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Messages - fridfreak

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Current Talk '08 I / Re: something sam said
« on: September 03, 2008, 03:28:52 AM »
I know what DVD collection you are referring to and I have to go back and watch that particular interview because I cannot simply remember what he said about aimless gothic the first year of the series.  It didn't even start off as Gothic least not from my perspective became more Gothic like with the seaweed guy and all that and then Laura and the burning phoenix etc.  So aimless no.. maybe planned ..what to do to keep the show on the air another 13 weeks kinda mentality?  As far as Joan Bennett, she was such a strong figure in the series [spoiler]up until I felt Rev Trask made potty of her senses.  She came back though and walled him up. She was senseless too with the Leviathans but then again she came back strong as ever.[/spoiler] I do think she did become slightly of a backdrop actress.  Its a shame though.  She was after all Mistress of Collinwood and seemed to me to command a strong sense of respect and acknowledgement.  Her mere presence often kept ol Barn in line too!

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Songs that remind you of DS
« on: September 03, 2008, 03:04:01 AM »
Strange Magic by ELO- Haunting Rhythm..quite lovely though [ghost_smiley]
The Scientist by Coldplay ..Lost Love and all that [ghost_smiley]
Love Song for a Vampire- Beautiful video on You tube on this one [ghost_tongue2]
You Can't Always Get What you Want by Rolling Stones [ghost_tongue]
Can't Get No..Satisfaction...Ditto [ghost_blink]
No Matter What by Badfinger  [ghost_wub]

Current Talk '08 I / Re: Did you think Roxanne was pretty?
« on: September 03, 2008, 02:12:02 AM »
I never thought Angelique or Victoria were ever drop dead beauties.  Angelique's mouth always bothered me and Victoria well no. However, Roxanne IMHO was never all that "pretty" either.  Her character was rather daft too.  Not enough backbone.  To her credit she only appeared in about 32 episodes so I guess she needed more time to develop into her own.  But no Roxanne was not pretty as say my girl KLS or even Liz Stoddard.  Now those two....killers!

Current Talk '08 II / Re: blue whale barf bag
« on: August 31, 2008, 10:26:12 PM »
I think the reason Victoria always got the "clueless" attachment was because she seemed to always say "I don't understand." Yes Carolyn and Maggie used poor judgement (Adam, Jeb, Quentin(all that stupid pitchfork stuff) but the writers seemed to ignore those clueless scenarios.  I have also read or seen  Alexandra Molke's comments on this and one stipulation she gave to coming back into the show was to give Victoria some more backbone if you will.  I guess DC said no.  But you know most of the women on the show seemed to have gone from spitfires to burning ashes in the smart department at one point or another.   

Current Talk '08 II / Re: blue whale barf bag
« on: August 31, 2008, 07:13:43 AM »
I saw those episodes a few months back  and I hated every scene with Blair and Maggie in it.  First of all Maggie looked very uncomfortable in his presence.  Secondly, [spoiler]that long smooch they had looked as if two disgusted statues where having to kiss for the sake of kissing.  YUCK! That grossed me out. I also felt sorry for Mags.  Her dad had just died, Joe was in vampire prison with Angelique and here comes this supposedly suave guy and tries to sweep her off her feet.  Mags I don't think ever really fell for it and when she finally did say yes to marrying him, she was drugged into it.[/spoiler]This had to be the pre-ecstasy drugs!!  She should have been calling out to Barn but he was still mooning over Vickie who was mooning over that disgusting Peter Bradford (another loser.)  And somewhere in this storyline Adam is threatening all the time.  So in her lonliness I guess I could se why she needed some friendship. But Blair?? Maggie C'mon girl you could have sought out some normal person..Is that possible in DS???

Games / Re: DS Characters' Favorite TV Shows!
« on: August 29, 2008, 03:21:12 AM »
Barnabas might also enjoy Batman
Angelique- maybe would like Bewitched or Charmed
Count Petofi or Jeb Hawkes- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Roger Collins- Father knows Best
Quentin Collins-Cheaters

