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Messages - markyboo

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Current Talk '08 I / Re: Dark Shadows: Why Such a Huge Gay Following?
« on: January 15, 2008, 10:42:18 PM »
I always wanted to find a "Collinwood" of my own when I was a teen. To me it represented a place where, no matter who or what you were, you were accepted. In the early '70's, there was NOTHING on television that mentioned homosexuality (and if it happened to be mentioned, it was usually negative), so I think some gay teens were attracted to a series like DS for the same reasons I was. It was easy to identify with Barnabas and his struggles just as we gays in that era dealt with our struggles. Also, we gays have always appreciated - worshipped! - strong, independent women and DS was full of them: Julia, Elizabeth, Angelique, etc. al.  I think gays being attracted to DS is like how many of my brethern are attracted to musicals - DS and musicals are these magical, bigger-than-life places where people do fantastic things! Also, DS had such gorgeous costumes and such handsome sets and we gays love the finest in clothing and decor. FInally, so many of the DS characters say such witty, wicked things - and gays always love snappy dialogue!

Oh, many, many years ago, I sent that SECRET ROOM dude a letter with a SASE to receive info on his publication. Never heard back from him - I am astonished to find out he actually published an issue!

Current Talk '08 I / Home Improvement
« on: January 07, 2008, 05:00:21 PM »
While waiting for DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES to come on last night, I had EXTREME MAKEOVER: HOME EDITION playing on my TV set & the makeover was being done at a house in Maine that the owners said was haunted! This got me thinking - what would happen of one of those home makeover shows actually did come to Collinsport & do work at Collinwood or the Old House? Can you imagine Willie calling those EXTREME MAKEOVER: HOME EDITION people to come do work on the Old House? Or the TRADING SPACES people working on both Collinwood and the Old House?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: quentin,david and amy
« on: January 04, 2008, 06:07:19 PM »
Maybe it WAS Trask's remains that David & Amy found in Quentin's West Wing suite. And since Trask had been trapped in there with Quentin's exstensive library of books on black magic, do you think Trask's spirit might have perused those books throughout the decades and learned  a thing or two? Who knows, maybe Trask, wanting revenge on the Collins family, conjured up Quentin & Beth's spirits from the grave , took control of them & forced them to do his bidding by haunting Collinwood. Also, maybe Trask's evil spirit created a replica of Cassandra & sent her to punish Elizabeth with the buried alive curse. I could see Trask taking great pleasure in such a nasty deed - after all, Elizabeth did resemble the woman who caused his downfall - Judith Collins!

modified by admin

Current Talk '07 II / Re: quentin,david and amy
« on: December 28, 2007, 10:50:13 PM »
The writers were focusing on too many characters & storylines during the Leviathan saga. In addition to the main plot about the Leviathans, you also had the return of Quentin, the return of Paul Stoddard, the return of Amanda Harris, the return of Nicholas Blair, the return of Charles Delaware Tate, the return of Willie AND the return of Angelique. Also, there was Chris & Sabrina & all their baggage & the introduction of the parallel-time room! Oh, I almost forgot that Barnabas became a vampire again & ended up turning Megan Todd into one. I'm surprised the writers didn't work in Mrs. Johnson attending a '70's-style key party. I wish that when Barnabas returned to the present (69/70), the Leviathan storyline would have unfolded a bit more slowly. It would have been nice to have gotten to know "normal" Philip & Megan for several weeks before they became "parents". During that time, Quentin could have been reintroduced into the storyline & the writers could have gotten all that Amanda Harris/Olivia Corey nonsense out of the way. By the time the Leviathan storyline got cooking, Quentin could have been more involved with his new cousins & would have been more apt to defend them from the Leviathans & then not just seem an afterthought like when Julia "drafted" Quentin to battle the Leviathans

Current Talk '07 II / Re: quentin,david and amy
« on: December 26, 2007, 10:13:13 PM »

Another post-1897 issue has always been confusing to me: did the family realize Barnabas actually traveled through time & changed history? I remember Elizabeth thanking Barnabas shortly after he returned to the present, but did she & the others really understand what he did?


