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Messages - Dawn

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Current Talk '03 I / Re:Traskian logic?  Please explain
« on: February 25, 2003, 07:24:01 AM »
Well, we ARE talking Trask here.  Logic?  His only concern was to get people out of the way as quickly as possible by whatever means possible.  Maybe Charity was becoming a liability in his GRAND SCHEME.   :-

Current Talk '03 I / Re: Faulty Childhood Memories of DS
« on: February 02, 2003, 05:56:51 PM »
J99 wrote:
And anyway. .that's why i now double check before i state anything as fact versus the imagination of my own mind.  .  .

Especially if you read or write fanfiction...that can really mess with the reality of what happened on the show!


Calendar Events / Announcements '03 I / Re: BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!/OT
« on: February 02, 2003, 05:36:11 PM »
As Robin so aptly stated, we honor those who choose to fly.  They know the risks and still, they make the choice.

This is not just an American tragedy but touches many of us on a deeper level.  Many of you have read fanfiction by Emeldi on some of the lists.  She is a NASA missions specialist.  One of the Columbia astronauts was a dear friend and the best man at her wedding.  When I learned this, it suddenly became very personal.  The circumstances of Feb.1 had impacted the life of someone I personally care about.


Current Talk '03 I / Re: Dark Shadows in our everyday life....
« on: January 26, 2003, 05:37:18 PM »
In response to daily reminders of DS...I have a picture of Grayson next to the home computer and at work, I have a picture of our dear Robin V. that brightens my day.  (Yes Sis, there's a picture of you over my computer.)  Now, if I could just get that stained glass block DS done....:) Dawn

Hi Midnite!
Well, the change to Labor Day is not a good one by any stretch of the imagination.  Schools start here over a week before the holiday.  (LeBrat will have to miss a day or two of school.) Add to that the frustration of the date change for those of us who must request our vacations IN WRITING well in advance of the time needed.  It will not prevent me from attending, but I am really disappointed that many of the folks who are regulars (such as you) will not be in attendance.  I don't think the PTB could have picked a more inopportune time.  Sign me up kiddo.  :)  Dawn

That picture is a royal hoot.  Every time I see it I wonder just WHAT that play was really like.  I'd love to be able to travel back in time and see those plays she was in.  Now, if I just had a set of those I Ching wands at my disposal....   :) Dawn

Current Talk '02 II / Re: More to fill in the gap
« on: November 10, 2002, 07:56:29 AM »
Thanks for the links. There's one here I've been searching for.  Dawn

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: ** It's Official! **
« on: November 10, 2002, 07:30:10 AM »
At the risk of sounding like a broken record...congrat Dom.  :) Dawn

Calendar Events / Announcements '02 II / Re: JuliaHoffman.Com Site Update
« on: September 24, 2002, 10:11:56 PM »
And, as always, Rj does not disappoint.  :) Dawn

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Stink of Lilacs
« on: September 24, 2002, 10:09:04 PM »
Connie, you've had me in stitches.  Hon, you are marvelously wonder I like your work.   We're obviously from another planet, but, it's okay, they know us there.  ;) Dawn

Gotta agree with Connie about sitting up with babies.  That may have ended nearly 16 yrs ago but the talent for falling asleep anywhere, anytime is still alive.  That is a challenge I could actually excel at...

I thought for certain we saw a room during the series that Julia uses at the OH.  I may be delusional   :-X(quiet J99) but I have a strong visual in my mind.  Bette has every J episode on tape....ask her.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: DS DILEMMA
« on: August 27, 2002, 05:50:57 AM »
My dear friend Gina lived a block from the Jr. High School and directly behind the High School.  We had about thirty minutes to finish up and get over and get snacks ready before DS came on.  Otherwise, I jogged home the one mile to be able to catch the latest episode.  The week I was off at camp, my mom continued my habit of taking notes. (Robin was not the only note taker!)  My mom was a consistent viewer too which all my friends thought was so COOL.   ;D

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Is there difficulty registering new members?
« on: August 26, 2002, 12:17:39 PM »
Thanks Midnite.  They were directed to the board to view Robservations while Robin is on vacation.  I'll see that they don't miss out.  It's an easy fix for now.  Thanks again.   :-*

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Is there difficulty registering new members?
« on: August 26, 2002, 04:04:44 AM »
Several people on a list of mine have not been able to register to the board.  Is there a problem?  They've been directed to try again later.

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Julia's Hands & other habits
« on: August 26, 2002, 03:58:08 AM »
The mannerisms that come to mind immediately are Barnabas with his steepled fingers and Julia thrusting her hands into her pockets or wringing her gloves.  I don't think Grayson could have done some of those scenes without a dress or coat with pockets.   :-*

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