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Messages - Josette

Welcome back, Sarah.  I'm so sorry about your stepfather, but at least you got some good news at the same time.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Matthew Morgan's cottage
« on: October 06, 2002, 10:01:36 AM »
Amy and Hallie are young enough that I find it appalling that the people who should be their primary caregivers aren't even trying to raise them, but are content to dump them off on crazy Mrs. Stoddard.

Well, we know that Amy's only relative left is Chris, and while they don't know why he seems to be so reluctant to care for her, we know he has a very good reason.

And, Hallie's parents had recently died (I think it was a car crash) and Prof. Stokes was her uncle.  I forget just how it came about that they took her in, but (aside from the fact that we know what a weird place it is), it would seem that the Collins family could offer more for her than her uncle.


i agree with you that...Frid's way of talking did make it beliveable and I enjoy the language people used on Dark Shadows anyway...just seems more old fashion I guess, and not because it was from the 1960's just seem like it was older than that.

I was quite struck at one point today when Amy said "neither," pronouncing it "nye-ther" - it had such a grown-up sound to it.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Matthew Morgan's cottage
« on: October 05, 2002, 07:55:08 AM »
The part I found unbelievable was Maggie not knowing where the place was. She's been to the estate many times, it's hard to believe she's never seen the place before.

What particularly surprised me about this was that when Mrs. Johnson was complaining about the place, Maggie said that it looked charming, and Mrs. Johnson said that the inside wasn't.  So, Maggie has obviously seen it before.  I suppose that being out in the woods, if she had seen it some time in the past, she might not be familiar with the way to get there.

Current Talk '02 II / And sometimes they get the details right!
« on: October 04, 2002, 09:56:26 AM »
I was pleasantly surprised today to notice that they had faint scratch marks on Carolyn's cheek.  I wouldn't have even thought of it if it hadn't been there, but seeing it really surprised me that they remembered to do it.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: VOLUNTEER FOR THE GAME
« on: October 03, 2002, 09:41:41 AM »
Great costume, VAM!!  I did notice the ones in the Archive, but this bigger version is better!!

Welcome back!!  :)  :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Carolyn's Green Sweater
« on: October 03, 2002, 09:35:49 AM »
No, Carolyn's sweater was that green they've been using for almost everything - her outfit, Amy's dress and shoes, previously Cassandra's coat, and I think there were others.

Adam's sweater was a darker green.  Also, I think Carolyn's sweater was ribbed and Adam's wasn't.

I do wonder about their color selection, though.  Yesterday Maggie had on a blue dress (I loved it!) and then Carolyn put on a blue coat.  Today Carolyn returns with the blue coat and it's Julia with a blue dress!!  Then Amy's dress and Carolyn's outfit are the same color.  It was such a relief to see Liz show up in red for contrast!!!!!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Liz's Terror Ends
« on: October 03, 2002, 09:24:13 AM »
Back when the "death" story was new, I posted rather obliquely about this conclusion, not wanting even a spoiler warning to possibly ruin it for anyone new.

I love this finale.  The whole suspense that the wolf would find Carolyn, her wanting to protect her daughter, and that that's what finally enables her to reach the push button.  And, it proves that she was right to have the button and the bell system set up - can you imagine if they had disobeyed her?!!  And then, to still be pronounced dead but suddenly show up!!! (I had forgotten that part.)

Actually, the death story doesn't really go on that long.  It's stretched out over a long period of time, but except for a couple of episodes, they don't spend that much time on it.  And then, during the Vicki wedding story and it's aftermath, Liz went back to being pretty normal.

So, I feel it's worth it to have all of that just to set up this marvelous outcome!!

Current Talk '02 II / Dress Up
« on: October 01, 2002, 09:24:31 AM »
It's interesting that Mrs. Johnson senses something is up with the children and that no one else does, and they don't seem to believe her.  But, at this point, I really can't see why she feels that way.  

Her reaction to their old-fashioned clothes, especially, drives me crazy.  It's a very normal thing for children to dress up and make pretend characters based on those clothes.  Especially living in an old mansion like that where they have lots of things from the past, it would be expected.  I can never figure out why that alarms her so much.  

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Victoria Winter's Parents
« on: October 01, 2002, 09:21:56 AM »
I think Vicki is supposed to be a couple of years older than Carolyn, so it seems quite possible that Liz could have married Paul after giving birth.  Jason hinted something to Vicki once about knowing about her.  We (and she) couldn't tell if he really did or was just trying to be mean to her.  It's possible that Paul and/or Jason knew something.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Greetings from SheilaMarch
« on: October 01, 2002, 07:19:59 AM »
Thank you for letting us know.  I hope she manages to rejoin us.

In this case I wasn't touched by Amy's fear of losing people close to her, but found it more sinister.  There were times in earlier conversations with Barnabas or someone that thoughts on that order seemed genuine.  But now, it's clearly just part of the game and being said for Maggie's benefit, to get them out of trouble.  It's as though she's overcome those real feelings (or has buried them because of Quentin) enough to be able to realize that the adults will really be taken by such a reason and so says it just to fool them.  Rather eerie.

There was recently a thread comparing the ghosts of Quentin and Gerard and I had forgotten how ominous Quentin looked as a ghost.

However, I never understood how he was suddenly free to get to the cottage.  Up until now it has seemed as though he were confined to that room and was using the children to do things elsewhere.  

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Back to those "new" tags
« on: September 30, 2002, 08:16:09 PM »
I knew it!!  I saw one "spirit" listed with me and I had a feeling it was you.  The previous couple of nights you responded to me shortly after my questions.  So, I stayed on while doing other things and from time to time clicked "refresh" to see if there was an answer.  I finally had to turn it off, and sure enough you responded shortly afterwards!!!

I'll obviously have to wait a while to see if that's the explanation, but I have consistently had the "news" return even before the upgrade.  I'll let you know. :)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Back to those "new" tags
« on: September 30, 2002, 10:07:22 AM »
Maybe I'm still not understanding your explanations, but I can't believe I'm the only one with a problem!!

My interpretation of your previous replies is that "Marking all topics as read" on the main board will prevent the "new" tags from returning on the old posts.  But, that it hasn't been fixed like that for the Archive yet.

Meanwhile, I keep getting all those old "new" items and have to keep marking them as read.  When I first come, I don't want the "real" new ones to be marked as read, so I can't click on that.

Today they were all back again.  I noticed that a couple of the fixed topics at the top of the main discussion board said new, even though their last date was some time ago.  So, I clicked on thosed 2 to "get rid of them."  That's when I figured all the others were probably back, so before checking for my real new posts, I brought up Luciaphil and Robservations and then the Discussion Archives and sure enough, they were filled with new items.

Even after eliminating all of that, it took forever for the new items to appear.  It turned out that all of the old posts from the main discussions were also brought up - more than 8000 posts!!!!!

Sorry to be so long-winded with all of this!!  Anyway, #1 - why doesn't my "Marking all posts as read" on the main board fix it, as I thought you said it would?  And, #2 - why doesn't anyone else have this problem?  I can't imagine that no one else would mention it if it happened to them.