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Messages - Daphne

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Current Talk '02 II / Re: Pondering Today's Episodes - 7/29
« on: July 31, 2002, 06:15:58 AM »
Why all of a sudden is Eve's body strapped to the gurney?

So that they can strap it over her boobs! OMG those things are huge!!! LMAO!!!!! I was like " ::) riiiiiight!!!" Bleh!!!! That must be one body part that they got from SEVERAL places!! Meep!!! >.<!

Nancy Barrett is gorgeous.

I adore Nancy Barrett.  8) She's the kewlest. She's so pretty. If I ever wanted 2 b blonde, I'd want to look like that, LOL. Altho I'm beginning to notice her contant licking of the upper lip. LOL it's cute! At least she doesn't constantly wring her hands like Vicki and Liz ..... altho she does keep them all balled up in front of her. GRRRRRRRRR ....  :-X ... ^_^

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Dark Island Meets Gilligan's Shadows
« on: July 31, 2002, 06:06:59 AM »
Not to mention there's like NOTHING connecting the two bodies to each other! There's something 2 restrain the body on its gurney, but there's nothing that would actually cause it to MOVE, much less to connect the two bodies. UMMM .... how exactly do you zap life from one being into another being when they're not even connected? I would think there'd be some sort of equiptment like shock therapy style or something, with stuff attatched to one's temples and heart or something. GAH!! I hate this plot!!!  :P

Woah now I'm getting images of Vicki in a nightrobe on her bed yelling at Jeff to make love to her *Tries to forget image*

BAAAAAH!!!!!! *rubs eyes* NO NO NO NO!!!!!!! AHHHH KINKY!!!! LMAO!!!! *falls off chair laughing* tooo funnie!!! But OMG, she [Mary Hartman] is SOOOOOO annoying!! AHHH i wanna take her bangs and chop them off and get rid of the braids!!!!! OMG!!!!! *twitches* She. Is. So. Annoying!!! AHHHH!!! *more twitches*

and  :'(  :'(  :'( they're taking off  TR *le tear* I love that show. Michael Ontkean is soooo hot!!! LOL But the guest stars have more air time than the series stars do, so that kinda ticks me off ........ but still!!!  :'(

Current Talk '02 II / Re: PARTY LINE
« on: July 31, 2002, 05:58:58 AM »
One more:

Tony spied on Carolyn after she ditched him at Collinwood and caught her and Barnabas doing things one shouldn't catch cousins doing.

BWAHAHAHAHA! "I always knew the idle rich were decadent!" "That was no cousinly kiss I saw!" and "*with a sneer of ice* Poor little rich girl ... " which sent Carolyn running upstairs in tears  :'( AHHHHH I HATE BARNABUS!!!!!!

*pouts* And now Tony and Carolyn are never going 2 get back together ...... *cries a river and builds a bridge but can't quite seem 2 get over it*

GRRRRRRRR!!!!!! [angryf]

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Adam and High School Memories
« on: July 31, 2002, 05:52:40 AM »
:)  At my high school there were three categories....the jocks, the geeks & the freaks.  Adam reminds me of the jocks.

LOL ... our HS has like the preps, the skaters, the goths, the wanna-b-preps ... and then like a bunch of ppl who are just like .... there. I'm one of those. LOL The preps drive me nuts, talking about who did what, and so-and-so took so many of [this drug] and s/he nearly passed out, but they didn't, and blah blah blah, and so-and-so drank THIS much this weekend ..... ahhhh!!!! I hate HS ppl!!!! GRRRRRRR .... soo immature. Ugh ::is disgusted:: BLACK!! But most of the jocks/preps are in all honors classes. Or at least a lot of them are, but then again, Klein is sooooo preppy, like EVERYONE is a prep, so they're kinda everywhere. All snobby rich kids. LOL *sigh* At least I still have three more weeks of summer vaca before I hafta go back ...... oyyyyy vveyyyyy  :-[  :(

OMGGGGGGG!!!!! WHOAAAA! That was sooooo creepy!! Carolyn writhing around on the floor and because of the "red eye" .... it's kewl that like what she dreamed actually turned out to be like true, only in her sleep she saw it completely differently. SOOOOOO KEWL!!!!! It's amazing how much goes on in that hallway that no one will ever know about ^_~ And that was creepy about Barnabus saying her blood is contaminated. He could prolly tell Julia more than Carolyn's blood sample could. Or at least something.  :-/ I'm curious 2 find out how this all relates to Quentin's partial-changing with the full moon ^_____^ EEEE!!!!!!! *prance* As always, WRITE MORE!!! I can't wait for Ch 12!!!!! ^______^!!!!

LOL, and
Just thinking about it gave me the chills and the humidity here is already 70%!

