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Messages - Josette

Current Talk '02 II / Roger
« on: October 19, 2002, 09:44:14 AM »
Well, naturally Roger is disbelieving and therefore causing problems; theatening Stokes that he should stop scaring his sister and tell her that all is well, etc.  It always seems as though there is one character (in this case, usually Roger) who never believes.  And so, I always expect it to continue that way, that he would go along with them just because everyone else is leaving, but still not believe.

I know I was surprised the first time and I always love it when he actually DOES see Quentin and HAS to believe.

Then, there's his "parting shot" at Quentin.  It always seems like such "un-Roger-like" behavior and I love it - his finest moment!

There's another one (during the Leviathan story, I think) where he surprises me and has a really good spell.

:) [beer] [beer]  :)

Current Talk '02 II / Re: SORRY...couldn't help it
« on: October 17, 2002, 09:24:30 AM »
:D   :D   :D

Current Talk '02 II / Their memories returned
« on: October 16, 2002, 10:01:54 AM »
Once again, they got things right!  Aside from Carolyn's questions to David the other day about ghosts, as though she didn't know he had had all sorts of ghostly experiences in the past, there was another time a while back.  I forget the details, but I think Barnabas assumed that David couldn't know about the secret room or something like that.

So, today he finally remembered.  He reminded David that he had found him there once before and even mentioned the secret room to him, knowing it really wasn't a secret to him.  I couldn't believe it that they got back on track with that!

What a bad week!  How sad, especially coming immediately after Dennis Patrick

I never really associate Keene with DS, as he did such a little bit on it and having seen him in so many other things, but I've always enjoyed him.

. Don't expect to see David in every scene.

I remembered to tape it last night and watched it a little later.  I know absolutely nothing about this show.  So, a pleasant surprise to hear and then see Selby immediately as it began.  He had a nice minute or so at the beginning and then . . . that was it!!

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Chat tonight!
« on: October 14, 2002, 09:35:53 AM »
Are there any other instructions you can provide?  I was free just after 10, but I had all the other things I wanted to read on the Internet and didn't see how I could be chatting instead of doing everything else.

About 11:30 I reached the Forum and saw the list of "chatters" but it said 0 were chatting.  I tried to join, saw my name included, and a little box at the bottom, where I guessed one was supposed to type.  Nothing else.  (Besides, it still said that 0 were chatting.)

I logged off and read the rest of the Forum.  After that I tried again and the same thing happened.  It was almost just for fun that I tried typing "Is anyone here" and the instant I hit the return key, there was the whole conversation popping up on the screen!!  Is there anything else one is supposed to do to see things before actually joining in?

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Very sad news... not OT
« on: October 14, 2002, 09:30:06 AM »
So sad.  After your first message I had thought perhaps he had been able to get out.

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: Very sad news... not OT
« on: October 14, 2002, 06:42:54 AM »
Oh dear, what a shame!  I hope no one was hurt.  I'm sure you'll keep us informed whenever you learn any more.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: David Darts
« on: October 14, 2002, 01:04:44 AM »








Well, actually, no.  I think it depends on your interpretation of "growing up."

Carrie, at least, seemed like she was easily 15 or 16.  Tad wasn't around much because Henesy left the show, and both were clearly too old to be playing with dollhouses and rocking horses.

What you have to understand is that in that time period, girls commonly married very young.  Carrie, (who seemed to be into the flirting scene already--less interested in dolls than in men) could have been married as is and would not have been occasioned much comment.

I was thinking of the marrying young, at least for girls, but I assumed that Carrie was supposed to be around 14.  While her interests were clearly developing in that direction, I got the impression that she still wasn't quite considered grown up.  I really don't know anything about what children played with in those days, but I assumed that they remained more like "children" for longer than they do now.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Netscape 7 No Longer Works
« on: October 13, 2002, 10:04:02 AM »
Thank you!  I suppose I can still get it and then wait for it to work with this.  I'm not sure what you mean by point it to the same member profile, so if I get it and can't figure that out, I'll ask again!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Incomplete Slide
« on: October 13, 2002, 06:17:15 AM »
Every so often the old page doesn't completely slide off.  In those instances, if I manually move down through the page, it eventually disappears.  However, if I'm using the "new post" feature, because the old post isn't completely gone, it never gets around to jumping to the first new item and I have to look through the old ones on the page to find my place.

And, while mentioning your new features, no one has commented on the opening page.  I'm sure it must be a deliberate feature you've added.  When one first enters, all of the menu items at the top are very spread out and bit by bit close up to their normal position.  It's kind of cute!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Netscape 7 No Longer Works
« on: October 13, 2002, 06:12:24 AM »
I went to download 7 earlier today, but discovered one has to have at least Win 98.  Previously, on the WP forum there were a lot of good comments about its precursor, Mozilla.  The review on the browser page indicated that Mozilla can suppress the pop-up ads and that 7 can't.

However, I have my e-mail in Netscape.  I'm sure an updated Netscape would just take that over.  Do you know about Mozilla?  Would I have to do something to switch my old mail?  And would new mail automatically come to Mozilla or would I have to set that up in some manner?

By the way, do you know how Mozilla works with this forum?  Would it be the same as 7?

Current Talk '02 II / Re: David Darts
« on: October 13, 2002, 06:00:14 AM »
As to jacks and pick-up-sticks, I think those are things I mostly did with my mother.  I'm not sure if I played with other kids at those or not!!  So, I might have done it at an even older age than the kids here.

I think a lot depends on the individual children and peer pressure.  I remember a girl moving across the street and coming over and playing with my dolls.  In a way I think we might even have been 13, but perhaps just 11.  At any rate, she had already given away all of hers and missed it!


As to the David and Hallie stuff, I've always attributed that to the ghosts.  While David and Hallie were clearly too old for the toys, I figured they were being possessed by Tad and Carrie.  They seemed to be younger, but even if they weren't, kids back then probably didn't grow up as fast as modern kids do (even in the 60s let alone now!).

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: "Quoting Mutiple Posts"
« on: October 13, 2002, 05:34:53 AM »
By the way, Cassandra, or anyone else, rather than having to go up to edit, etc., the easiest way for copy and paste is to hold down "Control" and press "C" for copy and and Control + V for paste.  (Control + X is "cut").