Also, the entire family & staff fled Collinwood (due to Quentin's haunting) & took up residence at the Old House. Now, as we all know, Barnabas restored the Old House to be an exact replica of what it was like in the 18th Century - no electricity, no telephone & I've always assumed no plumbing. It makes you wonder what the houseguests did about bathing & , uh , some other needs. Did they all have to use an outhouse? Did Roger have to stop at a filling station & shave before going to his office in the morning? Did Mrs. Johnson grow weary of cooking meals & washing dishes without running hot & cold water or did they use paper plates & utensils all those months. Maybe Barnabas allowed Willie to install a bathroom for Willie's needs. Can you imagine all those people lined up & taking their turns to use one bathroom?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: oh,laura!
« on: December 17, 2007, 06:02:44 PM »
If you watch that brilliant AMC series, MAD MEN, which is set in the early '60's, you'll realize that it seemed just about everyone used to smoke everywhere back in the '60's. In fact, I was a wee one in the '60's, & I always thought it was odd that my mother didn't smoke (or drink coffee) like all the other adults. On MAD MEN, one of the characters went to visit the doctor & both doctor & patient lit up! And a pregnant character was also smoking. It was indeed accepted in those days to be expecting & smoking!

Current Talk '07 II / New Credits for Their Resumes
« on: December 05, 2007, 08:11:33 PM »
If DARK SHADOWS had remained on the air, no doubt the DS cast would have been given more opportunities to play different characters - I'm sure the writers would have devised additional storylines set in the past, on parallel worlds & maybe even in the future.

What kind of characters would you all like to have seen the members of the DS repertory company play? I, for one, would have loved to have seen Joan Bennett play a more mature version of the femme fatales she used to appear as in some of Fritz Lang's films from the 1940's. I think Ms. Bennett would have made a marvelous witch on the series - I can just picture her casting spells.

Louis Edmonds & Grayson Hall as a married couple. They would be like something out of a Noel Coward play! Maybe they could be Nick & Nora Charles types investigating supernatural matters.

If Dr. Julia Hoffman had made a trip through time on her own, I would loved to have seen her encounter Jonathan Frid in the role of a private detective (a la Sherlock Holmes) investigating a crime. Thayer David, of course would have to play a character similar to Watson. I can just picture Julia falling in love with this brilliant gentleman who resembles her beloved Barnabas & then being cruelly snatched away from him to return  her to the present.

It would have been a pleasure to see David Selby play any kind of role after all those variations of Quentin Collins he did on the series. Maybe a cynical reporter who has gotten wind of all sorts of strange & bizarre incidents happening in the village of Collinsport, Maine?

I always thought Chris Pennock would have made a helluva vampire or werewolf - and made 'em very savage & bloodthirsty!

I remember several of the Marilyn Ross DS novels took place during snowstorms & the characters would be essentially stranded on the estate. The characters would go back & forth between Collinwood & the Old House, but were unable to use the roads going into the village. I always liked those DS novels - the wintertime atmosphere was always very effective.

If Barnabas was still a vampire during a blizzard, what would he do about obtaining blood? If he transformed himself into a bat, would he be able to fly through heavy snowfall to the village? It would be interesting to see him in a situation where he would be forced to turn to one of the inhabitants of Collinwood for blood. Would Julia or Willie offer themselves? Would he, in a weak moment, bite Maggie? Carolyn? Elizabeth? Would Quentin be able to help Barnabas? Would would happen to Barnabas if he drank some of Quentin's blood?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: wouldn't this have been great?
« on: November 15, 2007, 08:08:59 PM »
Willie, I get goosebumps thinking of DS storylines taking place during those decades!

The 1920's: Jamison Collins is an adult & master of Collinwood. We would get to meet the woman Jamison married, the woman who became mother of Elizabeth & Roger. Maybe we would find out what happened to Nora Collins - did she become another one of Collinwood's unhappy spinsters?

Can't you picture Nancy Barrett & Donna McKechnie as flappers? Heck, McKechnie was one of Broadway's most gifted dancers -her character could have even danced the Charleston at the Blue Whale!

Somehow I think the Collins family would have been involved with bootlegging, especially with the Canadian border nearby!

1930's: Collinsport in the throes of the Depression & even the Collins family isn't immune to its economic hardships. Maybe this decade was when the Collins family began shutting down various wings of Collinwood to cut down on costs.

We would get to see Elizabeth as a young woman & Roger as a boy! Maybe we would find out the fate of their mother. I always imagined Mrs. Jamison Collins battling some sort of supernatural evil & sacrificing her own life to protect the lives of her children.

1940's: The death of Jamison Collins...Elizabeth becames the head of the family & their business empire...Paul Stoddard (I bet he avoided military service during WWII by shooting himself in the foot or some other cowardly act) & Jason McGuire plot to steal the Collins fortune when Elizabeth & Paul are married...heck, maybe we would FINALLY find out the truth about Victoria Winters' origin!