It's 100% here everyday and I still got chills!! Freaky!!! [nerv]

« on: July 31, 2002, 05:25:38 AM »
ANGELIQUE ~~ gloatful [lghy]

NICHOLAS BLAIR ~~ screwed!! [aprvb]

ADAM ~~ shocked  :o

JEFF CLARK ~~ screwed too [bah!! who cares??]  :P

CAROLYN STODDARD ~~ uncharacteristically thoughtful [okay, two words .. bah!]  ;D

JULIA HOFFMAN ( bonus points) ~~ torn [between Willie and Barnabus]  :-/

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Hands of My Harem!
« on: July 31, 2002, 05:14:27 AM »
I think they should use Carolyn!!!! At least then "the creature" would turn out like her more than if they used Maggie. DUH! You think they'd ask Adam. It would be like "well either we use Carolyn, or we don't do the experiment. But if we use Carolyn, she may die. And you don't want that, do you Adam? *Adam shakes his head no* Well then, we'll just get rid of those freaking scars on your face and clean you up and send you to Boston and you can fall in love with someone else!"

Honestly ..... this plotline is driving me off the wall ...... anyway, before I get on a soapbox about thaaat .... I gotta go tell my dad I got my license today!!! ^______^ LOL but yes evil plot!! BAH!!! [bnghd]

~ddaaapphneeee, who has road rage ^_^

Current Talk '02 II / Re: I'm in LOVE with Willie!!
« on: July 31, 2002, 05:10:39 AM »
When Willie asked Julia if he could talk "private like" and then proceeded to pour out his heart. . oh mine went shabang. .i think i've fallen for Willie. . .  :o

AAWWW!!! LOL i thought that was sooo cute! *imitates Willie* "can we go in2 the drawing room .... so we can talk kinda ... private like?" LOL who was he hiding from? He'd already talked 2 Barnabus about it. LOL but anyway, I love Willie too! ... not as much as Quentin, mind you, but he's second. John Karlen is like theeeee kewlest actor on the series right now. Barnabus is driving me crazier than he's driving Willie!! AHHHH!! This plot would be solved sooo easily if they'd just STOP ...... and look at it! BAH!!! [bnghd] Sheesh!!!!

Current Talk '02 II / Re: The Lazy, Hazy, Plotless Weeks Of Summer
« on: July 31, 2002, 05:07:12 AM »
Angelique seemed to find it somewhere arousing herself; I just kept waiting for the porn music to kick know: ching-wacka-ching-whacka-ching-wacka-ching-wacka-ching...

*spits out frappuccino* LMAO!!!!!!!! It's so weird being home and getting 2 watch these "live" [as I call them]. I find myself wishing they were taped so I could FF thru the looong parts with Angie writhing around and all the ANNOYING shots of the machinery. It's like the ds people were saying "Look, it *is* genuine, and it's got kewl labeling on it too!" LOL ::) whatever.

~The cynical Daphne

Yaaaay!!  ;D I loved Carolyn's descent, as Carol put it, into the dark crevises of her mind. Like she's battling her own fears .... ooo it IS like the dream curse! LOL  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D I'm looking forward to more!! SOON pleeeeeeease ^_____^

~Daphne, who is SOOOOO glad that summer school is ending tomorrow  ;D

Ever the cynic,

LOL yes, Luciaphil, you are ^_~

Current Talk '02 II / Re: Connie Strikes Again!
« on: July 16, 2002, 06:07:49 AM »
Perhaps the strange, deluded woman simply watched too much television.

rotflmaowtimes!!!! *bouncing up and down laughing* thanks for sharing ur grayson story with us, Connie ^_^ and ty 4 writing mark ^_^

still giggling, ~Daphne

Current Talk '02 II / Re: That Fiercely Ruling T. Eliot Stokes!
« on: July 16, 2002, 05:53:50 AM »
This is a man believed by some to be a powerful magician.....not someone you could nickname "Ali".

It's a bit of an "in joke", so it probably would have been more polite to the rest of the 'cousins' to have sent it in a private IM.  My Bad.  :-[

LOL, I was just playing Rainypark, my name's Ali, so I just perked up at reading it somewhere; I was just teasing. LOL I just naturally ask questions about everything.....good thing I'm not a cat ^_~

And heeey I'd like to think *I'm* some sort of all powerful person *BWAAHAHAHA* LOL .... erm .. yeah ^_^;;; hehe but I was just playing [crazy] [angl2] [rollr]

~Daphne ^_^

Current Talk '02 II / Re: My Own Twight Zone...
« on: July 16, 2002, 05:46:00 AM »
LOL, lucky!! My world hist book was talking about salons and the huge, grandiouse drawing rooms of the upper classes the other day.

[it just sounds creepier if you say it in a dif language] [crazy] bwahahaha

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