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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Barnabas and Quentin Dolls
« on: April 11, 2005, 07:43:07 AM »
Of course, I am waiting for the Julia doll, with interchangeable heads that represent her various hairdos, reproductions of her finest outfits, and such accessories as her purse, cigarette holder, and a hypodermic needle. (Magda head and outfit sold separately.)

I second that... BIG TIME!  ;D  ;)

[occasion15] Happy Birthday, MB! [occasion15]

[banana] Thanks for all the wonderful things you do to make this a safe and happy place to play. [banana]

[occasion18]  Have a good one!  [occasion18]


Heather  [occasion1]

Current Talk '05 I / Re: DS casting
« on: April 09, 2005, 12:45:26 AM »
Barbra Streisand as BarnaBABS Collins (with Barbara Walters playing the role in Parallel Time).

I know, I'm eee-vil...
Steve darling, its folk like you that make the world go 'round {cackle}; love it!



SARAH: See Maggie, it's my new "Collinwood Barbie Doll." She comes with 3 sleeveless Ohrbach's dresses, a crypt, and a teleprompter. Wanna play?

Chortle!  I want a Collinwood Barbie doll too...{hmmph} Although instead of the DreamHouse, I'd have Julia's lab with all the bells and whistles-- and her secret decked-out apartment at Wyndcliffe, ready to entertain when either Barn. and/or the Tom/Chris dolls come by to play...

;) LOL

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: shadowy Grayson
« on: April 07, 2005, 07:35:25 AM »
When you have your first gallery show in New York, we're all getting in free, right? :D

Sure, why the hell not...LOL.  :-*  You don't mind suggestive-shaped cookies and snacks for hors d'oeuvres, do ya? ;) And people on the V.I.P. list get free DS paper dolls... ;)



Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: Happy Birthday ProfStokes
« on: April 07, 2005, 07:13:20 AM »
[occasion18] Happy Birthday, ProfStokes! [occasion18]

[occasion15] Wishing you a grand day! [occasion15]


Heather [occasion5]

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / Re: shadowy Grayson
« on: April 06, 2005, 06:05:41 AM »
You guys are too sweet...thanks  :-*

Burke: The power of Orbachs compels me...

Maggie: Today's the day, Joe... Pop's painting you au natural!

Off screen:
Lela: Cut--
DC: keep running keep running--

Snort, chortle... ;) 

Connie. . i think you got that RIGHT!

Yeah...I agree. But that's not to say that there wasn't any smooching going on between those characters. Ya know, those lapses of time in the show that we don't see... just a theory...

Julia: {fingering her medallion} Now, with the flip of a switch...Ta-Da: the perfect storage compartment for a lady's...pills. Never leave home without it!

Maggie: Oooo.... sold!

Sarah: "See, Maggie? My doll's special because she's anatomically correct!"

ROTFL! Good one...{snicker, chortle, cough}. ;) 

Barnabas {slowly stripping off his burgandy smoking jacket}: Depend on me Julia, depend on ME...

Tom: {snort} Two can play at that game, Mr. Collins...

JOAN BENNETT: Grayson, stop striking the pose. John Huston is not doing a sequel to "Night Of The Iguana" called 'That Darn Judith"!

LOVE that idea, Sandor... oh, I love it... chortle  :-*

-Heather (who get a kick out of envisioning what Grayson's character what've done after the curtain closed, so to speak..)