Jerry Lacy would have to be another incarnation of the Trask family - and this time around the Trask character could be a crummy Nazi spy.

Hmmm...just imagine how handsome Joel Crothers would have looked in uniform!

What supernatural events happened during those decades at Collinwood? What would draw Barnabas and Julia to travel through time to those eras? You would also have to allow room in the storylines for Quentin & Angelique to appear!

I also wished DARK SHADOWS had had a trip into the past during the Civil War era. I have always thought of Collinwood being on the Underground Railroad route with all those secret tunnels & secret rooms and, once again, with Canada in the vicinity. Maybe there would be a Southern branch of the Collins family "stranded" at Collinwood during the Civil War. Louis Edmonds & Nancy Barrett could have retrieved their Louisiana accents - how wonderful Edmonds would have been as a Southern gentleman & Barrett as a Southern belle!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: Did the Collins Family Own a TV?
« on: November 15, 2007, 06:02:06 PM »
I have to agree that as isolated as Collinwood (and Collinsport) seemed to be that television reception was probably very poor in the days before cable. I lived in rural Virginia as a wee one in 1964 & we were able to get only ONE station on our television! For a solid year we were able to watch programs only on the NBC affiliate! I remember how thrilled I was when I would visit my grandmothers & be able to watch shows like THE MUNSTERS & THE ADDAMS FAMILY that were on other networks.

Also, DS took place only a few years after Newton Minow's infamous "vast wasteland" speech about television. It's easy to imagine a sophisticated, cultured grande dame like Elizabeth Stoddard sharing such sentiments & discouraging Carolyn & David from spending too much time in front of the tube. I would imagine Liz would have handed them one of the thousands of books that were seemingly everywhere in Collinwood. And let's be honest - can you imagine the Collins family settling down in front of the TV on a Sunday night watching Ed Sullivan like one big, happy family?

Current Talk '07 II / Re: New member who loves Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts
« on: October 19, 2007, 07:20:27 PM »
i was similarly surprised during the leviathan episodes when they mentioned sam evans and jason mcguire.i really appreciate those rare nods to continuity.
I don't recall the Sam Evans reference but I suspect Jason was mentioned because of the return of Paul Stoddard

Actually, I think Sam Evans was mentioned during the Leviathan storyline. In one of the early episodes, Maggie Evans returned to the Evans cottage - she was cleaning the place up for new tenants - Maggie was renting the place out now. (By the way, this scene would feature the last apperance of the Evans cottage.) While Maggie was working, Paul Stoddard arrived (at this point, the viewers didn't know that this man was Paul Stoddard), looking for Sam Evans. Maggie, of course, told Paul the sad news about her father's death. When Maggie asked who her visitor was, the scene faded out...

I recommend seeing PRETTY POISON - it's a terrific movie. It is very quirky, very offbeat - typical of so many movies from the late '60's/early '70's &  unlike so much of the cookie cutter crap out of Hollywood today. Anthony Perkins & Tuesday Weld are both superb in the film.

Deborah Kerr was a magnificent actress - so regal, so classy, so elegant.

I'm sure as soon as she reached heaven, she ran into Yul Brynner.

I hope they'll be waltzing together for all of eternity...

Rest in peace, Deborah Kerr.

Current Talk '07 II / Re: New member who loves Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts
« on: October 16, 2007, 05:00:41 PM »
I also enjoyed some Victoria Winters reference during the late summer 1970 storyline.


Barnabas, quizzing David, who is now possessed by Tad Collins & trying to kept that a secret, is asked (by Barnabas) who his governess was prior to Maggie Evans.

After Daphne is restored to life, David finds a trunk filled with Vicki Winters' clothes & gives them to Daphne to wear.

I agree with you one hundred per cent, Magnus. I shudder to think what the DS cast would be like if the series was on today. I am sure the networks would immediately fire Jonathan Frid & Grayson Hall & cast performers that are much younger & have toned & buff bodies - acting talent be damned! Soaps used to draw upon the NY theater community to cast their shows - many members of the DS cast could be seen on the stages of NYC on the evenings of 1966-1971. Nowadays I swear soap casting directors head for the local fitness clubs to cast their shows. And when you put these novices besides a sturdy soap vet, it becomes painfully obvious these pretenders can't hold their own. I don't want to declare all young soap performers as being inept but some of them can't act their way out of a paper bag. The younger DS performers always spoke of how much they learned about the craft of acting from working with vets like Joan Bennett, Thayer David - even Clarice Blackburn in her minor roles. I wonder if todays soap fledgings are as grateful working with seasoned survivors?

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