as a selling feature of the show - that's one of the reasons I watch it.  There are any number of crap shows out there with slick production values.  Even on an off day, DS works on lots of levels - and for people from lots of age groups, from what I've learned.

I've always felt that DS is on in the wrong time slot anyway.  Would love to see it in the afternoon, just after the 'normal' soaps air - say 4pm EST.  Get the kids hooked on it, the way they still get hooked on 60's and 70's sitcoms on TVLand; the way lots of DS fans got hooked on the show when it originally aired. Still in all, I suppose Sci-Fi knows what they are doing, and am relieved to hear the show will continue to air for 2003, no matter when they schedule it, I'm taping it daily!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: "universal" monsters
« on: November 02, 2002, 01:32:33 AM »
I think that the original Mummy (which I saw recently on AMC) is just the shit.  As a child I felt a bit sorry for him - He's waited thousands of years to come back from the dead, and all he wants is a girlfriend! LOL And of course there is a certain glamour to the ancient Egyptian thing.

Moving on to later days, though there weren't any monsters in 'Carnival of Souls' I found that to be a geniunely creepy flick.  And I guess 'Night of the Living Dead' is the scariest thing I've ever seen.  

But I'm still a sucker for newer versions of the classics.  Hammer Horror films, which others have mentioned were maybe scarier than the originals, even if they weren't quite as good.  Heck, I even like latest renditions of Dracula (with Gary Oldman) and the Mummy (w/Brendan Fraser) - guess I just like monsters -imagine that!

Still, the stories and the photography in the 30's horror films are without peer. Have you ever noticed that you can turn the sound all the way down while watching Lugosi's 'Dracula' and the movie works just as well? Guess this may be because when it was made they were only a few years away from silents, but to me this is incredible cinematography and storytelling at it's best.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: No DS for 3 weeks???!!!
« on: November 02, 2002, 12:21:59 AM »

Thanks.  Speaking of Anya, I was disappointed we didn't get to learn more last week about her fear of bunnies. :(

I too hoped we'd finally learn why she's so scared of bunnies.  But maybe it's best left like this so that fans can always speculate what caused this fear. It's one of the best in-jokes of that series, IMHO!  :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: No DS for 3 weeks???!!!
« on: November 01, 2002, 09:31:59 PM »

They have.  Sorry to scare you!  But in a different time slot...

From ShadowGram:

--- DS will continue on Sci Fi Channel (SFC) through 2003.

--- DS' timeslot on SFC will change on Mon., Jan. 6. beginning on that date, the weekday (Mon.-Fri.) back-to-back episodes air 8:00-9:00 am (Eastern/Pacific).

Thanks for the information, Midnite!  

Pardon my ignorance, but exactly what is Shadowgram, and how can one become subscribed? Sorry, but am kinda new to organized DS fandom.

BTW, love your avatar and the saying that goes with it!  I am also a Buffy fan.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: No DS for 3 weeks???!!!
« on: November 01, 2002, 06:48:35 PM »
I can't believe this - it totally bites!!!!

Has Sci-Fi committed to showing DS in 2003?  This is scaring me a little.  I have never seen the show pre-empted so much in all the time I've been watching it.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Time Paradoxes--1795 & 1897!
« on: November 01, 2002, 06:45:20 PM »
First let me just say - wow! Dr. Lang's time theories do seem to work out.  You've obviously put a lot of thought into this, and the charts really helped explain things.

Interesting theory about why Barnabas fell in love with the 1840 Angelique!  

And TWO Angeliques at the same time in present day?  That even makes some kind of sense, given the Angelique/Alexis thing in PT. Love it!

The only thing I'm not sure about is that I don't remember 1897 Angelique knowing Julia when they first meet up in that storyline. Maybe I just don't remember this.  It *has* been a few years since I saw 1897.

Again, very interesting posts, Dr. Lang!!!

-Cassandra B

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Quentin and Jamison
« on: October 31, 2002, 02:01:35 AM »
This may have already been said, and probably far more eloquently, but I DO believe that Quentin loves Jamison.  It's just that he doesn't understand that loving someone is an active thing, it isn't just how you feel.  At this stage of the game, and for quite a bit of the 1897 storyline, I think Quentin is just too selfish and immature to recognize that loving Jamison *obligates* him to look out for Jamison's welfare before his own.  But of course, when dealing with a vampire cousin, an evil Phoenix, hostile gypsies, a crazy wife, a werewolf curse, and assorted female cuties it's hard to put someone else's needs before one's own. ;)

I think also that in the 19th century, it probably wasn't uncommon for children to be treated much worse than Jamison is treated by Edward, Quentin, whomever. The way the Reverend G. Trask deals with Jamison is more in line with my understanding of how many children were treated 100+ years ago.  Don't get me wrong - any child deserves better!  Then too, the Collins family WAS always a shall we say...dysfunctional?

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