Polls Archive / Re: The Original, the Revival, and You -
« on: August 28, 2008, 05:00:13 AM »
I loved the Original (as I have nearly completed the entire series from beginning to end with countless reruns of the 1795 storyline since January).  I totally disliked the revival.  Maybe its because I was expecting my first child when it aired and I was still in the " morning sickness mode" at night.  All the fanging and blood was so out of character from the original ( and maybe it had to be that way) that I just couldn't sit there long enough to stay interested.  Now that 17 years have passed, maybe I'll try to give the revival a try but I'm not sure.  I still love watching that Gothic Soap Opera that is over 40 years old.  I love Julia, Barn amd Mags and the revival doesn't hold that mystique for me.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Who was the HOTTEST female on the original DS?
« on: August 24, 2008, 11:29:53 PM »
KLS was IMO the sexiest/hottest woman on the show.  I still have a woman crush on her!!  She is beautiful. I also think that Joan Bennet was one classy woman too.  Regal if you like.   I also appreciate the fact that many of the ladies of DS have become writers in their own right.  Beauty and Brains!!  Marie Wallace has become more beautiful with time.  She looks wonderful.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT: Night of the Iguana
« on: August 24, 2008, 05:24:58 AM »
Okay the movie ended.  The ending well.. it was .. it sucked!!  My beautiful boy Jonathan did not speak once!!  I don't even know who the leading part went too.. who was or is that actress?  Oh well at least i got to see JF in something other than DS.   I have already seen Seizure too.  I actually liked that movie better than this one.  Oh and yes Richard Burton was absolutely terrified of Grayson's Ms. Fellowes.  I guess she did not realize she was gay in the movie.  He was gentle in not wanting to let her know he knew.  Ava Gardner's character though was not so sympathetic and let her know how butch she actually was. That sent Ms. Fellowes off the wall. I guess she had not realized it herself.  In any case her Oscar nomination for best supporting actress was well deserved.   Imagine playing a gay woman in the sixties.  Pretty impressive but than Shirley MacLaine had a similar role with Audrey Hepburn in 1961 or '62 in the movie The Children's Hour.  I believe Audrey did this one right after Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Re: OT: Night of the Iguana
« on: August 24, 2008, 05:09:26 AM »
I just saw Night of the Iguana this past Wednesday after a tiring day of teaching junior high students.  Grayson is beautiful.  She played the part well and had her bravado about her as usual.  Netflix works great for me.  I am currently watchiing The Devil's Daughter with my beloved Jonathan and I am sad he does not seem to have a speaking part.  The movie is not over yet but he sure looks good!!!  His facial expressions though are WONDERFUL!!  I hope he speaks..i have never seen this and i had to wait forver to get it on Netflix.  My queue said it had a very long wait.  I'll see how it ends.

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Has DS taught you anything?
« on: August 16, 2008, 06:15:07 AM »
Yes.. it taught me that old habits die hard or never die at all.  The same man(Barn of course) I had a crush on when I was 8, 9,10 years of age is the same man I think is still soooo cute at my age of 49.  Is there something wrong with me??  And I also learned to stay away from mausoleums with secret or hidden doors in them. I definitely learned to stay away from chained coffins!!!     

Current Talk '08 II / Re: Barnabas VS Buzz
« on: August 16, 2008, 03:50:10 AM »
Buzz?  Buzz who?  You mean that little slacker who enjoyed bullying Carolyn around and showed us his hip moves at the Blue Whale?  Oh please.  Old Barn didn't have to do anything to him..he probably drove his motorcycle over Widow's Hill in a drunken stupor.     

Julia was not a psychotherapist.  I believe when Dr. Woodard introduced her, she was a specialist in blood disorders.  Angelique needed psychotherapy to help her get through her obsessive-compulsive disorders especially in dealing with men she had to have  and women she loathed like Josette, Maggie, Rachel etc...   So I don't think Julia could really help.  Angelique was beyond help.  Poor thing!

I read and re read his  comments yesterday and I interpreted them as him stating that his absence at DS events was due to lack of planning on his part.  I do believe he was also "retired"  or semi-retired beginning in '94 so maybe his absence had something to do with that too. And I think what Nancy stated in her comments are relevant;  He was the star of DS and when I think of DS I think first and foremost of Jonathan.  So maybe his absence allowed others to shine a bit brighter. In any case I'm just glad he's back!! Its always so nice to see current pictures of him other than those on his website.  Man, he still rocks!!       

The Leviathan storyline started out really fascinating but then went nosediving!!  They ( the writers) never really finished the Maggie/ Barn romance that started and what about the ring he gave her that was supposedly Josette's ring?  That went to no man's land.  I always hated that the didn't finish  that story line. How could they have made it better?  Finish storylines!

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