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Messages - Sunny_Collins

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Current Talk '06 II / Re: maggie-at-the-diner
« on: September 25, 2006, 06:39:07 PM »
Same here, I want to see the pre_Barnabas episodes, but will have to wait until they come out on DVD.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Rogues we LOVE to hate
« on: September 24, 2006, 09:38:41 PM »
Nicholas Blair is sooo bad yet so charming. I love it when he bullies Angelique, simply for the fact that she's ordered so many people around, and once he arrives, she's no longer in control.

When he gets angry there's a quiet chilling menace in his voice that just makes me shiver. And that laugh, so satisfied and vicious, excellent!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Malpractice
« on: September 24, 2006, 09:07:19 PM »
Well, if Julia is talking about running away with Barnabas, who's more important, the love of her life Barnabas, or an injured Joe? LOL!  ;D

Happy birthday to Louis Edmonds, who played so many great roles on DS!  :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: September 24, 2006, 08:09:49 PM »
My condolences to Craig Hamrick's family and friends. My prayers are with you all.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Fave Character?
« on: September 24, 2006, 04:42:19 AM »
My all time very favorite character of the show is Barnabas, Barnabas, Barnabas!  Did I mention Barnabas?  ;D LOL!

He has so many facets to his character, and who can not like that wonderful voice!   I could listen to it all day! 8) :-*

A very warm welcome to you, Para L. Time!  :)

You bring up some good points. It would have been interesting to see what happened to Liz, Carolyn, David and all the rest, but in a way it's not so bad, because we can always create new scenarios for them.  ;D 8)

I also enjoyed the music at the Blue Whale even though I know it annoys some people.

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Dr. Woodard and others
« on: September 23, 2006, 06:37:23 PM »
I too agree Robert Geringer was the best to play Woodard, not that the second Woodard wasn't good, it just seems like Geringer played a doctor so very well. [spoiler]His death[/spoiler] has always bothered me even though it wasn't Geringer who played that last appearance, because I can picture Geringer doing it, and it's just so sad!  :(

I think it would have been interesting if they could have kept Woodard on the show, and perhaps they could have if [spoiler]Barnabas hadn't gone in to such a panic and killed him.[/spoiler]

Poor Dave!  :'(

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Who else loves Amy Jennings?
« on: September 22, 2006, 11:52:36 PM »
ITA w/this!  I especially love the scene in 1968 where [spoiler]Barnabas has moved in to CW to look after the family when Roger's on a business trip and he's packing to go back to the Old House.  Amy comes in to talk to him and begs him not to leave because she's afraid and feels safe w/him was very sweet.[/spoiler]

I thoroughly love that scene as well! It was very touching, and IMHO, one of the best scenes on DS.  8)

Julia99, thank you so much for sharing this with us! It was just like being at the fest for those of us who weren't able to go! It is greatly appreciated!  :) 8)

Current Talk '06 II / Re: Who else loves Amy Jennings?
« on: September 22, 2006, 02:37:37 AM »
Count me in! I love Amy Jennings as well!  :)

She played Amy so very superbly and sweetly, her characterization was completely believable.

I love the scene when she thinks something is wrong with Chris, and in a small tremulous voice she tearfully insists that he is out in the night somewhere, and that he's crying. Fabulous!

Also her relationship with Barnabas is very sweet. Does anyone wish they could have had more scenes together? I think it would have been great to see.

She interacted so well with David and Chris, in fact, as I think about this, I wish there could have been more children adult interactions.

I know  there was a great deal of quarreling between David and just about every adult member of the family, but I wish we could have seen more of the tender moments, the gentle assurances and innocent love that children offer, and the way adults respond so positively to that love.

Now I've gone off on a tangent, LOL!  ;D

Ian and Karlenfan, hope both of your birthdays were great!!  :)

Congratulations, Magnus!!  :) 8)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Question
« on: September 19, 2006, 04:52:48 PM »
I've just noticed that my post about the Star Trek DVD's can't be replied to. Any reason for that? Just curious...;)

Yes, I noticed that as well, Buzz. And I was going to reply too.  ;D

Current Talk '03 II / Re: My Favorite Thing about 1841PT
« on: September 19, 2006, 04:36:52 PM »
I too was prepared to dislike 1841 PT, then I found myself really enjoying it!

 It was interesting to see Bramwell and Catherine together, and that instead of being part of the "rich Collins" family, he is a poor relation trying to prove his worth to himself, his family and Catherine.

This time, it is he who is obsessed with someone, although Catherine really loved him, it was fascinating to see how their roles were reversed in a way, as Angelique is usually the vengeful rejected person.

I too am a fan of 1841 PT!  ;D

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