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Messages - Nelson Collins

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Episode 658, Joel Crothers
« on: February 02, 2007, 11:01:51 PM »
That last scene in the Mausoleum was kind of strange.
  Ahhhh, the infamous episode 666!  >:D

Polls Archive / Re: Long-suffering character?
« on: February 02, 2007, 09:16:25 PM »
Julia, hands down.  I don't think there was ever character in history of the show that was as long suffering over her feelings for Barnabas as she!

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: February 02, 2007, 06:52:00 PM »
Y is for "You gotta/have to/don't need to [delete as appropriate] understand!" (many times a reply to "I don't understand.") ;D

"AAAAAAA!!!! what a nightmare!  I had buns on my ears and I was in a spaceship with a robot and a terrible man in a black helmet!  What does 'Help me, Obi-Wan, you're my only hope' mean?!?!?!  I don't understand!"

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Props moving around the set from room to room
« on: February 02, 2007, 07:24:36 AM »
Where is that afghan today??!! I must know! I must!!

And the crazy thing is, there must be a die-hard DS fan out there, who's a whiz at crochet, who has replicated said afghan and plans to bring it to the next DS fest.
It would have to be moved to a different room every day though!  ;D

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Sorry, the twin question again ...
« on: February 02, 2007, 07:19:51 AM »
Does anyone know of brothers or sisters, born 3 years apart, who look identical? Just curious.
No, but there is precedent on TV:  The Patty Duke Show predates the premiere of DS by three years.  Patty Duke played identical cousins ( :o ) Patty and Cathy Lane.

So I guess I can deal with it.

Current Talk '07 I / Sorry, the twin question again ...
« on: February 02, 2007, 03:38:25 AM »
The name Thomas does mean twin.

Naming the character Tom with twins in mind presupposes that they planned ahead to introduce Tom's look-alike brother Chris somewhere down the line - but that's not actually the case. It was the fan response to Don Briscoe that caused the DS PTB to bring him back in another role.  ;)

Regarding Tom and Chris (the are they/aren't they twins).

I know based on Tom's tombstone and Chris's later statement that he first changed on the full moon following his 21st birthday which was 7 years previously, that makes Chris approximates 3 years older.

But bearing in mind that dates on tombstones in DS are not the most reliable way of telling when someone's age, I am curious if there have ever been any interviews with cast or production staff where the interviewee explicitly state whether it was intended they be twins or just lookalike siblings?

Does anyone who have frequently the Fests recall any of the actors being as if they knew the answer?

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Episode 658, Joel Crothers
« on: February 02, 2007, 03:16:22 AM »
I have really enjoyed Joel's descent into madness.  I just finished watching 658 and thought it was an excellent little tour de force for Joel - I was very impressed.  He was taken way too early.

I love also the way the episode starts and ends on his wild eyed face (after the obligatory opening shot of collinwood, of course)

Elizabeth finds the whoopee cushion left by the ghost of Carl Collins ....

Burke:  What's the matter with a little chewing tobacco once in a while?  By the way, you have anything I can spit in?

To cite only one example in the case of a noted person in the sciences, Louis Pasteur had many executioners in his ancestry.
There's a joke about being pastuerized in there somewhere, but I can't quite find it......

Apologies for going OT -

Sam: "As much as I hate to, Bob, I've got to get a move on because my favorite TV program, USA's Night Flight, will be coming on in a few minutes."

Current Talk '07 I / Re: 1968
« on: February 01, 2007, 06:43:31 PM »
At end of one ep., "Written by Ron Sproat" was half covered over with "Gordon Russell", with "Russell" hanging off revealing "Sproat", indicating a last-minute change.  Did this happen, and why?
More than likely, the writer's names were just taped on top of each other on the caption roller if no other credits changed.  Saves from having to incur the expense of creating a whole new roller where only one credit changed.

I recall see an ep where that taped over credt was flapping and just and shortly after is scrolled out of sight I saw  white flash that was the taped over credit coming completely loose and falling down! :D

Not only is this funny, I could ACTUALLY see this making it to the airwaves, LOL! ;)
And think of the challenges:
Go 24 hours without saying "You betrayed me!" or "I don't understand"
Which team can dig up a coffin the fastest (one member from each team is buried in them)
How long can you be possessed before someone notices
Find your way out of the Mausoleum
All team members must spend the nights of the full moon with no wolfsbane or silver
Stake carving contest
Destroy the vampire contest
Everyone must wear turtleneck sweathers, ascots or scarves and pick out which one is under the vampires thrall
And of course over the 30 day period, the ongoing challenge will be to piece together a body and repeat lang's experiment.
and so on.... :)

Games / Re: The Dark Shadows Alphabet Game
« on: February 01, 2007, 06:21:42 PM »
X is for eXonerate, which Peter was on Barnabas' return to 1796, and which 1840 Quentin was, and which Vicky was not. ;D