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Messages - Cousin_Barnabas

In that latest commercial, Roger responds to Barnabas' line about big balls with something akin to "not THAT'S what I'm talking about!"  So, in other words, there's still more humor waiting to be played out...


Thanks so much for the response, ProfStokes.  I really do appreciate it.  I want to enjoy this movie, because it has been so long since we've seen anything new from the realm of Dark Shadows.  I want it to be respectful to the original and to get the tone somewhat "right."  I am glad that you agree with the AICN article in some respects.  And I am glad you enjoyed those characters, as those are some of my favorites.  The one character you mention that you didn't seem to enjoy doesn't bother me that much, as I never really cared for this particular reinvention either.  (I've always been a fan of the original take on her, but subsequent ones have fallen into the category of "She's just there" and "I don't really need to care about her in this version of the story.")

Well, it's only a few weeks now and I will finally get to be pleasantly surprised or somewhat disappointed.  Thanks again for taking the time to respond so thoughtfully.   

The only thing I am saying is that I believe this movie is going to be very weird in terms of how it ends.  You need only look at the score tracks to know that.   [ghost_wink]

I am so glad that someone posted this on the Internet...

Hear the complete "Widows' Hill" here:

It is so lushly beautiful.  There's a lot of John Williams in this piece.  Can you hear his Dracula score? 

Nancy, that was so kind and thoughtful.  I am extremely sorry for your loss.  The man brought so much joy and happiness into my own life just through his amazing talents.  I can only imagine what he brought to yours. 

That one is on p. 40, so you are safe!   [ghost_grin]

I think it's very, very possible, MB.  And, as I have stated a couple times before, I hope that is the case.  But regardless of how the scene appears in the context of the film, I still did not want to know that it happened the way that it did.  Every other bit of promotional material is very selective about what it shows.  I wanted to be surprised.  And regardless if the photo is the "end all, be all" depiction, it gives way too much away about the film's plot.  Even if it turns out to be completely different from the photo - and based on what SGS has said, I wouldn't be surprised - it still was a scene I wanted to see in the film, not beforehand. 

As an aside, I'm going to say that I love the new image they printed of Vicki meeting Barnabas.  It is so beautiful, and very reminiscent of my favorite scene from House of Dark Shadows, with Julia watching in the background. 

Thanks so much, MB.  I really love these Hippies.  It harkens back to Night of Dark Shadows for me. 

G, maybe not the actual act, but Depp's delivery of the line was really well done. 

Cousin Barnabas, since I am not one to shy-away from spoilers... I'm not trying to get a discussion of the spoiler content of the photo started here, because I know that belongs in another thread.  I just wanted to comment that I sorta disagree with you, that the photo reveals a huge or surprising spoiler.  You're not wrong.  But, it's all a matter of perception, I suppose.

No one look except the people who know and or want to know how I discerned the context of the picture.

Not only is it captioned, but the clothing is also contemporary.  Barnabas is wearing his 1972 outfit.  The trailer provided hope.  The picture seemingly does not. 

In the words of Jason McGuire, "It looks pretty dead to me."   

For me, that picture sums up the plot of the movie.  (Maybe I just care more than I ought to.)  Like I said, I hope it is out of context. Still, it's not something that should have been printed.   

And that is all I am going to say about it here...  Other than to say that I have heard from a number of people who were very disappointed to have seen it. 

Thanks for all of the hard work, MB.  It is appreciated.

Incidentally, a new American trailer debuts this Friday.  Let us hope that we will get to see it online sometime this week. 

New trailer.!

I am sorry, but this is flat-out hilarious.  If the humor is more like this, I can take it. 

Of course!  My only hope is that the photo does not make its way to the Internet, especially through an official release.  The resolution is pretty low in the magazine, so - if you don't pay too much attention - you don't realize what's going on... To make matters worse, they caption the picture.  Though, I knew what it was before I read it.  I just wanted to be sure that I was correct, so I used a magnifying lens and started comparing the image to others and the footage we have seen, and as far as I can tell, I am correct.  So, steer clear!

Yes, this is the May issue - 313.  I am NOT happy with the spoiler.  But I am taking to heart something SGS said earlier and keeping it in mind when I think of this photo.  It is very much in the style of Dark Shadows, but it is not something I wanted to see happen.  (I am hoping it's a dream sequence or that the photo doesn't tell the whole story...)  But I really can't imagine them publishing a photo with this particular set-up.  I can't say too much, but I can say if you don't look at it closely, it won't bother you as much.  I looked at, thought it was a really cool photo, then did a double-take...  I was sort of dumbfounded for a few minutes. 

I just read the HBC interview.  I was more pleased by what she had to say that what Burton said.  She re-words some of her earlier statements and is really very reverential.  I don't know how much of this is PR, but I want to take what she says to heart.  It was all very nice.

Fangoria just came in.  And I was devastated by what I saw inside.

If you want to avoid a huge spoiler, you MUST not look at the picture on the bottom right of p. 44.  Avoid it at all costs.  It wasn't until I really looked at it that I discovered something I wish I never had.  Avoid.  Avoid.  Avoid.  And don't read the caption.  I want to spare you the absolute disbelief I experienced after seeing it.  So do not look at it.  Cover it up if you want to read the Burton interview, but don't look at it.  I cannot stress this enough.  P. 44, bottom right.  You MUST avoid it. 

I have only read the Zanuck and Burton interviews.  There is a very long one with HBC that I haven't gotten too far into. 

Both Burton and HBC deny that the film is a comedy.  Burton said he was really surprised when he saw Warners called it one. 

Burton gives a vague answer when asked about Cobert's theme.  This makes me doubt it's in there, despite what SGS said.