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Messages - katrinavantassel

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I just watched ep. 71 last night and had a question about the outdoor scene with Roger and Vicky. Does anyone know where that was filmed? I'd like to say downtown Newport but I haven't been there in years though it does look vaguely familiar.

I like the outdoor filming, too bad it was costly and therefore limited in the series.

Jamison watched in horror as Rev. Trask was possessed by 'the fish was this big' syndrome.

I saw this over the weekend. I really, really enjoyed it. As far as Ben Cross is concerned,  [spoiler]he doesn't have a huge part to play. But it was still great![/spoiler]

Current Talk '09 I / Re: '91 DS actor--Jim Fyfe as Willie
« on: May 13, 2009, 04:53:32 PM »
Awesome!  [clap2]

Nothing frightened Barnabas more than well-done steaks.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Pomegranate Press
« on: May 12, 2009, 07:47:47 PM »
I'll have to find a way of contacting them to see what the story is. Last time I e-mailed them, never got  a response.

I may  go  the route and if I end up getting 2 copies, oh well!

Current Talk '09 I / Re: Up to episode 91
« on: May 11, 2009, 06:40:57 PM »
I'm currently watching the beginning episodes, courtesy of Netflix. I just watched the gift of the pen episode so look forward to its popping up in the future. Have to say, however, that the story line of Bill Malloy is starting to glaze my eyes over. It seems to go at a snails pace! There was an interview with someone on one of the discs discussing this sort of thing. No one knew how much time should be given as the average person watched a soap twice a week and didn't want to tune in and not know what was happening.  Hence the slowness.

I am enjoying first meeting all the characters though. I am really enjoying Burke Devlin.

Current Talk '09 I / Pomegranate Press
« on: May 11, 2009, 06:10:30 PM »
Has anyone had any experience ordering some the DS books from PomPress? I sent in an order form with check over a month ago and haven't heard anything to date. My check hasn't even been cashed yet. I think it might still be sitting in the post office box waiting for someone to pick up.

Current Talk '09 I / Re: '91 DS actor--Jim Fyfe as Willie
« on: May 11, 2009, 05:58:21 PM »
I thought Jim Fyfe was pretty good as Willie, too.

At first Laura thought it was Ra making Quentin glow, then she realized it was living too close to the nuclear power plant that did it.

While Trask prayed for satisfaction, Rachel prayed for coffee.  [cup]

Complete This Phrase / Fill In The Blank(s) - 1897 / Re: Episode #0766
« on: April 28, 2009, 08:04:02 PM »
"But, Barnabas, it ain't right. I don't think I should be the one to shave him! Shouldn't you do it?"

Current Talk '09 I / Re: favorite lines of dialogue
« on: April 28, 2009, 07:56:06 PM »
Ohh, I love these!  [ghost_cheesy] Keep them coming, please

Why does it say Depp has been working on this for several years? That doesn't seem right. And though I don't like the flippant attitude of the blogger, I have to agree I would have liked an 'ending' to the revival series as well (even though we already covered that ground in the original).

Ben was shocked to look through one of the Old House's windows and to catch Barnabas looking at fabric swatches.

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